Looking to make ACNL adult only friends

I added you! My Friend code is 3669-1467-6271.

My name is Bailey Rose, I'm 22, from Iowa, USA. Anyone can add me if they want!

- - - Post Merge - - -

I added you! I'm also 22, my friend code is 3669-1467-6271 :)
I will go through and add people too. I am Freya and I'm 20 from the UK :)

Friend code: 4914-5033-7895
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Yay, a thread just for us elder folks! :p I thought I was the only 25+ crosser. Anyone can pm me to visit for shops or re-tail!
Hi! I've been playing ACNL for a couple of years now but just started a new town. I'm 21, live in Florida, and looking for adult friends too! In the process of adding most everyone from this thread. Please feel free to add me as well!

FC: 3583 3401 3635
Also added pretty much everyone in this thread!
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Hi everyone, my name is Halle. I'm new to the forums, but not to animal crossing. I'm 21 years old from the South Carolina, US. Unfortunately I never get to play this game with people so I hope some of you add me! I typically log on everyday, so I will be an active friend if you add me.
My code is: 2122-7966-1796
Hi everyone, my name is Halle. I'm new to the forums, but not to animal crossing. I'm 21 years old from the South Carolina, US. Unfortunately I never get to play this game with people so I hope some of you add me! I typically log on everyday, so I will be an active friend if you add me.
My code is: 2122-7966-1796

Added you. Mine is 2681 0572 8936
Hi everyone, my name is Halle. I'm new to the forums, but not to animal crossing. I'm 21 years old from the South Carolina, US. Unfortunately I never get to play this game with people so I hope some of you add me! I typically log on everyday, so I will be an active friend if you add me.
My code is: 2122-7966-1796

Added you. Mine is 2681 0572 8936