If your town was in the real world, where would it be located?

probably the more rural foresty areas of japan :eek:
my 2nd town will be... wintery so im thinking a super empty area kinda in the middle of nowhere, blanketed in snow...
uhhhhh the really desolate areas of canada maybe for my 2nd
New Zealand probably.

Although the prospect of finding agrias butterflies, Japanese tiger beetles, and napoleonfish in the same town is interesting.
Belfiore is in southern Polynesia, maybe New Zealand or Rapa Nui (Easter Island).

Pinecone is probably central British Columbia or South Eastern Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland) or New England in the USA.

The town that has not been created yet is coastal British Columbia or Washington. Somewhere around Vancouver and Seattle. The time period is probably during Native American times, before Christopher Columbus came (maybe even before the Vikings came).
Honestly, after not playing for like 2 years, it probably looks like a trailer park in Wisconsin.