Have you ever had the same dream more than once?

I can have repeating elements from past dreams in new dreams.
From my childhood through my late 20's, I would have the same nightmare every so often. I don't know what would trigger it, but the details were always exactly the same.

I was about 1-2 years old in the dream, just able to walk and barely able to talk, and it took place outside my grandparents' house. I was running from and later fighting off a huge bee that was larger than my head and had metal jaws. Then, my mom came through the door and the bee reappeared behind her head, laughing at me. Suddenly, I was in my room, in my crib, and the bunnies on my favorite blanket turned into bees and swarmed up at me. That's where the dream always ended.

One day, I was talking to my mom about the dream and she recalled that when I was around that age I got very sick once. I had a high fever and she believed I was hallucinating because when she came in to check on me, I kept pointing behind her and crying "the bee!" But then, all of a sudden, I looked down and screamed and finally let her pick me up.

All of the details matched up, so I finally figured out that my recurring nightmare was the hallucination I had way back then. I haven't had the dream again since.
I would say never dreams that are exactly the same, but I’ve had dreams with the same subject and over all the feelings from them. I used to have dreams where I was driving a car and could barely control it the more I tried the more frustrating it became it was like trying to drive in a race car game where it’s hard to control. I kept having them until I took more control over my life and so far they haven’t returned.
It's hard for me nowadays to really remember most of my dreams when I wake up in the morning, but I can't really recall any times that I might have had the same dream more than once. Though I do think of the same dream scenario a lot in my head when I try to go to bed.
Big fat noooooooope! All of my dreams differ year by year, never had one that felt quite the same as the other. And some days I don't even dream anything at all!
Not exactly the same...but I do have dreams that are very similar. A common one for me is about a MASSIVE bear. It always starts with some bear cubs...just some normal, accurately-sized bear cubs. And then there is always an impossibly large mother bear that shows up, and I need to try to escape with my life. It's crazy, because I don't have a fear of bears in real life. I actually quite like when black bears wonder through our property. But this is some sort of unwelcome presence and those dreams always freak me out. Like...how can you get away from a bear that is the size of two-car garage? This thing is always knocking trees down, blasting through walls, etc. Some of the most vivid dreams I have.
I often have dreams where my teeth fall out, I know that's a pretty common one people have sometimes. I hate it, it freaks me out so much and I'm already really insecure about my teeth.
Yes, but sometimes details change. I also have dream of going to the same places, thou these places are either 1 not real or 2 mash-ups of places I have been to. Example, sometimes I'll dream of a house that has a layout of both my first house and the town house I used to live in. Like if someone combined the two houses together. Also some dreams will play out the same but be in a different location.
Yes and have also have had continuation of dreams as well. It feels really weird, like deja vu-ish.
yeah! my memory of it is a bit foggy as it’s been ages since i last had it, but when i was younger, i would occasionally have this dream where i‘d be forced to write an entire album/book in one night, or else something terrible would happen to me. i was never offered any specifics as to who or what was threatening me, or what exactly would happen if i failed, i just knew that i was in grave danger. its been a few years since i last dreamt this, but i’m honestly still quite curious about whether there was any meaning behind it, or if it was just some weird scenario that my brain came up with lol.
I don’t think I’ve had the same exact dream before, but I’ve experienced things in my dreams I felt like I’ve done before or have been to.
These are the types of recurring dreams I usually have.

Getting Chased: I'm being chased by someone or something. The pursuer has ranged from serial killers and aliens to vampires on bikes and yellow balloons. I sometimes run by myself or with a group of people I don't recognise. There is always a great sense of desperation and futility. These dreams leave me tired in the mornings. They account for about 70% of the dreams I remember.

Being Late: Late for an exam or late for a flight. Frantic running around, looking for the right way to go, ending up in the wrong exam hall or departure hall. Instead of getting chased, I'm doing the chasing. Sometimes I'm not late for anything but I'm frantically looking for the loo. And can't find one I can use. 20%.

Flying Dreams: I fly. I just jump up and start flying. I go higher and higher and can see the houses below me start to look like Lego constructions, the roads like pencil lines, the wind in my face. The higher I go, the more exhilarating it is. I like flying dreams. 5%.

Meeting the Deceased: There are a number of people in my life who have passed on. I sometimes get dreams of meeting them and spending time with them. I like these dreams since it's the only way I can see them again. 5%.
Yes. And they’re actually embarrassing for me to type out so I’m not going to…
Not exactly, but i've had different interpretations of the same dream.

The point of the dream is that i'm in an airport trying to store my luggage somewhere while i go out somewhere. There's apparently a storage place where the airport holds onto your luggage for you and they store them in these little cubby holes, but they won't let me store my stuff there, though. Eventually they do and the dream ends. I haven't had it in about a year, though.
Yeah, I remember that I used to have a dream very very often. The first time I had it I was a little child and the last time I had it I was like 20yo.
I didn't have it since quite some time, so I don't remember what it is about anymore, but if I would dream it again, I would for sure remember that I had this dream already a lot of times.

Also, I sadly often dream about my animals getting hurt, in the way that stupid bullies would tell me at school. Guess I got actually some sort of "trauma" out of it, that is now stuck in my dreams from time to time. Not fun, won't go into details but the way they told me my guinea pigs would be murdered, it always makes me want to throw up when I see those pictures in a dream U-U
afaik, i've never had the same exact dream multiple times, down to the detail. there have been recurring themes and places and such in dreams, like malls and mountains and the like.
I don't think I've ever had the exact same dreams but I've definitely had similar dreams before. It's always strange when it happens because sometimes when I acknowledge that, "hey, haven't I dreamed this before?" in the dream, lol.

Other times I'll have similar elements from dreams. For example if I'm about to wake up because my legs hurt, I have period cramps, etc. I usually end up having a dream where I'm doing something repetitive. Like working in a factory and I just have to do the same motion over and over, or I'm looking for something so I'm checking doors into different rooms down a big hallway, etc.
I had a reoccurring dream about my ex’s 8yr old nephew when we were still together. We were on a frozen pond out in the woods. The ice cracks and he falls in and drowns. Morbid. For awhile I thought maybe it meant something but I guess not.