mental illnesses?

I have a bit of scoial anxiety which is getting better
i also have sort of violent thoughts when angry and am very dangerous when im mad
I have Bipolar Mood Disorder (Type 2) - which statistically has the highest rate of suicides of all the mental illnesses, and is different from Multiple Personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder - Bipolar (or Manic Depression) is a Mood Disorder that is a fluctuation between Mania or Hypomania (an elevated mood) where I am very creative and talk fast, have a lot of energy, and spend money recklessly, take risks, and don't sleep or eat much and get irritable easily. Then swing into periods of severe depression a few weeks later where I don't have any motivation to do anything at all. Bipolar works like gravity - what goes up, must come down. If you can prevent the "highs" (the Manic phases) you can prevent the crashes (the depressions).

I also have PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (like Shell Shock in War Veterans except I was never in a war). and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder.

Stress triggers my symptoms a lot, so stress management is key.
I have hypochondria, and OCD (just obsessive thoughts, not neat and tidy and stuff) and a bit of general anxiety ;_;
everything flared up after the death of my grandma, but other than that, i have nothing else c:
I have social anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder, and agoraphobia (fear of leaving the house). I've had social anxiety almost my whole life. I had my first anxiety attack when I was about five and Santa Claus came to my Pre-K class. I burst into tears when they called my name because he was a stranger and they'd just taught us strangers were bad.
I first realized that something was wrong with me when I was 12. I was depressed all the time, would come home from school in tears on a daily basis, and had no friends. I begged my mother to put me in therapy and she refused to do so for two years until I was diagnosed with epilepsy and began having stress-related seizures. I was 14 and that's when I was originally diagnosed with depression.
I first started having mood swings when I was 17. My mom complained about them to my counselor, who did nothing and said that my epilepsy medication would help because it was a mood stabilizer. It did not help. Now, I'm 24 and was just recently diagnosed with social anxiety, borderline personality disorder. BPD is a personality disorder that is caused by severe childhood abuse and/or trauma, and is often confused with bipolar disorder, making it hard to diagnose. It is characterized by rapid mood swings, sometimes even on a daily basis, that alternate between anxious or depressed, and impulsive behavior. For example, I am an impulsive shopper. People with BPD tend to feel emotions longer and more intensely than other people, which is why we are prone to fits of rage in situations other people might not see as a big deal. We also have a black and white outlook on society and life, meaning everyone we meet is either good or bad.
I have social anxiety and have found uni very hard so far, and it was worsened by my ex who was depressed and suicidal and relied on me too much, then got abusive.. hence why he's an ex now
I have Bipolar Mood Disorder (Type 2) - which statistically has the highest rate of suicides of all the mental illnesses, and is different from Multiple Personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder - Bipolar (or Manic Depression) is a Mood Disorder that is a fluctuation between Mania or Hypomania (an elevated mood) where I am very creative and talk fast, have a lot of energy, and spend money recklessly, take risks, and don't sleep or eat much and get irritable easily. Then swing into periods of severe depression a few weeks later where I don't have any motivation to do anything at all. Bipolar works like gravity - what goes up, must come down. If you can prevent the "highs" (the Manic phases) you can prevent the crashes (the depressions).

I also have PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (like Shell Shock in War Veterans except I was never in a war). and Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder.

Stress triggers my symptoms a lot, so stress management is key.

To add to my post, I was diagnosed at 16. I am 23 now, soon to be 24. So I have had this illness for a long time. Still working on finding the right combination of medications to keep me stable. As soon as we find something that works, something environmental happens (like my mother's death in 2010) that tips the scales and sends me back to square one again.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been very helpful I find. Meditation and Excersize is good too.

I am a Psychology Major in university. I like learning about my disorder from an academic standpoint.

I have been hospitalized 3 times:

The first time, my diagnosis at 16, was for 4 weeks in the adolescent unit.
The second time was for 7 weeks and was an amazing experience. We had a full calendar of events every day and a well-funded facility with an excersize room that we would go to 3 times a week. When I was discharged I went to an 8-week outpatient program.
The third time I was in a different city with a less-funded hospital that didn't have a good mental health unit. I was there for 3 weeks and it was horrible. Followed by a 3 week outpatient program.
Recently I did that 3 week outpatient program again as a refresher course in CBT.

I have attempted suicide many times, mostly overdosing on pills. That has always been my method, ever since I was prescribed antidepressants at 14 years old (when they incorrectly diagnosed me with depression).

I am lucky to live in Canada where I can stay in the hospital for free until I get better and stay as long as I need to without having to pay anything.
Here are the ones I have.....

-Depresive Disorder

-Aspergers Syndrome

-Panic Attack Disorder

-Obesessive Compulsive Disorder

-Social Anxiety Disorder

-Generalized Anxiety Disorder

-Dependent Personality Disorder

And I have a certain form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.....

It's not very fun dealing with all of these but I am trying the best I can do to go through with them! ^_^
I can't really say as I've never been diagnosed over the fear of them making things worse.
I know its not normal to avoid your loved ones and never letting anyone get close to you. Forming and keeping relationships is difficult for me. I live a lonely life, its not fun. So I have anxiety and trust issues.

Question for those who been diagnosed, did it help you or make things worse?
I can't really say as I've never been diagnosed over the fear of them making things worse.
I know its not normal to avoid your loved ones and never letting anyone get close to you. Forming and keeping relationships is difficult for me. I live a lonely life, its not fun. So I have anxiety and trust issues.

Question for those who been diagnosed, did it help you or make things worse?

I also live that same way. I try to make friends online and I don't like to tell them too much about me. If they ever ask for my Facebook or Skype or something, it's highly likely that will be one of the last things they say to me because to them, I'll pretty much disappear off the face of the earth and they'll never hear from me again.

I was diagnosed with OCD and I don't think it really affected me or made it worse, I think my illness just naturally got worse on its own.
People questioning whether they should seek treatment/diagnosis -- DO IT. If you can find a counselor that you can form a connection with, that lifeline can pull you out of some very dark places and change your life. And if you have a chemical imbalance, medication can work total wonders in just how you feel on a day-to-day basis and raise your baseline mood, enabling you to make further progress in becoming the happy awesome person you want to be. I am a huge proponent of the therapy/medication combo, it's proven to be twice as effective as either medication or therapy alone... and it definitely worked for me.
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I can't really say as I've never been diagnosed over the fear of them making things worse.
I know its not normal to avoid your loved ones and never letting anyone get close to you. Forming and keeping relationships is difficult for me. I live a lonely life, its not fun. So I have anxiety and trust issues.

Question for those who been diagnosed, did it help you or make things worse?

Look, if you think you need treatment or if your physician thinks you need it or whoever, then get it. I, currently, am in neutral territory and can't really say whether or not my diagnoses have helped me. When I first found out about my BPD I went into a month-long depression caused by self-stigma. I also actually haven't started treatment for it yet because my psychiatrist is trying to determine what kind of therapy would be best for me. As for the others, I deal with my anxiety a lot better than I was able to before, but I've really gotten nowhere with my depression and agoraphobia. That's because my family was very poor when I was initially diagnosed with depression as a teenager, and I was only able to see government-provided psychiatrists and counselors, who usually wrote a note for my prescriptions and sent me on my merry way. I'm going to try and find a better doctor, though, come in November when I will, hopefully, have health insurance because I only see my current psychiatrist once a month when I'm supposed to be receiving weekly psychotherapy.
However, everyone's experience with mental illness is different and just because some people had it bad, that does not mean you should sit around being anxious and depressed until you find yourself in a psych ward on suicide watch or something. I know that may sound extreme, but it's the truth. It is never a good idea to wait if you think you need help, IMO.
Ugh, sorry I just deleted all that. I regretted posting it as soon as I did. A lot of you guys are very young here, and I don't want my info/experience to effect anyone negatively. My experience with depression is probably too much to share on a gaming site.
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I might have a slightly psychopathic side. I don't get mad easily and if I am, you wouldn't know. I'm thought of as "nice" by most everyone, but what I really want to do is throw stuff at the people who annoy me. I don't understand emotions or how to empathize . I enjoy manipulating people and watching people I hate cry.

ME 2 BUT I SHOW MY PHYSCO SIDe, i actually try to hurt people
I'm on anti-psychotic medication now.. It's to (hopefully) help alleviate me from my hallucinations and get me better rest at night. I haven't really noticed an effect so far, but hopefully I will soon.

This last part might be best in the "What's bothering you right now?" thread, but I feel it has a good place here too.
I don't know exactly when it happened, but a few years ago my parents pretty much stopped understanding me. I've always had depression, and obviously my autism didn't just pop out of nowhere. It both angers and saddens me that no matter how much I try to talk things through with them they just don't care to see my point of view. It's either what they see or nothing at all.
I've broken so many things just out of pure frustration and nearly murderous anger. Sometimes I would love nothing more than to hurt my mom or myself, but I keep myself from doing it. I've already hurt myself plenty of times, going as far as having broken bones over these fights.
Yesterday there was another argument, and when they tell me that I don't listen to them and somehow hide behind my autism, it just drives me up the wall. I punched out a small window in our house because I couldn't take it anymore. At that point I wanted it to cut me up, but I guess in hindsight it's good that it didn't. They also threatened to call the police on me, because I'm the one hurting their feelings. They keep telling me they care, yet ignore everything I have to tell them, telling me I hide behind it.

Those are the problems I'm mostly having with my mental instabilities. The people who are supposed to be closest to me do not support me in this at all. Not anymore at least. I'll continue seeking psychiatric help as I am now, but as things are now, I'd rather not see them again once I am able to move out.
i have ptsd (which i kind of umbrella under my GAD), tendencies toward anorexia, depression, adhd, (all diagnosed by family doctor) and soon i'll (hopefully) be seeing a psychiatrist to see if any of these things are related to some greater issue because life would be a lot easier if i didn't feel like i had all these labels piling up on me and it was just one treatable issue making me feel like poop
sigh ;a;

(not to mention scoliosis, anemia, and mild tibial torsion, but those are physical ;o; im just a pile of human junk jeez louise)

i used to take strattera for my adhd when i was younger but my mom pulled me off of it and then refused to let me go back to my psychiatrist (along with my dentist and doctors for some reason..) so life was pretty rough after that and it continues to be rough
i've also taken prozac, klonopin, and xanax for my anxiety/depression issues because ive resorted to rly drastic things for those before and i dont ever wanna go back to that but prozac never worked for me and it is really hard to find a psychiatrist these days apparently (i've been hung up on so many times it gets really irksome) so i can access klonopin (which i prefer over xanax)

i've tried adderall for adhd but i feel like it's just exacerbated by all the other issues.. and adderall helps the anxiety but again, hard to get without a psychiatrist, and apparently none of them want to see me

blah blah i feel like im babbling a lot but i really don't have anyone else to tell this to at this moment in life

also until reading through this thread i didn't know panic disorder was its own disorder? that's really interesting. i have a lot of panic attacks that are triggered by things like loud noises and flashbacks to bad experiences or just being stuck in my own head..i guess i should add it to the list of things i need to ask my potential psychiatrist about
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