Help Emergency

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Senior Member
Dec 11, 2017
I just breathed in large amounts of CO and now it looks like I'm starting to have a heart attack. I'm feeling whoozy. Please help me!
I hope you actually called emergency services or something and aren’t just pulling our strings. I see you’re on but might be because you left your computer on (I honestly hope) while you are being checked out by a professional.

And if this is just a joke, it’s not really funny..
he's a troll. he was talking about how he likes to poop himself on the discord chat, among other things

not cool, dude. there are people who want to know if you're okay and you're probably sitting there laughing

*eyeroll* I figured. I checked his previous posts/threads. Yeah not cool bro.
Crying 'Wolf'.. not cool.
A day may come when you truly need help, and people will be like, "Ignore him. He's the fake heart-attack guy!".

If you're not faking, ignore what I said, and let us know if you're ok.
If youre faking this is ridiculous. Which I kinda think you are. What kinda normal person is in a genuine emergency and posts to a forum ? Lol dude call an ambulance. Thats what anyone not faking it would do :p
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