Lyamond Crossing [Fanfic]


Friendship is Magic!
Jan 11, 2014
Hello all, and welcome to Lyamond Crossing!
This is the story of Animal Crossing: New Leaf, retold to feature the town of Lyamond, a small town of... Well, nothing! Until Kai moves there, a nervous young man leaving his family for the first time. His world changes, as does the world around him, and he learns the unbelievable power of making a difference.

Don’t let it get to you.
Don’t let it flood you.
Keep it under control.

The train rolled on, quiet on the inside, a loud racket on the outside.
It’s not too far.
You can handle it.
It’ll be simple.

A strawberry-blonde boy was riding in a train, sitting in the seat in front of a younger girl and a cat. The cat approached her, and they had been talking ever since. About where she was going, and the cat’s friends there, how he only wore the same type of sweater all the time…
The boy was wearing a gray parka, with faded blue jeans and blue high-top sneakers. In his jacket pocket was his red glasses, which he only wore when needed. Beyond that, all he had was his bright red backpack with a holiday sweater and a perfect peach.
His thoughts were racing, transitioning between fear and uncertainty. He was only nineteen years old, from a small village. He had lived with his family for most of his life. Now, he was sent out. He was told it was time for him to start a life of his own. And he was not ready.
To begin with, he wasn’t even sure where it was he was headed. All he knew was the name, Lyamond. The cat behind him had stopped for just a second to ask about him. When the boy mentioned Lyamond, the cat laughed. He said there wasn’t much there but a few citizens and some fruit trees. After that, he kept on walking.
Just get by.
Before he could think much more, the train stopped. The conductor called out for any citizens of Lyamond, and the boy sighed. He stood, as the cat waved goodbye, and walked out the door.
As soon as he stepped out, he didn’t even have time to look around. A monkey was there, with party poppers. The monkey jumped back with surprise, fumbled around for a bit, and dropped the poppers. The boy immediately crouched down to help him grab them, but they were stuck to the railroad. As the two picked them up, they all popped.
“I- I’m sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to-“ the boy apologized.”
“No, Mayor, I’m sorry! Oh, that didn’t go as well as planned, EEK!”
The boy stepped back. “Mayor? No, no, I think you’re-“ Before he could finish his sentence, the monkey hopped out the door to the train station. The boy dropped his backpack and ran out, only to see a group of animals cheering.
A yellow dog ran up to him. “Welcome, Mayor! I’m Isabelle, and I’ll be your secretary!” Behind her was a purple cat, a brown dog, two little brown raccoons, a navy blue wolf, two llamas, three hedgehogs, and a white cat.
The white cat walked up and shook the boy’s hand lightly. “Hello Mayor, and welcome to Lyamond! I’m Olivia.” She then went on to introduce the other animals nearby. The purple cat was Bob. The blue wolf was Wolfgang. Then there were Timmy and Tommy. And Cyrus and Reese. And Sable, Mable, and… Was it… Label? Or Labelle? Everything moved extremely quickly, far too fast for the boy to comprehend.
Bob yelled out from the audience, dropping his peach. “What’s your name, Mayor?”
The boy was dumbfounded, and could hardly speak. The awkward tension in the air made it hard for him to form words. But, he found the sentence soon after.
“My name is Kai. I’m new here, but I’m not your mayor. I can’t be.”
Isabelle pulled out a letter. “But, it says here…” She looked up from the letter, with an awkward laugh. “Apparently our actual new mayor backed out of the job.”
The brown dog, named Digby, took the letter. “You didn’t proofread, did you.”
Isabelle blushed and stepped back.
All the animals started talking, too quickly to understand what they were saying. All Kai could understand was their fear, of being without a leader.
Instantly, Kai understood that feeling. They felt they had no one to guide them through their lives… Just like, now, he was on his own. No one to help him or lead him through the troubles.
I can’t believe I’m about to do this…
Kai stepped forward, with a sigh. “Excuse me, everyone?”
All the animals stopped and turned to him.
“I’ll be your new mayor.”
Kai stepped outside of his new house. He looked over the edge of the cliff, which was just about fifteen feet away, to the ocean below.
I guess I did always want a house by the beach…
He pulled out the letter Isabelle handed him. The first thing on her list was for him to visit the town hall. He looked up, and saw that it was almost right behind his house.
“Convenient.” He muttered.
He stepped over the tulips growing through the snow next to his fence, and began his walk. All of a sudden, something fell and hit his head.
“Ow!” he bent down to pick it up. It was a golden peach. His thoughts drifted back to his backpack, so he checked inside. His was still there.
Another one fell, this time right behind him. “What…?” He picked up that one too. Then, right after, a nasty, rotten peach plopped right in front of his shoes, followed by a huge shower of leaves.
“Okay, what’s going on?” Kai brushed the leaves off of his shoulders, almost dropping the peaches. He looked around, then up and the dead tree right behind his house.
“Heya, pthhhpth. Are you gonna eat that?” Bob dropped out of the tree next to him, landing perfectly on his feet.
Kai shook his head and handed Bob the two peaches. Bob laughed, and then pulled out an axe.
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Kai stumbled back. He started backing up slowly, and Bob stepped towards him.
“Pthhhpth,” Bob grinned. “Nobody takes my food.”
Kai closed his eyes, bracing himself for the attack, but then heard a loud crack and laughter. Bob was chopping down the dead tree. He turned his head back to Kai. “Come on, pthhhpth. I wouldn’t really hit you with this.”
Kai blinked, still sort of in shock. The tree fell over, and Bob then proceeded to sit on the stump. He pulled out the peaches and bit one, then stuck the other one out for Kai.
Kai nodded slowly, and took it. “Thanks.”
Bob laughed, barely able to swallow. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that badly. I thought it was funny, pthhhpth.” He finished his peach and leaned back. “You’re a cool guy, you know that? I could use a friend like you, pthhhpth. Hey, wanna come see my house?”
Kai chewed on the peach, which was amazingly sweet. It tasted like nectar, and he couldn’t help but feel better. He looked up at Bob, who was smiling.
He’s so happy, and friendly. Does he have no fears at all? Nothing to bother him?
“Sure,” Kai responded. Bob jumped up and started walking off. Kai stood up quickly, finished the peach, and followed. Bob had been talking the whole way.
“… and then he ate my fish! Can you believe it? I gave it to him, he measures it, tells me I’m still not winning, pthhhpth, and then eats it! I had never been more surprised in my entire life!” Bob didn’t miss a beat. He talked, and talked, and talked, and Kai tried to follow, but Bob just seemed to have so many stories. And he loved to tell them.
They made it to his house, which looked like something out of a cartoon. Kai admired the creativity of it all, with the colors, the chimney, and everything. Bob was extremely proud of his decoration. He let Kai in, and immediately went to his drawer and pulled out another peach.
“So, anyway, how do you become a mayor? Do you take a test?” he asked. Kai sat down on the couch and shrugged.
“I don’t know, honestly. I didn’t plan for this to happen at all. I just volunteered.”
“You’ve got to have some experience, pthhhpth?”
“No, not at all. I just moved from home a few days ago.”
Bob just stared for a bit, and then started laughing. Kai was a little unsure, but Bob didn’t stop. So Kai couldn’t help but join in.
“Oh, Kai, pthhhpth.” Bob stopped and stood up. “I trust you. You’ll be a great mayor.”
“But how do you know?”
Bob just looked out the window, and laughed again. “Because. You just seem like a great friend, pthhhpth. And everyone knows that’s the first step you have to take in being a leader.”
Kai pondered on this for a bit, but not for long. Bob came back and sat down, and the two talked for almost an hour. About food, mostly, but Kai was happy nonetheless.
“Didn’t you have somewhere you were going, pthhhpth? I saw it on the letter.”
Kai stopped for a minute, and then it hit him. “I was supposed to meet Isabelle an hour ago!!” He jumped up and dashed towards the door, running out and almost tripping over the ground.
“Best of luck, Kai!” Bob yelled, waving after him. “I guess I’ll take a nap now, pthhhpth.”

"Thank you, thank you all for coming!" Isabelle smiled, standing in front of Kai. He looked past her at the townsfolk, all fidgeting with excitement. "Today we celebrate the welcoming of a new, exciting era in Lyamond." She stepped aside and motioned for Kai to step forward.
He did, and the townsfolk all started clapping. He couldn't help but to start smiling.
"Kai has only recently moved here, and it just so happened to be at the time when we needed him most. Those of you here are the only ones left, and the ones who have stayed loyal since Lyamond's fall from grace..."
What? Fall from grace? Was I missing something?
"... And since Mayor Keith's departure..."
Mayor WHO?
"... which left an impression on us all, a mark we will never forget."
All the citizens looked on with a solemn gaze. None seemed to have a single thought in their head. Was there someone before me that actually... Destroyed this place?
"Nonetheless, we have all moved on. The flowers have grown back, the fish have returned, and business is starting to grow!" All the animals were clapping now, a bursting applause. "And, in this time of recovery and our brightest peak since our fall, we now have a glimmer of hope in Mayor Kai!" The applause grew.
Kai looked around, seeing a glow on the face of each of the animals. He smiled, and saw their smiles grow.
"Now, Mayor Kai, if you could dig a hole right here in this plot." He did so, and Isabelle handed him a special sapling.
"Do I plant this?" he asked.
"Yes, please."
He did so, and immediately it seemed to bounce with life. He looked down at the sapling, and noticed a golden light shine across it for just a second.
What was that? He looked for a bit longer, but it didn't happen again.
He stood up to see if anyone else noticed it, but they were all too busy celebrating.
Isabelle grabbed Kai's arm and lead him down towards the villagers. "Come on Mayor, let's go have some fun with everyone!" She smiled and started walking on ahead, dragging him along.
Kai smiled at everyone, and decided to celebrate alongside them. But in his head, he couldn't get those thoughts out.
What happened to this place, and who is Keith?

And what just happened with that sapling?
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That would be very helpful!

I'll be doing each cameo in a unique way, so a character description would help too.
You wouldn't mind if I did a fanfic on my town too right? You have inspired me :D
hey, kai, i have an idea for you.

with my story (b4 urs ahhaahaahl0sers)

i put villager "journals" and they had a writing quirk.

ex. rosie: talks with lots of exicment !!! and spelled things wwrong alot and has run-on sentences and maybe uses lots of these !!!! and doodles.
@Syd I don't mind. ^^ Go for it!

@Makkine That's pretty sweet! I had an idea, something sort of similar. I wanted to use letters to start off every villager-centered chapter.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I've been thinking of tying in some references to lost features of previous games, such as NES games, shrubs, Island villagers, the Dump, acres, and even maybe some hints on glitches or secret features~

What do you all think? I want to know how you really feel about that, and what characters or features you'd like to see in the future chapters.

Like, maybe... WISP, THE GHOST? :O


Let me know what you think!
I've been thinking of tying in some references to lost features of previous games, such as NES games, shrubs, Island villagers, the Dump, acres, and even maybe some hints on glitches or secret features~

What do you all think? I want to know how you really feel about that, and what characters or features you'd like to see in the future chapters.

Like, maybe... WISP, THE GHOST? :O


Let me know what you think!

Yes. Definitely! That would make it even more interesting to read. I would love to read that and I hope you do it. I think you should put in a Katie chapter too, I'd love to read that.
Yes. Definitely! That would make it even more interesting to read. I would love to read that and I hope you do it. I think you should put in a Katie chapter too, I'd love to read that.

Thank you. ^^ And I have already considered one of those- quite early on, actually!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I am keen to know what is this forum about?

This thread here is about my fanfiction story, Lyamond Crossing. It's set in the game of New Leaf, with some references to past games as well.
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Yes! Add old game additions, that would be perfect! Also I enjoyed chapter 2, can't wait for chapter 3. :eek: