How do you guys make a lot of bells?

turnips are best way to go! if you want to make sure you won't fail during your stalk market adventure , use , it's a tool that predicts turnis prices and when it's the best time to sell them!
-First things first, Stock up on sticks, wood, iron nuggets, and other stuff for material
-Hit money rock every day.
-ALWAYS pop a balloon you see. They may carry a good amount of bells
-Sell fossils (ones you do not wish to donate)
-Some things may sell better as DIY, like old tire into stack tire
-rare, if not somewhat expensive fish from Tuna/Blue Marlin to Red Snapper (a good 2,000) but save them for CJ. Same with bugs and Flick for an extra 50%
-Can't go wrong with bell trees. Plant 10,000 after you dig up a gold spot
-Always buy a bunch (or just a few) turnips on Sunday. Make sure to keep checking because even if you buy for, say, 91 and sell them for only like 120, it's still profit
-Nook Mile Tickets get you to deserted island, but you may find that are... unique. For example, you may stumble upon an island filled with tarantula, or one with five money rock in the center. They are rare, but take advantage of them when you DO find one
-Lastly, be wise with your spending. Some of the prices in Nook's Cranny have been seriously high after they expanded to the second state... so only buy something if you REALLY want it
-First things first, Stock up on sticks, wood, iron nuggets, and other stuff for material
-Hit money rock every day.
-ALWAYS pop a balloon you see. They may carry a good amount of bells
-Sell fossils (ones you do not wish to donate)
-Some things may sell better as DIY, like old tire into stack tire
-rare, if not somewhat expensive fish from Tuna/Blue Marlin to Red Snapper (a good 2,000) but save them for CJ. Same with bugs and Flick for an extra 50%
-Can't go wrong with bell trees. Plant 10,000 after you dig up a gold spot
-Always buy a bunch (or just a few) turnips on Sunday. Make sure to keep checking because even if you buy for, say, 91 and sell them for only like 120, it's still profit
-Nook Mile Tickets get you to deserted island, but you may find that are... unique. For example, you may stumble upon an island filled with tarantula, or one with five money rock in the center. They are rare, but take advantage of them when you DO find one
-Lastly, be wise with your spending. Some of the prices in Nook's Cranny have been seriously high after they expanded to the second state... so only buy something if you REALLY want it
thanks for your detailed response!
I only sell turnips, if I come across an NMT island with foreign fruit I'll sell em, and if item of the day at Nooks is worth a lot I'll invest my resources in that, only if I'm low on bells though.
Hate to admit it, but I totally abused the NMT economy. They seem worthless to me but if someone is gonna buy a ticket for that much I might as well sell. It's really not hard at all to get a decent amount of NMT and once you get 100, some people will pay up to 20 mil for that?? I sold mine for less than this, but the point still stands.
turnips, high selling bugs and fish, occasionally hot selling items at nooks...
I don't do turnips. I almost always screw it up.

I'm at a point where most of my fossils are dupes and already donated, so that's a few grand a day.
The money rock can give you a few more grand, if you strike it right (make sure you dig some holes around it do you don't bounce away).
And bury 10k bells in the golden spot in the ground each day. The tree will have 30k on it when it's done growing. So if you do this every day, you'll always have 20k bells to shake off a tree! (Re-bury the other 10k in the new shiny spot).

I do more grinding to pay for things like expansions and bridges, but the above tasks keep my pockets pretty well lined. If I ever get above like 75k in my pockets, I drop 50k into the ABD for something big later.