How many ponds are in your town?

Four. I have never understood why players don't like them. How else are you going to catch frogs?
Faecove has 3 and Maplebay has 2
Four. I have never understood why players don't like them. How else are you going to catch frogs?

I don't know about other people but to me, I don't dislike them, they are just a pain to work around, especially if they are in awkward spots.

Kingston has 2 ponds: one near the campground in the upper left corner of my map and Re Tail of course has a pond.
My town has 3. One is near mine and Nana's house, the other is near the town hall, and the last is near retail.
I have one. I wouldn't mind one more but I have heard the more ponds you have, the more rocks there are. So I purposely found a map with only the retail pond to avoid that.
I have one. I wouldn't mind one more but I have heard the more ponds you have, the more rocks there are. So I purposely found a map with only the retail pond to avoid that.

If it wasn't for more rocks I'd enjoy the ponds more.

I have two towns with 4 ponds. Strangely I usually have more ponds. It's not intentional - but I keep getting the town hall style with the pond in the back.
I have 5 ponds. I hadn't noticed I had so many really. They are all stationed from the middlish to top right. They've never been a pain to me. I like the variety. ^^
Tinytree has two, my new town Borei has three. I wish there were more though. I love ponds.. I've seen some maps on the map thread with 5!!! but I've never come across that before in my map resetting quests lol. I imagine that would look so good in a rainy frog themed town lol.
In my main town, I have two. I love ponds, but the placement of one of them bothers me. It's way too close to my train station for my liking. But it's generally nice and works with my paths. :)