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Retired Staff
Dec 28, 2004
Hey all of you that remember me. Yep, it's me, I'm not dead, eaten by a gator, or anything like that. But, something I gotta say.

I'm afraid my time on the forums are over. I've been way too busy with stuff like school and everything to the point where I just don't have time for the forums anymore. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to say bye. But, I didn't want to leave without word, because I do have a few things to say.

I wanna thank all of you that made my time here a good time. I'll say, I've seen a lot...lot that I'm not gonna forget.

:p I remember when this place first started up...yeah, it's definitely different now. So, Storm, Bul, Gohan, and everyone else that remembers me, if you're still here, thanks for all the good times.

Well, looks like I've got to be going. Thanks for all the moments, and have a good time. Don't forget me either, I won't forget you.

Well see ya Smart! You were a big help admining and all.


I'm sure we'll bump into you some other time though.

good luck with everything

Wow man.. And I thought you were eating by an alligator!


See ya man... Truly, I hope you succeed with everything you want to do. Good luck.


Edit - BTW... I got Saged at NSider.

waited a while for this didn't you?

Anyway if you ever change your mind, we should still be here ;p
Well, Smart it's been nice to get to know you. You've been a role for many of us and you will not be forgotten.

Try and stop by every once in a while, k?

See ya man. Good Luck with life and all I suppose. :gyroidsmile:

Pspt, Smart, do you have Skype? :gyroidtongue:
Goodbye Smart.

I won't forget you, you've helped me out too many times for that to happen.


If at all possible, please do try to drop in if you get the chance...
Wow thats a face I havent seen in a while and I guess wont be seeing anymore...well bye smart it was good havein you here.
I'm REALLY sorry for bumping this, but I never got the chance to say good-bye...

Bye, Smart. I remember you were always one of the coolest people here on TBT, and always the person I went to when I had questions. You were a great member, and I'll never forget you.
One must question saying goodbye when it won't be seen by the person you are saying goodbye too...