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The sad thing is that a lot of companies are actually wanting to cater to this small demographic. Hell, even women are suffering under it.

Amy Hennig, the person who wrote for fantastic games like the Blood Omen/Legacy of Kain series and Uncharted (up to 3), as well as directing Uncharted 1 and 3, was fired by the currently-SJW company Naughty Dog because she didn't agree with their feminazi views. She thought it was ridiculous how they thought about feminism and couldn't identify with their claims at all. After all, she, a woman in her 50s, had become successful in the video games industry. How? By simply doing it.

These SJWs and feminazis can complain all they want, but unless they get off their asses and start making quality titles then nothing is going to change. But let's complain about the industry instead, that'll surely fix everything. Never mind the fact that all the "VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY IS MALE-CONTROLLED" is scaring away women from even entering the industry. Good job, guys. All your complaints about how there's not enough women in the video game industry is leading to even less women in the industry.
Spot on. Their whining and criticisms against the industry is about as significant as someone criticizing the Mona Lisa when they've never picked up a paintbrush their entire life.

You want a game that's exactly how you want it to be? Who's stopping you from making it? Oh yeah that's right, you're too incompetent to program and design one so you whine and hope professionals that have successfully been in the industry for decades made it for you, but even they know your games would be crap.

I'd love to see the look on shareholders' faces if they found out a major game studio started making more games directed to these idiots. Better go sell all those shares before they become worthless!
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Could someone possibly post an unbiased, neutral outline of the major problems with GG? I've heard about it but am not well informed and many of the sources seem biased.
The most important points:

Zoe Quinn sleeps with a bunch of gaming journalists to get good reviews for her game, Depression Quest. By her own rules, sleeping with a person while you're also sleeping with a bunch of others but they don't know about it is considered rape. While she was sleeping with these journalists she had a boyfriend she was also regularly sleeping with, hence by her own definition was raping. The boyfriend posted about it on the internet, along with various things to prove his claims.

A while after this scandal comes to light, an investigative journalist finds a mailing list showing that SJW journalists from various sites talk behind the scenes to discuss what they should write about next on their websites. This includes shining light on various games because they are interesting to feminists, ignoring other games completely, as well as the journalists involved with Zoe Quinn showing abnormal interest in her game. It also shows that all the SJWs will be making sexist remarks and jokes in the mailing list, while if anyone would make the same remarks they would get called out on it by these people. There's also lots of talks about what might as well be interpreted as killing off the "gamer" archetype.

tl;dr (and with bias) SJWs/Feminists don't follow their own rules, use gaming journalism to further their own agenda, want video games to be without substance a la Gone Home so that people that enjoy video games as a hobby lose interest
The most important points:

Zoe Quinn sleeps with a bunch of gaming journalists to get good reviews for her game, Depression Quest. By her own rules, sleeping with a person while you're also sleeping with a bunch of others but they don't know about it is considered rape. While she was sleeping with these journalists she had a boyfriend she was also regularly sleeping with, hence by her own definition was raping. The boyfriend posted about it on the internet, along with various things to prove his claims.

A while after this scandal comes to light, an investigative journalist finds a mailing list showing that SJW journalists from various sites talk behind the scenes to discuss what they should write about next on their websites. This includes shining light on various games because they are interesting to feminists, ignoring other games completely, as well as the journalists involved with Zoe Quinn showing abnormal interest in her game. It also shows that all the SJWs will be making sexist remarks and jokes in the mailing list, while if anyone would make the same remarks they would get called out on it by these people. There's also lots of talks about what might as well be interpreted as killing off the "gamer" archetype.

tl;dr (and with bias) SJWs/Feminists don't follow their own rules, use gaming journalism to further their own agenda, want video games to be without substance a la Gone Home so that people that enjoy video games as a hobby lose interest

Well, for starters the definition of feminism is equality for all, regardless of sex, gender, skin color, etc. If someone claims to be a feminist (Regardless of sex, gender, skin color, etc.) but in reality is supporting 'superiority' of one particular group of people over another, then they're not really a feminist. That's not the definition, so it's better to avoid using that term if they truly are supporting superiority over another group of people.

I do feel like many videogames have sexualized women, but an easy way to fix that is perhaps to offer more clothing styles that include a wider variety and to offer more roles for women (but I do see that many games offer that already, such as WoW, where women and men can be any class). I think overall gaming is improving (Borderlands the Pre-Sequel is an example) in this area. When doing gaming shows/vlogs/etc., you can definitely target a specific audience (like age or genre), but at the same time it shouldn't be biased towards men, women, a particular race, etc.

Men are also sexualized in videogames (six pack abs, booty shorts, that sort of thing I suppose)- same thing could be applied to help with that. So long as everyone understands that clothing and gender/sex do not equal inferiority, then that would make things dramatically better. Perhaps this issue is more of 'unrealistic expectations', but then again many videogames are supposed to revolve around fantasy as a mode of escape from reality.

It's quite a complicated issue, really, and spans MUCH farther than just one facet.
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I thought feminism was equal rights for women.

Hence the bloody name?

Nope. Feminism means equal rights for all, putting everyone at the same level.

The reason why it's called feminism is due to the history behind the movement which goes far back. But essentially it means equality for all. Some people claim that "they aren't feminists, they are universalists/humanitarians/etc" but they all have the same message: equality for all.
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ex-boyfriend of zoe quinn made a big blog about how she cheated on him with video game journalists in order to get good reviews of her game. then it exploded.
ex-boyfriend of zoe quinn made a big blog about how she cheated on him with video game journalists in order to get good reviews of her game. then it exploded.

Perhaps then that says more about her individual character then. When I say this, I am focusing explicitly on her manipulation to get views, not her sex life.
That is what it means by definition, but imo a lot of feminists have warped it into an entirely different beast. Quite a large group think that "equality" is getting all of the perks that come with being a woman, while also getting treated as well as men. Simply put, it's a double standard. If I, as a male, held the door open or paid the bill on a date, it is considered "the rules". However, if a woman held the door open for me, (Not trying to offend, but never in my life have I seen this occur) I am lazy/inconsiderate.

You srsly need to get out more.

  • If you get to the door first, you hold the door open for the other person.
  • If the other person(s) with you are elderly folks, you hold the door for them.
  • If you have a free hand and the other person doesn't, you hold the door open.
That's just common ****ing courtesy. Trying to assign gender roles to it, in this day and age, is messed up. And I have never once met someone who felt that way about a god damn door.

And as long as my boyfriend makes almost 50% more than I do, he will cover more of the checks. I chip in on what's fair based on both of our incomes. If I make more that month, then I pay for more of them. That's something else I have always assumed to be common courtesy. Apparently not.

Although for those that just observe from the outside and make assumptions -- sometimes I wonder how many people see us out together and assume he thinks he "has" to be all chivalrous.
He's a mechanic, but like the cobbler's kids with no shoes, his truck has some problems. Like how my door doesn't open from the inside - so he has to let me out every time we stop somewhere. His truck has a lift-kit and no steps so I need a boost half the time. And his door doesn't open from the outside - so he helps me get in and then I have to open his door. It's just a series of unfortunate ****-alls. lolol.
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That is what it means by definition, but imo a lot of feminists have warped it into an entirely different beast. Quite a large group think that "equality" is getting all of the perks that come with being a woman, while also getting treated as well as men. Simply put, it's a double standard. If I, as a male, held the door open or paid the bill on a date, it is considered "the rules". However, if a woman held the door open for me, (Not trying to offend, but never in my life have I seen this occur) I am lazy/inconsiderate. Splitting the bill with her? "No, the guy is always supposed to pay. What is your problem?!" You can't have it both ways and call it equality. While to a lesser extent, the same issue can be applied to males. A guy who sleeps with several women? Wow, he's awesome/badass. A women who sleeps with several guys? Wow, what a whore. Once the SJWs stop being inherently biased/trying to censor any opinions that differ from theirs, I'll listen. With the argument regarding physical harassment, "A guy should NEVER slap a woman, their not as strong!" That same woman slaps a man? "Good for her, she's standing up to the patriarchy!" Tell you what, I have this crazy idea; how about no one, regardless of gender lays a finger on each other? This shouldn't even have to be an issue in the first place. It's rude/disrespectful, it hurts, it doesn't help resolve the situation, and it just makes the person more pissed off. Of course, there is a difference between doing it in spite and doing it as a means of self defense; the latter is justified.

Feminism's goal is to address the double standards that come with being a specific sex/gender/etc. It's about giving an equal voice to all parties invovled. You can be a man and be feminist, and it seems like many of the views you brought up put you in a feminist position in some ways which is good. The idea that feminism is only restricted to women is false. Men and women can help create an equal voice (along with other gender identification groups) for one another. Many of the issues you listed are in fact issues with women stereotypes and also just common courtesy; such as the double standards that come with sex lives. The issue at hand for this thread shouldn't be about how the person in question 'slept around'; that's her own business and she shouldn't be judged for that. It doesn't make her more or less of a person. The only focus should really be on the deception based on false reviews if that's occurring. But it seems like many people on this thread are already focusing on that which is good.

As for the 'warped' definition, half of it is due to a false definition of feminism but half of it also depends on the issue itself and who it involves. Now, there ARE some women's issues that focus more along the female perspective than male because it is a female problem (such as pregnancy, women's salaries being lower than males in the same field doing the same work, etc) but I won't dive too much into that since it will bring this thread off topic.

That's really all I have to say for now. If anyone is interested about feminism in general, feel free to PM me so I can help clear up some points, etc.
i have had plenty of women hold open doors for me and i never got to sex them afterwards so i guess it must be because they were just being polite??
Sorry, I couldn't tell. I don't take things like this personally, I just like to debate. I have a hard time inferring whether something is genuine or not through text.

Haha, it's cool.

I'll just edit my sig to make note that my dry humor always backfires on me. No worries. :p