How to pronounce Deirdre?

I always pronounced it "dare-dray" and never really though about twice about it lol, but now as I think about it that's probably not how you are supposed to pronounce it
Deer-drah. It never occurred to me that it could be pronounced differently, since I also know someone in real life who pronounces it like that and spells it the exact same way.
With my accent it sounds like deer-dri (short sounding 'i' as in 'it')
With Deirdre and Beau i've always been confused. I usually pronounce them the way i read them, and if anyone corrects me i'll still stick to it anyway lol
Deer-druh since I also know people with similar names lol.
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Fallout 4 had a character name Deirdre and they pronounced it Deer-drah, ever since then, that's how I pronounce it. But before I used to pronounce it Deer-dree
I say it like "Deer-Dray" but honestly, I don't have a clue of how it's supposed to be pronounced. This pronunciation is the only one that makes sense to me.
I pronounce it "Deer-Drey"

I know it's not right but it just sounds right to me
I pronounce it 'Deer-drah'
I've never heard it pronounced any other way, whether it be IRL, a character, or a celeb.
I get it, however, it's one of those names that catches you off guard at first glance because it has a bunch of letters stuck together in an uncommon pattern.
Oh so is the actual pronunciation Deer-drah? Thanks, how neat. I know someone in RL with the name but I'm not from an Anglophone country and we pronounce it 'Deh-druh' so that's how I've always said it. However, I always prefer to go with traditional pronunciation. :)