MrMr's Town-Care Service!


Voted Best RPer (TBT Awards 2016)
Jan 16, 2010
Pink Balloon
Pink Balloon
Purple Balloon
Purple Balloon
Toy Hammer
Dreamy Party Popper
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Tulip
MrMr's Town-Care Service
Welcome! This is a service which I help your town in many ways.
None of this is a lot of money. I may sometimes do it for free!
I do many different services!
The services I do include...
  • Weed Picking - 10 minutes - 5,000 Bells
  • Flower Watering! - 10 minutes - 10,000 Bells
  • Trash Picking! - 10 minutes - 2,500 Bells
  • And almost anything else you may think of!
  • Every other 10 minutes the price will be 2x higher.
  • (Ex. Weed picking 20 minutes is 10,000 bells.)
I may start to give staff positions, but just wait.
That's it! Tell me if you have any problems or questions!
MrMr said:
Oh, forgot that.. One second.
Thats still pretty vague. You should do it by 10minute slots. So if it takes over 10minutes of STRAIGHT work you should be paid X amount.
>Weed Picking - 10 minutes - 1,000 Bells

>Flower Watering*! - 10 minutes - 5,500 Bells

>Trash Picking! - 10 minutes - 500 Bells

>And almost anything else you may think of!

If i spend say 20 minutes i will obviously charge x2 the amount.
*Flowers may cost more if they are Hybrids and also if I were to accidently trample one of your flowers you will be given a replacement flower or a discount.

I've improved it
MrMr said:
We're talking big here.
Well people RARELY use others for weeds, they just dupe lamps. And plus on a large scale you'll make money since a LARGE scale weed infection with thoose large flowers will take you over 40minutes.
Add a service: Plant new flowers

SInce you most likely have Nookingtons, you can add this new service for people who need more town improvement. That would lead to more customers wanting the new batch of flowers every day. Use a certain amount of the stuff in Nook's shop. Also: If you have a silver watering can I would like to buy one.

Add me, I'm your first customer. Here's what I need:
Flower Watering
Weed Picking
New Flowers

Be sure to put the flowers in a way that would make hybrids.
Trying to steal my thunder, eh, MrMr?

Let me know if you'd like any assistance.
If people start using this often, I'll hire some people. Workers will be paid by what they work.
Ehingen Guy said:
Trying to steal my thunder, eh, MrMr?

Let me know if you'd like any assistance.
Aaron has thunder? :0
Then Nixie has lightning! :3

Hmm, you can try to a "tree" service
eg: planting different types of them, money trees for people who don't have the golden shovel/don't know where to, also cutting them down for people who don't have unbreakable axes...
Sanji said:
MrMr said:
We're talking big here.
Well people RARELY use others for weeds, they just dupe lamps. And plus on a large scale you'll make money since a LARGE scale weed infection with thoose large flowers will take you over 40minutes.
But you can't stop him from doing what he wants...
Besides he's just bored and trying to help people.