Hardest math you ever taken

some of the comments here reminded me of this cartoon:

Algebra 2 (the highest math I have done.)

I took in the 10th grade and was doing great when I got sick and ended up missing so much I had to go to a remedial math class.

In 11th grade the teacher I had prior left because of his leg. This teacher didn't really think I was honest about how much I had to miss (1 day for blood work/stay at the hospital, 1 day for the trip back home, and 1 day to just sleep everything off.) I would ask for the work I missed during this time and I never got it. She never even gave it to my temp homebound teacher! Her teaching style wasn't the kind I needed. I learn from examples and she said examples don't help anyone.

The second semester I was transferred to the other Algebra 2 teacher and yielded similar results. However he made us answer out loud which made my anxiety god awful. He used the first semester teacher's notes, so everything was the exact same. He told my parents he didn't think I was applying myself (which they called him out on as I would often come to his room early in the mornings if I missed, would ask my temp homebound teacher for help, and I would often be in tears by the time I finished my homework.)

I ended up taking a wrong math class this semester (I took AFDA because my guidance counselor at school said that was the only one I was missing. I was actually missing math analysis.) so I won't even graduate with an advanced diploma so I took it for nothing :') I feel like if I had teachers who taught in a way I needed it would've been so much easier since when I could find examples online I would get it in like 5 tries. I did a lot better learning by myself and with my friends than I ever did with my teachers.
Honors Algebra 1, in the eighth grade specifically because our teacher was a complete idiot. I've been taken Algebra 2 and it's miles easier than what she was spouting out.
I love algebra. I hated it when I was little, but once I got to high school I LOVED IT. Favourite maths subject. #justice4algebra
I'm going into plane geometry next year and everyone tells me its hard af so?
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you mean highest level?? calculus

the only math class ive ever hated was precalculus lol. waste of a year

edit: just read through the thread and apparently things like physics and chem count? then i think ap chem was a bit difficult at times cuz there was so much information in my head that it started to get jumbled and id mix stuff up and b too lazy to review rofl

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Algebra I, as my teacher never gave partial credit for anything.

how can u get partial credit for like one-step equations rofl
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I found precalculus harder than AP calculus, but I think it mostly had to do with the teacher talking really fast with a thick accent. I wouldn't consider any math class I've taken "hard" though since I always got an A in them.
what im taking right now, geometry. like? why? do? I? need? to? memorize? all? these? theorems? and? formulas?
algebra? lmao idk... why cant math be just simple addition and subtraction...
idk the subject here is just called Math, sorta covers everything and i hate everything xoxo
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Most of Maths is rather difficult for me. Got 7% in the Higher (equivalent to A-level) Maths prelim. There's no way I'm going to pass it, I'm not taking it next year and quite frankly, it's not worth trying. However, there's not a lot of options.