Just me, or do i rather New Leaf to New Horizons?

At first I prefered NL to NH but with the new update coming, I might change my mind. New reactions, more storage space, and Harvest day are steps in the right direction for the game and even more changes like villager visits and more activities to do will make this game so much more fun.
I have played almost all versions of this game. While each has some things I love that the others lack, I do feel NH is my favorite. I love dressing my character up, that was one thing that some of the other games lacked. I had rooms and storage full of clothes in NL, but NH clothing options are far superior.
I loved decorating houses in all the games and while NL probably has most of my favorite furniture sets, NH makes me decorate outside what I am used to and I like how I have mixed things together, which I normally wouldn't do. There are some things I miss from other games, but if I had to weigh out everything, NH comes out on top for me.
There are plenty of things about NH that I wish were different, and some things I am hoping will be added/changed with time. But the one thing all of the games have in common for me is that I eventually get bored of all of them. I can go a year or two without playing and then crave it and start over with a new game and delve right back in again until I get bored again. That is probably one of the biggest downfalls of NH for me is that I cannot get another island without getting another switch. Because even when I get bored I do like to keep my fully done game and start a new one. I had so many cartridges of all the versions I played and that helped keep the boredom at bay. I think I will burn out faster in this game. I already have several times, but the updates keep me coming back and playing again. So I guess as long as the updates keep coming it will keep me coming back...but how long are these updates going to last? I know it was said they have several years worth, I just hope they are interesting enough to keep me coming back.
I have debated on restarting my island but I don't want to lose what I have, however, I crave a new start. This time I can't just go out and buy another game, so I put it down for a month or two or three at a time then come back to it. I have redone my island several times, I have added more characters so I can create more rooms and dress more characters up, but it isn't the same as having a whole new island and different neighbors and aesthetic.
All this to say, I still find NH my favorite out of all of them though.
I play new horizons on my brothers switch, can't use internet though. I really like the avatar customization in the switch game, I'd probably have more fun with new horizons if I actually owned it.
Honestly I loved NL when it was a thing still, but since new horizons I just can’t go back
It's good to see there are other people out there who prefer NL to NH.

I bought NH as soon as it came out, and then ended up returning it. I didn't hate it... I just don't like it as much as NL. I appreciated a lot of NH's QOL things, like no grass deterioration and not having to wait for Shampoodle to get the kind of hair I wanted. But, honestly, the one thing that killed it for me more than anything was the loss of my favorite furniture sets from NL. No Rococo, no Insect set, no Sweets set, Gorgeous set, Princess set, Regal set... I know there are a few new furniture sets in NH, and they did bring back a few of ones I loved (like Horoscope), but it's just not the same. I feel like I can't get as hyped waiting for the next holiday just knowing that I'll end up with a bunch of DIY recipes. I tried to be open-minded about the crafting, but I didn't really find it fun, and furniture crafting wasn't a worthwhile replacement for trashing all the beautiful old furniture sets, IMO.

I also prefer the one static Tortimer Island from NL to the randomly generated islands in NH. The novelty wore off quickly, and I missed the comfort of having one island to do all my beetle/shark catching.

Edited to add the music as a definite plus to NL over NH. Also, I feel like villagers are a lot more one-dimensional in NH than NL. The Lazy villagers especially are too heavily flanderized and come across as just plain dopey.
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I think when it comes to interiors, which is my main enjoyment, I prefer New Leaf. We had so many more set options and furniture pieces to work with. So, it's been a big source of apathy for me in NH...it's hard wanting to make a certain idea knowing the items I could have used from NL and what we don't have to work with in NH. Alternatively, it's pretty boring seeing how many minimal amounts of sets we have so it becomes kind of dry seeing people's interiors since we all only have a few things to work with on a large scale.

So, in that concept, I def think NL outweighs NH for me...but in most other concepts, I think NH is still enjoyable and more progressive.
I’ve got new leaf back in 2016/2017 and I enjoyed the game. I found it fun, I found the customising of houses to outdoor public works fun. And the neighbour system with the campsite was nice to have new villagers enter in.
Plus Brewster building. It’s a beauty.
The whole Main Street, the island travel with games. It feels like a lot was put in there.

However I prefer New Horizons more than New Leaf.
New Horizons gave you diys, Placing furniture outside, terraforming and putting inclines in. You have more clothing options than just qr codes, more flowers and easier to get neighbours with the nmt island hopping.

Plus I find it easier to get bells in the new horizon version, then the new leaf version. Which makes loan repayments and buying things more better.

They both have issues, like new leaf grinding of public works being a drain and new horizons still missing features. But new horizons has a lot more to do on the surface, to keep me entertained in the design aspect and General game functions.
I can't say overall i prefer New leaf over new horizations, but I do like the furnitures better in New Leaf. I don't have official records but it feels like NL has more furnitures than NH if not counting in the color variants? Also, the furnitures in NL fits so many different aethetics which i feel like is limited in NH. I miss the igloo in the water, and the PwPs in NL. The villager dialogues in NL is definitely also more interesting than NH. There were some pretty funny conversations that would crack me up from now and then when i played NL, and comparatively, NH dialogues are just bland in my opinion.
I’m not sure which I prefer more to be honest, since I hardly play both of them anymore. I’m disheartened that there are a serious lack of NL players anymore, but I like NH graphics and some nifty features like wands and placing buildings wherever you want. Though, there are simply New Leaf things I like better such as feeling complete and loveable NPCs. Just my two cents though.
This is going to sound weird, but I honestly think New Leaf looks better than New Horizons! The natural paths are gorgeous in New Leaf while the rectangular paths in New Horizons are less than desireable to me.

Not to mention the better dialogue in New Leaf. I’ve been playing more of New Leaf and less of New Horizons lately.
From what I have soon of new horizons (I don't own a switch XD) from yt videos and people i know playing it I love both of them equally.
They're both different in so many ways which adds to both their charms
I returned to New Leaf a week ago and was hit by how much more calming and relaxing the game is due to its soundtrack. The graphics and hairstyles are hard to look at now that I've been spoiled with New Horizons though. I also really miss the wardrobe we have with New Horizons. Picking outfits is so much harder.

New Leaf is still a great game, and I actually might do another play through soon. I just really hate how PWP are handled. Isabelle is definitely involved in some kind of racketeering and money laundering. The PWP projects are ridiculous to unlock, cost too much, you can only build 1 per day, and you are limited to a maximum of 30. The amount of effort to add a streetlamp or park bench is over 100x more compared to New Horizons.
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Plus I find it easier to get bells in the new horizon version, then the new leaf version. Which makes loan repayments and buying things more better.

In New Leaf, as soon as you unlock the island, you can start making up to a million bells per night by catching beetles on the island. It should take about 20 minutes per trip and each trip you make about 250,000 bells IIRC.

Also, thanks to re-tail, you can sell duplicate fossils to villagers anywhere from 4000-9000 bells each.
The PWP projects are ridiculous to unlock, cost too much, you can only build 1 per day, and you are limited to a maximum of 30.
42,000 bells for one yellow bench? That dog won’t hunt, Monsignor...

I got back into New Leaf after Welcome Amiibo, I played for 3 years straight and never got a request for the Police Station.

I was heartbroken because I really wanted Cooper, lol.
I just feel like new leaf is more complete than new horizons, however the fact that we can fully customize our islands in horizons with water, fences, and 100% out furniture outside tips the scale in my favor of new horizons.
I really like new leaf's pwp system, but I hate that there's a limit.... And it takes time to perfect the grid layout there.
42,000 bells for one yellow bench? That dog won’t hunt, Monsignor...

I got back into New Leaf after Welcome Amiibo, I played for 3 years straight and never got a request for the Police Station.

I was heartbroken because I really wanted Cooper, lol.

I got the game on release date and didn't get the police station for at least 5 years. Granted I wasn't playing much over those years
I just feel like new leaf is more complete than new horizons, however the fact that we can fully customize our islands in horizons with water, fences, and 100% out furniture outside tips the scale in my favor of new horizons.
I really like new leaf's pwp system, but I hate that there's a limit.... And it takes time to perfect the grid layout there.

Placing furniture outside is a big winner. It's so easy to add benches outside, little rest areas, camp fires, etc.

Being able to move buildings in New Horizons though is definitely an amazing thing as well. In New Leaf, you're stuck with the placement of Re-tail, and wherever you decide to build the Café or Police station will be permanent.

At first glance, terraforming was cool but now I'm not too big of a fan, and it's just one more thing to worry about as I'm constantly wanting to reterraform my island while also not knowing exactly how I want to. When I figure something out, I spend days terraforming, and I'm happy, but then I start hating it again weeks later. So not being able to terraform just removes the need to worry about it.
I loved NL for the first several years when it was new. It has a lot I still like about it but after 1000+ hours I got super burnt out on it. So NH has actually been a nice breath of fresh air. I still consider NL to be really good, but I just can’t bring myself to play it anymore cause I had finished everything I could possibly want in that game. I had all golden tools, dream villagers, PWPs, furniture sets, fully decorated houses, a complete museum etc.
Oh wow, I‘m really surprised at how many replies are on this thread in one day! I love NL dearly, and I have moments where I am playing like crazy everyday and then I get burnt out. Right now, I’m in that burnt out stage and I’m focusing on New Horizons now. I do feel that NH is incomplete, and I’m trying to wait several months after the numerous free updates (will that mean we’ll have to pay for an update eventually?) to make it feel more complete. The villager dialogue in NH is a lot worse than NL, but I do like NH‘s graphics better of course. I’m just surprised at the lack of additions that were so obviously left out from NL such as hair, furniture, and villager dialogue. It‘s weird how we can now have blue skin and golden eyes in NH but still lack fundamental hair colors and styles present in every game. But overall, I hope that NH steps up their game.