Happy to find an Active Forum


Feb 16, 2017
Hey! I'm Couid and I'm a deliverer for a handful of giveaways. It's so nice to find a super active forum and learn the ropes of this place~
I'm happy that you're happy about finding an active forum! :lemon:

Gveaways are held in Re-tail.

Hope you learn the ropes, my friend! :blush:
Yay! hello I'm new here too! I just made my account a few hours ago and still finding my way around! The whole trading with TBT system is kinda overwhelming :( but I'm really glad people here are so willing to help! It's nice to meet you ^^
Haha, I guess I found myself more interested than overwhelmed at the TBT system. The one downside indeed is that us new people aren't 100% sure on it's worth. Can be found paying 10TBT for 2 roses but end up that 2TBT is the usual. Thank goodness there are many helpful people in the questions board.

Here is a good place to start getting your feet wet, http://www.belltreeforums.com/forumdisplay.php?2-Bell-Tree-HQ . Absolutely any questions are answered in a jiffy which helps tons! It's nice to meet you too!
If you're ever afraid of being cheated out of TBT for being "new" it's best to check threads that have set prices for you, usually things like items have shops dedicated to them, same with flowers etc :) Or look on other threads and see what people are buying for. Hope you enjoy the site :)