Origins of a Town Name

Clavicus was named because I was on a huge skyrim kick at the time, and Clavicus Vile is my favorite of the Daedric Princes in that game, and the fact that he's a Trickster Archetype fit nicely with my Mayor's name, Loki.

Powtown took a much longer time for me to name. I wanted something comic book like, but couldn't come up with any town names that immediately sounded like a comic book city, and I didn't want to use a real comic book city like Gotham. Finally I thought of how comic books use onomatopoeia, and I toyed with calling the town Wham or Ka-Pow before thinking of Powtown and deciding that sounded funner.

Balamb: named for the starting area of Final Fantasy VIII. I just couldn't think of anything else for my first town, lol.

Gilead: based off of Roland's home city in The Dark Tower series. I made Cuthbert the mayor, though, because he was my favorite of Roland's childhood friends.

Hanami: Japanese word for "flower viewing". This is my newest town and is a work in progress, but will eventually be a Zen/Flower garden town.

Bunifrey: a mashup of Bun Bun and Gallifrey. My hubby actually named this one, and it was made as a memorial for our Princess Bun Bun McCloud. (This one's definitely my favorite.)
Willow because of the trees. Ever since I was a kid I always thought those trees were beautiful. I thought it fitted since in ACNL you have a big tree on the plaza. Plus it sounds really simple yet pretty. So it's kind of nostalgic, too.
amos- my first town, and I was ten. Amos is our dog. Not my best choice.
Pies- got a new AC this summer, was trying to name it, and my dad said he wanted to stop and get a pie.( We were in the car)
Most of the names I use for my towns are names, which just come up in my mind while I'm
looking/search for one. One of my very first town name was Redford. I used this name first
in Wild World, later also in New Leaf. I can't remember how I came up with this name, but it
was one of my favorite town names for a while. Another name I mostly used is Maryhill. I was
looking for a town name which has "hill" in it, but I wasn't sure what could fit. I then came up
with Mary, one of my favorite names. So I combine both and yeah, that's how I ended up with
Maryhill. Well, and then there is Rosepool. While I was looking for new town name, I found a
website which has some tips of how to find and create a town name for Animal Crossing. And
thanks to this, that's how came up with the name.
My town's name is Ereta, I don't know if this is a real word or not, but its the name of a fake town I made up for a story. I just like how easy it is to say and sounds relaxful
For my other town, I might call it Umbra which means things like shade, shadow, or where light is completely cut off. I was already thinking my new town would be a spooky city like place so that could work out!