Is it me or do villagers lose their value when EVERYONE wants em?

To be honest, if I wasn't attached to my villagers (Jacques really won my heart by being an absolute dork.) I would have Cyd. His design is actually cool and punk like Cherry. Cyd deserves the same hype as the new villagers have. Him being an elephant might've hurt his chances but he's so cool it's so hard to resist. If there was only an option to have 12 islanders I'd have Sherb and Cyd for sure.

I know people might move on to a new sparkly toy (i.e Marshal to Raymond thing) but nothing's changed so far. Marshal is still popular despite Ray being present. ☺ I think I love them both either way. (I just love cats and squirrels irl and in game!)
the dude sings to my flowers... he's ruining his cranky rep, he's singing to the waves, the flowers, the river... dude sings everywhere... actually had a hilarious interaction with him today, him and octavian were arguing about who was more crabby... i pointed out(thankfully this was an option) they both were, he laughed and said "suppose we are"... was great and i like the drums/cymbals that clash every time he talks.
I mean, yes it can get a bit stale seeing the same villagers in everyone's town or island. But that's not really something we can judge. People like who they like. I personally do love a couple of the villagers who are rather popular like Julian and Diana. But then I have Alfonso as my all time favourite, and he is nowhere near as popular and very underrated in my opinion.
the dude sings to my flowers... he's ruining his cranky rep, he's singing to the waves, the flowers, the river... dude sings everywhere... actually had a hilarious interaction with him today, him and octavian were arguing about who was more crabby... i pointed out(thankfully this was an option) they both were, he laughed and said "suppose we are"... was great and i like the drums/cymbals that clash every time he talks.
OMG, that sounds so adorable! I think if I'm guessing, he's into music (his interest/sub-personality). I think it fits him because he looks like rockstar for sure!

My Fang is a sweetheart too, actually. He may be cranky but he's always there to help me patch up my face if I get stung by wasps. It's so endearing. He often treats me like a kid but it's just his way to show affection. 😊
You see a lot of popular villagers being offered on the market because they will go for high prices. Conversely, people don't tend to offer lower-tiered (or non-ranked) villagers because the possibility of making money with them is low. They'd rather just move on or void.

As a result, finding less popular villagers through trading can actually be more difficult, since you have to hope that someone who's had them on their town is going to go through the effort of selling them or organizing a giveaway at all!
I have different connections with different villagers for different reasons. I understand if this is your first game and you connect with Raymond and I think that is wonderful if you do! Later down the road, after a couple more games, he might always be your favorite no matter what because he was your first villager you had that connection with. That is how I feel about Bob! Top 3 easily because of nostalgia.

Snake was my favorite villager in New Leaf because I started working out and getting super into fitness! It's kind of embarrassing but at the time he was the only thing I could connect with in terms of reaching my goals and celebrating! Snake understood! I remember quite clearly one day in 2013, I did my first 20 mile run and after it was over I was like "WOW, I can't wait to tell Snake!"

Man, we all have our preferences, I can't fault someone for liking/disliking someone!

I don't know about you but I am having a great time with AC!

GG's everyone!
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I just moved in my birthday buddy Mitzi and I like her a lot more than Raymundo.
If it was fully subjective, you'd have an even villager spread across all towns of all sorts of random villagers without any clusters of popularity. But that isn't the case, especially online. The popular villagers are objectively more attractive than their less popular counterparts (not based on my personal feelings, but based on the % of people who want or have that villager in their town, currently. And the price of amiibo cards for certain villagers over others, makes them objectively more valuable.)

While how we as individuals feel X or Y in regards to a villager and may see special value in some of them, it has no bearing on how the population views them as a whole.

What is represented on Instagram/Twitter etc., is not a representation of the types of villagers most people own. We don't have enough data to claim that most players only want cute villagers. This is statistics 101. Also, we don't know the percentage of people who are rabidly trading/buying cute villagers online, vs people who just take villagers as they come either.
While I do have a few super popular villagers, for the most part I was unaware of their popularity before getting them.

Got Audie after 3 nook tickets and she was really the only one that I really super wanted (because I thought she was a fox at the time). I also got Ankha as a camper pretty recently, but I love her color pallete and would have taken her immediately no matter how popular or not she is.

But I definately fall into the category of "wont take a villager unless I think their cute". Hehe~
What other people enjoy and don’t enjoy has literally zero effect on my life. Plus it feels kind of weird putting a value on things that are supposed to be your friends 😅
I think people just let popular opinion sway their own if they're kind of on the fence about them in the first place.

If you kind of liked Raymond, then you see the frenzy you're desire to have him, it feeds your own desire to have him. If you didn't like him at all, then you probably still don't care much.

Then there are some, like Dom and Audie who were both natural move ins to my island (Dom as a starter and Audie as a random move in) who I fell in love with because I got to "know" them.

Admittedly I got Molly because I was running out of NMT AND patience, and she showed up on an island. So I figured I'd see if there was something to her popularity (and there is, she's so small and tiny and cute)
I think value is what you make them to be. I've got a lot of highly tiered villagers on my island and as previous residents on my island. But one of my ultimate dreamies Pierce is in Tier 5 and I would kick out all of my Tier 1s for him any day. Value comes from what you make of it. Popular villagers are popular for a reason and even if that means that it's the same repeated villagers on every island, that's okay.

It breaks a little of the immersion for me, but I'm not going to let go of my favourites just because someone else has them on their island. Likewise, they don't need to kick out their villagers for me. Everyone has different reasons to why they want particular villagers and even if it's something as simple as they're cute, or a status symbol. It ultimately doesn't affect me, so it's none of my business who anyone else wants as residents on their island
Well, I mean, they are popular not because, uh, they are popular, they are popular because they have appealing designs (well actually i dont like audie or judy design that much but anywayy). I have some popular villagers but I wanted them for specific reasons or I got them by sheer luck like Beau, Wolfgang and Coco, which were like first or second mystery island. But ngl, it makes me sad when I see other people looking at my villagers and saying they like them, but leave out Mac lol My poor bulldog, I love him so much, he is my best friend!!!
In sum, I don't think popularity has any effect on my decision on villagers whatsoever,, I just like what I like,,
Well, I mean, they are popular not because, uh, they are popular, they are popular because they have appealing designs (well actually i dont like audie or judy design that much but anywayy). I have some popular villagers but I wanted them for specific reasons or I got them by sheer luck like Beau, Wolfgang and Coco, which were like first or second mystery island. But ngl, it makes me sad when I see other people looking at my villagers and saying they like them, but leave out Mac lol My poor bulldog, I love him so much, he is my best friend!!!
In sum, I don't think popularity has any effect on my decision on villagers whatsoever,, I just like what I like,,

I totally understand about Butch, someone straight up said ‘ew’ to Bella on my island and I about had a fit and kicked them out.
I didnt read the replies, someone probably said this but villagers lose their value when everyone wants them because they flood the market. Lots of people pick up villagers to sell and the more popular a villager is the more people are going to pick them up to flip them thus their value decreases since they become less scarce.
I totally understand about Butch, someone straight up said ‘ew’ to Bella on my island and I about had a fit and kicked them out.
The nerve!!! If someone told that to Mac I would go ape****,,,, Bella is so cool, I love her punk style!! If you don't like a villager dont do that, that's so rude.
I sort of experience this feeling in a weird way-- I felt almost bad about getting Raymond in my town, because while I really wanted him and really love him, I feel like people aren't going to assume that when they see him. They're just going to assume I wanted him because he was popular or whatever, and that's really frustrating. I understand how it can be frustrating to see the same villagers over and over again, but at the same time, I see an attitude going around of assuming that people who have popular villagers in their towns only have them for the popularity points or social media credit, and that really frustrates me. I love all my villagers, regardless of what tier they are-- just because they're popular doesn't mean I don't have a connection to them.
Some of my favorite snooties are Blanche, Annalise, Kitty, and Mallary. I’m starting to get tired of Audie.
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Not for me so far. I think it’s because I don‘t really visit other websites aside from this one. In a sense that I don’t really see as much people wanting about specific villagers aside from the complaints about how expensive they are. Nor do I click on threads that finally got their favorite villager. I suppose that if you’re exposed so much to so many people that want specific villagers, that villager’s won’t seem special anymore. All I hear is that twitter mainly talks about the top 10 or so villagers. If all you hear and see is people talking and posting about Raymond then no, he’s definitely not gonna be as special to you anymore I think.

Didn’t read the replies btw. Just answered the question.