Next AC Game Announced

Before you click it, press the "quote" button and see the truth.

Save your window by pressing F11.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">It's not surprising that it's yet another April's Fool joke. I sensed it before I clicked on it. My mind begin to detect those attempts.</div>

Har har har! It could be a good idea to include this song into K.K. Slider's songs. Or Resetti could mimic that upon the next reset.

Now, I would laugh!
Looks awesome! It's great they made the city bigger, because like, how was that a city before? It was smaller than your town. And also awesome how they made the Mii Masks proportionate.
When I saw the title I got excited, but I read some replies and decided not to click.
That was fun. I wish I could fall for it again.
Well that took me about an hour to get rid of....i kept re starting, but firefox would re-load my last session....