Have You Been Rude To Someone or Some Being Rude To You ?

One time i was quickly typing a post and accidentally misspelled a word.Someone qouted me and said i was stupid because i couldn't spell.This really annoyed me.I kept checking to see if this person misspelled words so i could do the same to them, but they spelled everything perfectly every time.lol.
I later sent the person a private message telling them how rude they were, and he actually apologized.Rencently another person said something very rude to me for no reason.I don't bother fighting with them where others can read it.I just private message them.This person also apologized to me.

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I'm also kind of tired of leaving good wi fi ratings to people, and they don't do the same.This happens to me a lot on here and i always notice that these people are not new to this site so they should know better.I'm always polite during a trade and never keep them waiting.One girl kept me waiting for almost two hours.When she was finally ready, i was not even online anymore.She seemed so annoyed that she had to wait 30 minutes for me.I still gave the brat a good wifi, but i didn't recieve one.She is on this site quite often too.
If someone's repeatedly being a jerk then I am normally ride to them or I just don't talk to them. There are a few particular users who I find rude on here.
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining much, but there are a few people with constantly sarcastic humour that borders on offensive. It's definitely all right in small doses, at least in my opinion since I do do it a lot, but it seems these people are in good standing with the staff because of this humour.
Some people find it funny, but I don't like too much of it.
I try to be polite and kind in general and I don't think I've ever been rude to someone on here (if I ever have it was unintentional).

What I do find very rude is when people don't leave me a wi fi rating when I've left them one or if I've given them something. This has happened before where I've given villagers away for free from my cycle town or helped someone when their town corrupted, the worst one involved someone coming to my town to get a free villager, running when I told them to stop three times then never leaving me a rating despite the fact I left them one. All I ask is a thank you and a rating. Mostly though people have been very grateful when I've gone out of my way to help them and I think this is a very good community for politeness and fair play.
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Yep. Unfortunately there are quite a few jerks that I have to deal with, so on multiple occasions I have been very rude because of how they were pushing me. People have been rude to me back and often times that's the reason why I'm rude to others.
Yep. Unfortunately there are quite a few jerks that I have to deal with, so on multiple occasions I have been very rude because of how they were pushing me. People have been rude to me back and often times that's the reason why I'm rude to others.

*ahem* OH MY GOD, you play ANIMAL CROSSING?
*ahem* OH MY GOD, you play ANIMAL CROSSING?

(oh my god)

But yeah, actually, I had to deal with someone who was criticizing me and a few of my other friends about a half hour ago, so there's a little story for ya there lol.