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Hackers, don't be proud.


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
Okay, I know a lot of hackers are proud of their work, but why? In AC (GCN) evreything was normal, you got to play like a life. So addicting, but for ACWW that experience was never there. It probably would've been there, but hackers/AR came into the picture. Everyone had everything. So, my main question to hackers, is why? Why are you so proud for ruining other people's gaming experience, and ruining a video game? Just stop being so proud, and be ashamed.
they are proud because of a simple fact, its an achevement, wheather or not you like it, they have every right to be proud just like you might be proud if you got an "A" in school.
I hate it too. But it was in AC (GCN) since there were codes... and there was AR, but I'm not sure if as many people used it.
Guys. People use AR for other peoples fun. Justin uses AR to play Tree Tag and other games almost impossible with out AR. Also TBT doesn't have any s. AR isn't .
Yeah I used to like this idea now I'm nuetral. One way I like about hacking is that it can give you anything you want (vilagers). The part that hurt me was that i realized on how many people are growing an ego just b/c they got a lot of free items from there hacker frinds. Especially on pics I met this snob online who said "look at my pics! Man I'm awesome!" and they those monkey pics and assorted pics from a hacker friends.
OddCrazyMe said:
Guys. People use AR for other peoples fun. Justin uses AR to play Tree Tag and other games almost impossible with out AR. Also TBT doesn't have any s. AR isn't .
Ok....AR, not hacking. Odd do you know how awesome it would've been if someone would've actually made an awesome town? And house by thereself? Well, now it's impossible because it's probably done from using AR. Also, you don't get it, I'm not talking about Tree Tag, and I'm talking about ACWW living a life in the game.
Hacking sucks, and this is coming from a past AR user. I had planned to use the AR to just change my town, not to get items, etc, but the temptation was too high. AC:WW was worse than AC GCN even before AR, and it became practically worthless when I was using AR. Now, the quality of AC:WW is back to "sub-AC GCN"
Don't you guys know that an Action Replay is fun

:D But only when you've bet the game!


It's a golden rule.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
Yes, okay, it might be "fun". You can have way more fun with AC without AR. And AR ruined that fun that AC had alone.
Yeah, but if you don't have Wi-fi access it would have been awesome without AR.
I am completely fine with AR... except for those idiots who use it to get every item, then hand them out like they're hotcakes. : \

My friend was one of the first with AR, he never gave anyone anything, he just made his town look really weird, then invited people over so they'd be all puzzled... it was a great time, but that soon ended when everyone started bugging people like him for AR... he told a couple, just to get them to shut up, and then they told a couple, who told a couple, pretty soon anyone on the internet is a hacker... and what you're doing really isn't even that hard, it'd be like being proud of typing an entire post on NSider that had 2 paragraphs. nothing epic.

Hacking killed this game like Snaking did to mario kart... i'm beginning to dislike online nintendo games. >_>

lets hope they get their act together and start patching some of these things...
I'm opposed to hacking, really I am. Some of the time, it's nice, but other times, it becomes a horrible field to work in. On Mario Kart, some people hack courses that aren't available on the Course Select on Nintendo WFC, which to me, even though I never faced a hacker, sounded cool. That made MKDS Wi-Fi a bit better. Now on ACWW, that's what gets me really worried. Though you do get free stuff, it just doesn't seem really right. It takes the living your life perspective out of it. I earn things the hard way in ACWW. I never use hacking devices on my DS games. But to those who think hacking is fun, can you use AR in real life? The answer to that my fellow TBTers is, no. That's what makes ACWW fun. It actually seems like you live a real life. But since AR for the DS came into existence, it's really hard to find people that aren't hackers anymore. (No offense to any hackers here on TBT.) I think i said what I think about hacking very clearly. Do I like hacking? No, I do not.
That's a great point, about the real life perspective. You can't just magically bring trees to life, or find crowns laying there. You have to work, and make money to buy stuff. And billions of dollars don't just come falling from the sky.
PKMNMasterSamus said:
henhouse said:
My AR is retarted, It doesn't work.
That's really not the point of this thread...the point was that AR ruined ACWW...
Well it was more that the people who gave everyhting out ruined it.

Yes, but they couldn't have ruined it without AR.

Waaaiiiit a sec...you're right, because AR didn't just give us the stuff, the people gave it to us :mad: