Just another introduction!


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2013
Hello! I joined a couple days ago, but figured I should go ahead and post an introduction now. c:

I'm Quil! I've been playing Animal Crossing since the Gamecube days, but I've never been quite so addicted as I am to New Leaf.
I'm also a huge Pokemon and LoZ nerd, and play Xbox games as well!

Otherwise, pretty much all I do is make art/crafts and go to school.

Originally, I found these forums when looking for places to get my last dream villager(s), but this place looks REALLY COOL, so I'm excited about getting involved outside of that too.

I really look forward to meeting everyone! *u*
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Hello and thanks to you both for the welcomes!!

what kind of art/crafts if you dont mind me asking?
I mostly do digital illustration of characters and such--I love both fan art and original characters! I've also been really into drawing traditionally with ink, lately.

As for crafts, I do a little bit of everything, depending on how I feel. I've been into sewing small things lately, but I also love sculpting with clay and costume making and whatever else feels interesting at any given time.

Are you also interested in art/crafting? *u* I always love seeing what other people make!!