Just curious: Summer Shells


Apr 19, 2016
So I have not see ANY summer shells or gotten the summer shell recipes on my main character, however my 2 character that is for extra storage and to make the island feel more lively has seen shells and has gotten a recipe or two. Anyone else noticing that or experiencing it?
It’s pretty random when they appear on your beaches so far for me. On the first day of June I found like 6 shells and yesterday I found none at all lol.
Two island with an extra player on each. Both extra players have 4 to 5 recipes and have 4 to 6 shells.
Main island player has no recipes and has only found 1 shell on a mystery island.

Extra players have a low amount of balloons popped so more are showing up. Main players have the gold slingshot unlocked.
hmm cause my main still hasn't gotten the original recipe that Isabell gives out as they got a wedding season announcement.
it's very random tbh. the first day i found enough to craft the few diys i got but today i only found one =( and now i keep getting repeats of diys from the balloons and bottles and it's only been 3 days. (though during bug hunting and fishing at night i popped a butt ton of balloons) if there is one you are after let me know and i might have a extra i can give. (for free of course)
Seems very random. I have 19 in total so far. Been running around the shores when I wanted to move and they spawn all day, but it's rare. If it's a summer-long event I wouldn't be too worried. They are more difficult to harvest than other seasonal stuff it seems.
I find them pretty often and I have two DIYs already, both (animated) wallpapers that look awesome, one is a beach and the other is an underwater world. Very pretty. :)
I've found summer shells on my main character, but only my second character has the shell wreath recipe.
I didn't receive any summer shells yesterday, but I have seen a few on the beach before. Does anyone know if it helps to clear out the beach of all other shells to increase the rate of summer shells spawning, or does that just not matter?

As an aside, I haven't gotten any DIYs from Isabelle either. All 4 that I have received came from balloons - two shellfish pochettes, one starry-sands flooring, and one underwater flooring.
It helps to clear out your beaches so new shells can spawn. Summer shells are uncommon compared to the other shells, so it’s normal to see very few or none at all the first few times.
You have till August, so you do have plenty of time to find shells and recipes.
I found like, 7 shells in total and Isabell just straight up ignored the event (i got the original recipe from a random baloon). My sister (same island) found today the first one and no recipe
I don't know how much I have at the moment. I got a few the first day, then found one or two yesterday. I cleared up the beach of shells, but I haven't seen many summer shells after that. Are they showing up rarely because of how people reacted to the Bunny Day event?
I never received a recipe from Isabelle, but I also haven't spoken with her directly in quite some time. I get about 4-6 summer shells a day, on average. I believe I also have all the recipes.
All the summer recipes I have obtained have all been from balloons. I have not received a DIY from Isabelle. I did notice that the shells did spawn more frequently after I started getting more recipes from balloons. Yesterday, I believe I found around 3, and the day prior to that I've been finding 2 each day.
it seems to be random - i’ve gotten a few summer shells the last few days but saw none at all on the first day of june. isabelle also hasn’t given me any diy - the only diys i’ve gotten so far were from balloons ;u;
I’ve only found one summer shell :) and Isabelle hasn’t given me any DIY, the only one I got was from a balloon

I’ve found maybe ten shells, but so far no recipes :( I can’t use the shells unless I actually get some recipes which bums me out atm