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How has your view of the LGBT community changed over time?

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so let me get this straight, u want to highlight just how special and different u are....

in order to not be treated differently

The fact that people are getting killed in those countries highlights the issues faced by queer people across the globe. I'm fighting for the rights of queer people everywhere, not just in England, where, might I add, homophobia is still an issue despite gay marriage being legalised.

My parents always comment about how they are annoyed of "hearing about gay people" and honestly, it is sad that anyone who isn't of "the norm" have to constantly fight to be treated the same way. Why do people freak out about anyone who isn't a cis/straight person? It is ******** as far as I am concerned.
so let me get this straight, u want to highlight just how special and different u are....

in order to not be treated differently

I want to have equal representation and the same rights as straight people do across the globe in order not to be treated differently.
People debate whether my sexuality is real. Has a straight person ever had their sexuality questioned or undermined? I don't think so. People tell me that my sexuality is 'just a phase'. Has a straight person ever been told that they are 'just experimenting' or that they'll 'come around soon'. I've been told I am disgusting, I've been told I'm going to hell, I've lost friends because they found out 'what I was'.

LGBT+ people are murdered every day for simply existing, and yet you are asking me to keep my argument neutral. When straight people stop committing hate crimes, murdering us, harassing us, sexualising us, undermining us... Then I can remain neutral. Until then, I will demand more representation, more LGBT+ leads, more advocacy and activism, more safe spaces, more inclusion.

yea, i mean, whenever i say im asexual or w/e everyone starts making jokes about how im going to come to an hs reunion (after i explain what it is ofc) with like 20 kids or so and it makes me super uncomfortable. also some people like to make sex jokes (involving me and sometimes other people) to bother me. 90% of the time nobody even knows what asexual means, and theres no way in hell anyone would understand biromantic/homoromantic so i have to lie about it every day to make things easier. but do i act like a pos about it?? no. the angrier u act the crazier u seem. people who are angry arent respected lol. people who can bring up strong points and hold their ground in an argument without going insane are. surprised nobody's ever helped you realize that.
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yea, i mean, whenever i say im asexual or w/e everyone starts making jokes about how im going to come to an hs reunion (after i explain what it is ofc) with like 20 kids or so and it makes me super uncomfortable. also some people like to make sex jokes (involving me and sometimes other people) to bother me. 90% of the time nobody even knows what asexual means, and theres no way in hell anyone would understand biromantic/homoromantic so i have to lie about it every day to make things easier. but do i act like a pos about it?? no. the angrier u act the crazier u seem. people who are angry arent respected lol. people who can bring up strong points and hold their ground in an argument without going insane are. surprised nobody's ever helped you realize that.

I agree with you entirely. Getting angry just gives people a negative view on the entire topic. I feel that it is important to educate. Some people just are not educated on different sexualities. Heck, I didn't know that your gender and sex are two different things. I didn't know that romantic and sexual feelings are different and it is possible to like one gender for sexual feelings and like the other for romantic feelings.

Getting angry and acting like a child is gonna do nothing for your case. I remember hating vegetarians because the two vegetarians I knew were rude. It is wrong but it happens.

Be that nice person, educate.

My final comment about disagreeing with the 'straight lifestyle' was sarcastic. Also, people don't listen to us regardless of whether we keep our emotions 'in check', and seeing as this is a pretty emotional topic, seeing as it centres around our actual identities, I don't feel it is my job to remain neutral. People debate whether my sexuality is real. Has a straight person ever had their sexuality questioned or undermined? I don't think so. People tell me that my sexuality is 'just a phase'. Has a straight person ever been told that they are 'just experimenting' or that they'll 'come around soon'. I've been told I am disgusting, I've been told I'm going to hell, I've lost friends because they found out 'what I was'.

LGBT+ people are murdered every day for simply existing, and yet you are asking me to keep my argument neutral. When straight people stop committing hate crimes, murdering us, harassing us, sexualising us, undermining us... Then I can remain neutral. Until then, I will demand more representation, more LGBT+ leads, more advocacy and activism, more safe spaces, more inclusion.

People do listen to the LGBT community, though. If they didn't, gay marriage wouldn't have been labeled a constitutional right, and wouldn't have been made legal in every state in the US via the supreme court. I realize that's just the US, but I'm sure other countries will follow suit (with time, and future cultural revolutions).

I actually have heard of (and witnessed) straight peoples' sexuality being questioned. I've had a number of straight male friends that were frequently accused of being gay or bisexual by both gay and straight people because they were 1) thin/ had a feminine figure, 2) they didn't have a deep voice, 3) they had stylish clothes/ a stylish haircut, 4) they didn't grow facial hair, and the list goes on. Straight people are misjudged, too. They're vulnerable, too. They're not invincible, spoiled and over-privileged just because they're straight.

I understand that religious zealots that strongly agree with every sentence in the bible might commit hate crimes against LGBT people, but that's not as common as you might think. I live in Texas, aka the bible belt where at least 75% of residents are religious, and I haven't heard of a hate crime being committed against a non-straight person since I was a kid. In fact, the only people I see disagreeing with LGBT people are very old. Newer generations are exceptionally tolerant for the most part, and in time, I feel that LGBT acceptance will be even more normal than it is now.

Edit: Oh, and I've been asked so many times if I'm a lesbian by people that don't know I'm bisexual/ people I barely know just because I'm a girl with short hair.
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Why do people freak out about anyone who isn't a cis/straight person? It is ******** as far as I am concerned.
Because many people grow up in environments where they are constantly told that being outside the norm is bad and anyone who is outside of the norm is a bad weird person. These people also prob cherry pick things to match their opinion (like we all do) which leads to them seeing the occasional weirdo LGBT and thinking they're all that even stronger.
I personally feel like, in a world full of prejudice, it isn't a bad thing for LGBT+ people to scream and shout. In the end, it's the only thing that can change the world. I think it's just the way things work.

What we have to remember is that we aren't the only people in the world. There are people in less developed places being stoned to death and threw off cliffs for being anything other than straight. On that note, we should focus our attention on less trivial matters than which bathrooms we should go in.

Let's divert our attention to the things that really matter, and that have real impact on people's lives.
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People complain about how gay people constantly show-off their sexuality and use it as some sort of special membership card to special treatment. But that's not the case.

How do you really know who is gay or not, anyway? How can you determine from just looking at them when you pass them by in the street? You would probably be surprised as to how many people out there are LGBT but just aren't very open about their sexuality because they don't feel like they should be treated differently because of it or because they are afraid of how people may treat them.

Anyway on topic: I suppose my dad used to be quite homophobic, my mum less so, but they've become more open-minded during recent years. I've never really been open about my sexuality with anyone anyway and I don't really feel like it changes who I am at all, I'm still the same person I've always been even before I properly identified as being bi (I mean, I've always been bi but, I didn't really understand it at first). I think I have always been quite accepting of other people though regardless.

And tbh I know someone mentioned in this thread earlier on about how they don't like seeing homosexual people kissing or whatever in public and I'm kind of the same except I hate ALL forms of PDA, doesn't matter who it's between, I just find it weird for some reason. (Edit: just want to make this clear so nobody misinterprets my post, I don't specifically hate gay people kissing in public, I hate it when ANYONE (heterosexual or not) kisses in public.)
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People debate whether my sexuality is real. Has a straight person ever had their sexuality questioned or undermined? I don't think so. People tell me that my sexuality is 'just a phase'. Has a straight person ever been told that they are 'just experimenting' or that they'll 'come around soon'. I've been told I am disgusting, I've been told I'm going to hell, I've lost friends because they found out 'what I was'.

Yes. Many have. I've a friend who can't even get a date with a girl because everyone assumes he's gay. He gets a lot of unwanted male attention.

We've all been there. It happens. The best way to deal with that is instead of trying to argue against them, ignore them and just get on with your life. People will come to realise in time. Sometimes time and space is what people need to realise that something is true and get used to that idea.

I should get my ex on here so he can tell you how I spent two years convinced he was gay and he kept trying to convince me he wasn't and begging me not to leave him lol. We finally broke up when he admitted it... after he revealed he had got it on with two guys in a tent in the middle of nowhere while we were still together. Despite having never once been interested in doing anything intimate with the girl he was dating. :p
I actually have heard of (and witnessed) straight peoples' sexuality being questioned. I've had a number of straight male friends that were frequently accused of being gay or bisexual by both gay and straight people because they were 1) thin/ had a feminine figure, 2) they didn't have a deep voice, 3) they had stylish clothes/ a stylish haircut, 4) they didn't grow facial hair, and the list goes on. Straight people are misjudged, too. They're vulnerable, too. They're not invincible, spoiled and over-privileged just because they're straight.
Very good point. My sexuality was often called into question during the time I was bullied, though I think the worst was when I was best friends with a gay guy. We hung out with each other a lot, had a lot of the same interests and the same kind of humor, so we enjoyed each other's company. To others it somehow wasn't possible for a straight guy and a gay guy to become good friends, so the straight guy had to be in the closet. The biggest offense was when, during a mandatory trip to England, someone asked if my butt was hurting, since he and I were sharing a room.

But it's because of him that I think like I do. He wasn't his homosexuality, he was his own person and his homosexuality was just a small part of him, like how my heterosexuality is just a small part of me. The things he spoke about the most were things he enjoyed, like video games or TV shows. The only times I would notice any difference because of his sexuality was if he spoke about things he'd done, like having had a date during the weekend.
Very good point. My sexuality was often called into question during the time I was bullied, though I think the worst was when I was best friends with a gay guy. We hung out with each other a lot, had a lot of the same interests and the same kind of humor, so we enjoyed each other's company. To others it somehow wasn't possible for a straight guy and a gay guy to become good friends, so the straight guy had to be in the closet. The biggest offense was when, during a mandatory trip to England, someone asked if my butt was hurting, since he and I were sharing a room.

But it's because of him that I think like I do. He wasn't his homosexuality, he was his own person and his homosexuality was just a small part of him, like how my heterosexuality is just a small part of me. The things he spoke about the most were things he enjoyed, like video games or TV shows. The only times I would notice any difference because of his sexuality was if he spoke about things he'd done, like having had a date during the weekend.

I think that people need to stop making their sexuality be a big part of their identity. I think that that is one of the main issues with this whole thing.
People complain about how gay people constantly show-off their sexuality and use it as some sort of special membership card to special treatment. But that's not the case.

How do you really know who is gay or not, anyway? How can you determine from just looking at them when you pass them by in the street? You would probably be surprised as to how many people out there are LGBT but just aren't very open about their sexuality because they don't feel like they should be treated differently because of it or because they are afraid of how people may treat them.
The people I'm talking about are the ones that constantly say what just amounts to "btw im gay" regardless of subject matter, of which I have met way too many. I don't constantly say what just amounts to "btw im straight", so I think it's ridiculous for them to do it. It's simple attention-seeking.
tbh i didn't even know there were other sexualities other than straight and gay/lesbian (and sortof asexual/aromantic?? i've never really felt attracted to anyone in any kind of way, but i didn't know the term for that) until last year. .-.
Never had an issue with any of that stuff, but I freaking hate those SJWs, who never shut the hell up, and will whine, and whine, and lie, and lie, and they can't have a conversation, without bringing it up CONSTANTLY, it kinda gives it a negative light, but I'm indifferent to it all.
And also the fact that people seem to have special snowflake syndrome about it, they feel that they're special if they say that they're LGBT/whatever, so they also bring it up CONSTANTLY! And I don't give a damn..
I think that people need to stop making their sexuality be a big part of their identity. I think that that is one of the main issues with this whole thing.

i mean
i think ppl should get to have their sexuality as a big part of their identity
i jsut think other people shouldnt make a big deal out of it.

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The people I'm talking about are the ones that constantly say what just amounts to "btw im gay" regardless of subject matter, of which I have met way too many. I don't constantly say what just amounts to "btw im straight", so I think it's ridiculous for them to do it. It's simple attention-seeking.

lmao you all seriously have no chill

cishets shove their cishetness down everyone elses throats all the time, one gay dude telling u abt his bf or in other way "reminding" u that he's gay isn't worse than anything you all do :^)
lmao you all seriously have no chill

cishets shove their cishetness down everyone elses throats all the time, one gay dude telling u abt his bf or in other way "reminding" u that he's gay isn't worse than anything you all do :^)

sorry who has no chill?
Guys, this is kind of turning into another argument thread, meaning it'll be closed soon if we can't calmly discuss the op's question. There's room for a lot of good points to be made here, and even for people to learn a thing or two. Keep it civil, yo.
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