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Opinions on time travelling?

i do it all the time, but i dont time travel through more than two days and talking to all my villager in between just to be safe from random move outs. im a pretty impatient person, so if im stocking up of bush starts or working on hybrid farming, i personally need to time travel. without it, it would take forever
TT'ing kept my interest in AC:NL a lot longer than waiting things out would have.

no, TT'ing is not cheating and if you have a problem with anyone who does TT, just remember it's not your place to judge how other people play. :lemon:
After you play in your town for a full year, it just kinda gets repetitive, so TTing makes things interesting.

yeah basically. i played day to day in my town for about a year. came back to it after a break and went crazy with time traveling trying to catch up. i'll probably continue to time travel after i catch up to the correct date since i've experienced all the special events on their real world date already. (or i might just time travel until i hit that cherry blossom week and continue playing those days only)
I COULD TT. But I don't. I think it takes out the fun. It ruins the experience after a while. That's just me tho.
I consider time traveling a way for people to play the game. There is absolutly no problem using one of the games features to enhance your own gameplay. ACNL has added punishments - like spoiled turnips - to people who have Time Traveled, so they are obviously aware that people do it. However, if they wanted to, they could permanently shut off that feature by using a real world clock that has nothing to do with the cartridge/system. This being said, the ACNL team are aware that people do it and it is a part of the game.

Acnl is huge on collecting. There are many things that can only be acquired by Time Traveling, like the Zodiac Set, without waiting 10 years to acquire. Some people are also really busy, so if they miss a huge event, Time Traveling gives you the benefit of enjoying these special events, even for people who are not available for these times.

Using Time Traveling as a way to enhance your gameplay is not a problem in my book. However, I understand why people don't like it and would not. I am personally a huge Time Traveler, it takes so much stress of me and the game.
I time travel a lot. One day at a time typically. I think that building PWP's and doing generally anything in the game would take far too long for me. I would lose interest way too quickly.

I just hate when people call it "cheating." Like okay? I'm sorry but I can only play this game at night since I work and have school all day. I usually will play from 9pm - 11pm. With those restrictions, I'm incapable of even using the re-tail store. So yeah, it's really nice to play in real-time, but some of us have a very limited timeframe for which we can play in.

So yeah, I do like time traveling. It makes the game playable for me, and honestly I feel like it makes the game more fun in some ways.
i am a time traveling maniac. i am currently in april ((ive been in april for a long time... i like those pink tress)) but i know how to do without losing villagers or messing up w.e u can mess up. i literally go day by day & my routine goes kind of like this:

*start 11:30am(or if IRL minutes is past 30 then like :42 or :53, w.e)*
talk to faves & see if there are any rumors of anyone leaving
if not then just talk to faves just cause
water flowers
pick up random things, look for fake rocks, just things to sell
sell them & check turnip price
talk to faves
nook emporium
able sisters
talk little more & just chill & check turnips again for afternoon price

then i would save & quit & same day i would go on another account so i can build friendship with the villagers with that account.

finish then start again as mayor & next day AM
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I do it lightly. I can only play at night so if I stuck to "real time" everything would be closed all the time and most villagers sleeping. Thats no fun! So i rewind time in the same day to play.

To each his own... If you get a lot of enjoyment out of tting, i think its fine. But i will just say this. I used to time travel very heavily during city folk and after a while, i felt a bit disconnected from my town. Going slowly, at least for me, helped me build a connection to my town, a real-ness i cant explain. Maybe its because i invest more time my town by going slow? I dont know, but thats just me.
i do it all the time but i mostly just change the time depending one what i want to do
but i try to avoid changing the days as much as possible but sometimes its just hard to resist lol
I do it just because it adds excitement to the game for me. I just do all my tasks for the day, talk to all my villagers, and then I TT to the next day. I never time travel to events or anything because that would ruin all the fun for me, I guess
I prefer not to, but if I'm trying to cycle for a villager I want etc, then I am prepared to. I once tt'd to get the zodiac set for Wholockian, and I find that okay!
I TT within the same day kind of a lot? Like, I have no problem with that and if I have to do something like visit someone and I don't want to accidentally forget I'll just TT to the time I'm supposed to meet it and do it right away.

I almost never TT to another day, though. I've only done it by accident or when I was going to adopt villagers so I had to get other villagers, that were already moving, out faster and when I was going to start plot resetting villagers at 1 am the night before lol.
I never TT, and I never have. Since I have way too much free time, I just prefer to play the game day-by-day, the way it was made. It means there's always something waiting for you the next day, and keeps you hooked. Need a fossil? Gotta wait till tomorrow. Need an axe? Gotta wait till tomorrow. It keeps things fun and interesting and means everything isn't just laid out in front of you, you have to work for it.
I used to time travel when I first got the game because I was craving new content, but now whenever I play AC I just play it casually. 10-30 minutes here and there. The only time I ever change the date of my game is when the clocks go forwards/back in the UK, or when I go abroad so that I can meet the changing timezone.

I don't really have anything against people that decide to play animal crossing with time travelling. I just think that it tears away a lot of the excitement and appeal of the game. It's all about self-control, and being rewarded with a new fresh day in new leaf with new items, a slightly changed town and other things that change daily is enough to tempt me into playing it properly.

People say that they time travel because they get bored of one day, but before long they'll get bored of the game. Animal crossing is a casual game. It's supposed to be played here and there, and people that time travel don't actually know how much there is to do in one single day of the game. I know this because I used to time travel in city folk, wild world and the gc version.
I used to do it A LOT to get hybrid flowers. I still do it but at a lot slower pace now. Sometimes this game is just too slow for me. I want to breed flowers and see the completed PWPs faster so I tt. Then I usually slowly tt back to the actual date and stay on track for a while.
I don't time travel. In a way I think it's cheating and it takes the fun out of the game for me. If I can get everything I need within the first few months of the game by time traveling rather than spending a year getting everything, it kind of is a waste to me. I like games that can last long so by not time traveling it lasts longer. I also don't time travel because I don't want it to mess up my town in any way. Villagers can move out unexpectedly or villagers can move in. I'm not sure what else can happen with time traveling that is bad but I don't want to find out. As for getting rare items, I would rather get a friend get me that stuff if they are willing to time travel or I can buy it from someone here on the bell forums.
I learnt through tens and tens of town resets and breaks from playing the game that TTing wasn't really for me - I just got bored with the whole daily grind, whereas having to wait to play the next day, see who moves in etc. keeps the excitement there. I only play WW and there's a lot less stuff to do daily on there than the other games, but I often don't have the attention span to play the game for a long time so often play it in 20 minute bursts throughout the day rather than sitting down and cycling through days for a couple of hours.

It's quite interesting to see people feel the opposite though! I'm not against it, it's just that my style of playing is different in that if I get bored I'll just shut off and do something else. I used to enjoy it a ton and it's super useful for getting hybrids, but I don't want my interest in the game to frazzle out again!
I'm half and half on the time travel thing. I like taking things at a slow pace, but I recognize that I'm busy on certain parts of the year and I'll never be able to do the events in real time. I think I like using the time travel function only to do things I wouldn't be able to in normal time because, let's face it, I have real world things I need to do. I also use time travel to try and cycle villagers out, since they've been there for a long time, and I like seeing new faces. I say time traveling is cheating if you're trying to do everything fast, but if you're someone who has real world obligations and want to experience some of the events of the game, it's a nice feature to have.