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how do you survive school

The thing that kept me going everyday was the excitement of being able to go home at the end of the day, get on whatever MMO I was currently playing, and just chat with people.

However, that won't be the case this year as I'm pretty much dropping it entirely. I'm content with my circle of friends right now and don't want to thin or widen it. It also helps with time management too I guess.

What I've learned though is that exercise is pretty beneficial for stress. Go outside, sit by a tree alone, think about yourself in life and your current position . Sometimes, losing yourself in a good book, music, drawing, or even just talking to someone special can alleviate some of the social pressure and fatigue you face at school as well.
find as many things as you can to distract yourself with throughout the day. Then sleep
a 10 hour day? what kind of school is that?
im mostly so busy bc im doing clubs + 0 period for my report card or w/e coz y'know if you do nothing outside school ur less likely for college
That's only if you're really trying to get into the big ones. Local and smaller ones are fine with a good SAT score.
When I first got in, I didn't even need that. My scores on the Texas state exam(which changes names every few years) were good enough to the point that they said they didn't even care if I took the SAT since my state test scores were good enough. If you're in those clubs merely to be more marketable, you're in them for the wrong reason. And in case of retort, no, it isn't the only way. The things they tell you in high school about how hard college is are 90% horse pucky.
My suggestion is to stop treating it like life or death, because it isn't. Unless you're trying for some ivy league university(overhyped anyone?), getting a diploma is all that really matters in high school.
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Keep yourself occupied and take a nap when you get home. Oh, and make sure you eat plenty of (healthy) snacks throughout the day if you can't sit down and eat a decent lunch. If you're feeling exhausted, talk to someone about it, and make sure you take time to take care of yourself. If you're involved with a lot of clubs/committees, it'll probably be best to cut back on them if they're interfering with you physical/mental health and/or grades. If you're up for it, it might even be a good idea to cut back anyways so you can take on more of a leadership role in the ones you really care about.
What kind of thyroid problem? I have one too, but I've never heard of that being a side effect.
I don't know much about it (I take no meds or anything for it) but my doctor said it ruins my energy levels or something. Basically she said I was so tired constantly bc of my thyroid. I don't know much beyond that, it's never been a big concern for me or my mother. They're more focused on other health issues I have.

a 10 hour day? what kind of school is that?

Well, technically for others it's like 8 or 7 hours. However, I have to take 0 period for jazz band. I'm also taking clubs, and I would prefer to only be there for a hour but the bus for clubs don't arrive until like 4 PM and I can't get a ride before that. For me and most of my friends it will be a 10 hour day.

That's only if you're really trying to get into the big ones. Local and smaller ones are fine with a good SAT score.
When I first got in, I didn't even need that. My scores on the Texas state exam(which changes names every few years) were good enough to the point that they said they didn't even care if I took the SAT since my state test scores were good enough. If you're in those clubs merely to be more marketable, you're in them for the wrong reason. And in case of retort, no, it isn't the only way. The things they tell you in high school about how hard college is are 90% horse pucky.
My suggestion is to stop treating it like life or death, because it isn't. Unless you're trying for some ivy league university(overhyped anyone?), getting a diploma is all that really matters in high school.

My mother is very poor, and so is the rest of my family. I've always been obsessed with working hard at school for a scholarship. She would like make me sit down and study for hours at night when I was in kindergarten for school. First day of school and she lectured me for a hour about how my future starts now basically, and that I needed to study for a scholarship. She has always made a very big deal about school for me, because there's no way she can handle paying college for me and my brother. Basically, since I'm older, I know once I leave for college I'm receiving no aid from her because she will have to prepare my brother. I've basically been overworking myself at school I admit, but when heavy burdens are already placed on your shoulders by the time you enter kindergarten then it's no surprise. I don't really want to admit it, but if I fail to get into a good college my mother will face a lot more stress in the future with my brother.

And nah, I'm doing the clubs for my own enjoyment. I enjoy helping others (hence the charity club or w/e i'm taking) and I'm interested in my school's GSA. I'm not sure if I'll join the TSA, because I feel like that would just be too much of a stressor for me.

It's just.. very hard for me to stay awake at the end of the day. I'm beyond exhausted and I usually stay awake longer to do homework. I'm currently on meds that make me drowsy as well, and they usually kick in the afternoon for some reason.
Comics, drawing, and talking to friends. I enjoy doing school work because I'm doing something. The holidays are so boring for because there's nothing to do.
Why are you at school for so long? How is your school day structured so that it lasts so long? It's really not healthy or good for you AT all to be studying and working for that period of time. Even if it's for the sake of going to college, working yourself so hard that you burn yourself out is not worth the stress or the trouble. Plus working for long hours every single day (or 5 days of the week) and burning yourself out will only cause your grades to drop more and for your academic studies to suffer more as a result because you're so stressed out.

I'm in my final year of secondary school and I only have 3 subjects now, thank the heavens. I only have 2 full days of lessons, and on the other 3 days of the week, I have only one lesson. So I'm only working for 1hr 40mins on some days, but I do homework/revision/studying/reading during my free periods unless I can go home early - which I do. So school is getting a bit easier for me. The work is harder and I will eventually get much more homework and extra stuff to study but I have more freetime to do it in so there's less pressure on me to do it all at home.

Even if I am tired, I will sleep in lessons. If I can, I'll listen to music or watch a video. Every now and then I'll take a break in the middle of the lesson - if I have to pause writing, pause reading, pause annotating and catch up later, then I'll do that. Working for a solid 1hr 40mins is very stressful and tiring, and my concentration just will not last. And I can concentrate very well and work hard, but we are not machines. We're only human.

If I were you, I would try to ease off of all of the work and studying and clubs and etc for a little while. I know that school can be hard going and I know you want to do well and achieve great things but we are only human. Taking breaks is good for us, mentally and physically. It means you can later go back to working even harder with a fresh mind, and can work at your best. If it means in the middle of a lesson you pause to take a drink of water (staying hydrated is very important), stretch a little bit (if you can), stop writing and just relax for a few minutes or whatever, then do that. If you go to afterschool clubs and stuff, then missing a few sessions for one week will not be the end of the world. You can spend more time at home then, relaxing and spending time to yourself. School is not easy and it's clear you have a lot of work on your plate. If it's possible you could also speak to a guidance counselor or something, and at least you can talk to them about your problems and see what they suggest. They're trained so they will know numerous different techniques you can take to relax best and refresh your mind, so that you can work harder later.
I agree with Celestefey. How can you learn properly if you are so tired? Getting enough sleep is important for learning.
I guess I kind of disagree with the majority here, I mean when I was in high school I didn't work very hard so it was difficult for me to adjust to university/real life when I was actually having to go to school 9-5 and then work part-time and study on top of that. I think it's better to propose ways to manage 10+ hours of work a day rather than say you shouldn't do so much. Honestly having scheduled food and caffeine times throughout the day is important. I also take about 2 evenings off per week when school gets really busy (usually Wednesday and Friday) so that I can recharge and get back to work the next day.
wow that sucks, i hope you will survive. I don't have nearly as long school days as you do haha

i usually try to chill out between classes. read a book, listen to music etc, but that's not really an option for u, huh? idk how stressfull it is but if i were you i'd try to chill out as much as possible. i wish u good luck!!
get an injury or something

or bring a laptop and try to sit in the back of the class and play agar.io and other fun stuff
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Art, Brave Frontier when the teacher isn't looking, card games, and chitchatting with other ******s.
I would bring something to do like a pencil and paper to write a story or a one shot or draw. I honestly drew these characters while taking notes in grade 5. It was super fun.

But wow, that sucks. I'll pray for you.
Most of the tips that users gave here are pretty solid. That'll get a part of the stress out.

Sounds like you're in a very tough situation at the moment, especially when you mention that your family as a whole have their budget very low. I highly advise you start thinking on how you'd want to save and earn more money than you currently do. Here's a few tips on how to earn more money.

- Is anyone smoking there? They might as well try to get their addiction away from them ASAP, since it's a major money leecher
- Try finding cheaper items that provides as much quality as your favorites do
- Find a way to earn money in your free time; just try to not break the laws and remember to relax at times
- Patience is virtue; earning money won't be quick, but you'll definitely affect your future
- Got some extra money? Try making even more money with that!

I also recommend reading the articles below to help you get started.


And for even more tips about money management, search "how to go broke from rich" or something like that in your favorite search tool. There are plenty of ways to make money, so it's possible to eventually become rich enough to get yourself out in the gloomy abyss of poverty.
Here's one thing I remembered(and this applies to anyone about to go to or already in college).
When you do start looking at college, go to FAFSA.GOV
Fill out all the forms it has and it will then provide you with a grant based upon your family's income and the college your going to up to a certain number of credit hours during your college career. The amount also increases at certain age markers. You fill it out annually, and the money automatically goes into your colleges account for your tuition. I got about $2600 per semester.
Taking showers early in the morning with a good cup of joe helps you prep for long days. Works for me.