New town luck


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2014
Just started a new town after awhile and I literally got marshal moving in tomorrow.
I had the same thing happen to me!!
A year ago or so I had Cookie as my starter (still have her) and the next day Marshall moved in n.n!
That has happened to me a few time. I tend to reset often and my first villager to move in is always Marshall. Anyways have fun with your new town!
Neat! Julian moved into my town a few days after I started my town. I thought he was cool, but I didn't realize how popular he was until I checked the forums. I only saw Marshal once in my campground, but I had 10 villagers at the time.
Cool beans! I had Julian from the start of my game, but didn't know how popular he was and was pretty nonchalant when he moved out. But congrats to you!