If You Were To Die Right Now, Would Your Spirit Be Able To Crossover?

I am not a religious person. Most of my friends and my family (which are so religious) convince me a lot to have belief before my time is up and they often talk about the afterlife in certain religion. According to them, my spirit won't be able to crossover and joined my late family when I die (that, unless I decided to get into their religion hehe)

But I do realize that things such as belief are not meant to be forced. I always try to do good in life; treat others and animals well, conserving our mother nature, be kind even to the person I rather despise, etc. While death is an endless mystery, I still hope I'd be able to crossover because I appreciate life as it is :)

I wish I don't have to outlive my parents tho lol
I am not a religious person. Most of my friends and my family (which are so religious) convince me a lot to have belief before my time is up and they often talk about the afterlife in certain religion. According to them, my spirit won't be able to crossover and joined my late family when I die (that, unless I decided to get into their religion hehe)

But I do realize that things such as belief are not meant to be forced. I always try to do good in life; treat others and animals well, conserving our mother nature, be kind even to the person I rather despise, etc. While death is an endless mystery, I still hope I'd be able to crossover because I appreciate life as it is :)

I wish I don't have to outlive my parents tho lol

Exactly! I'm not religious either but I have morals. If I die, I accept what happens to me just because I don't believe. Maybe in the future, something will happen and I will see the truth of life after death before it occurs to me, but I accept my gate regardless :p
Considering I haven't finished this bag of Skittles, no. I still have unfinished deeds.

- - - Post Merge - - -

so when we die we'll be in another afterlife, and die again and be in another afterlife, and it keeps going?!

Considering that people believe in reincarnation, technically(to their beliefs) yes.