going into highschool?


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2017
probably a bit early to make a thread on going back to school, but as school gets closer i guess i just can't help but think of it ha (sorry for reminding you all! unless you're not in school anymore. then you're free)

you could probably guess by the title, i'm going to be going into highschool this september and i have no idea how to feel. i'm excited, surprised (that i made it this far), and pretty nervous. i guess i made this thread so that people who are in/have gone through highschool can share advice/experience they have maybe? (please do! that'd be cool)

thank you!
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To be honest I...didn't care for it. I mostly kept to myself..w/ exceptions, I guess. Glad to be out(though I never graduated..I regret that).
Dunno, my class was pretty much drama llama af and random cultural clashes lol (I mean they can be good but yeah a lot of people created drama and were not used to us it seemed since they acted weird as hell)...

I guess it was good since my parents allowed some more freedom and I could move away from stupid grade/middle school **** though.

Stay away from people causing drama and stalking you and.. make fuss about nothing and stuff.
I actually enjoyed high school in that it was a great time for me to build skills and relationships, all the drama aside. I've got a fair bit of advice but here are the highlights:

- BE INVOLVED! I cannot stress this enough, even if you just join one club, it makes all the difference and can be a great way to make new friends!
- If you can’t do your best, do good enough.
- Any grade is better than a zero. (This is a fact)
- If you know/think you are smart enough for honors/AP/IB courses, go for it! Always take the chance!
- ASK. QUESTIONS. Your teachers are there to answer them.
- Look over your homework/notes/study guides - they exist for a reason.
- Don’t be afraid to take a class/join a club you’re interested in.
- You are going to have teachers you hate, and you just have to deal with it.
- Never be a douche without justification.
- You are going to have teachers you love. Make the most of your time with them.
- REMEMBER: it’s only four years, and then you’re free. Aim to graduate on time.
- TIME FLIES, so make the most of it!

Good luck to you with your freshman year, and always keep going! <3 Your education is valuable.
High school feels like a loooong time ago for me. My experiences were kind of niche, so it may or may not help. I only had 2-3 close friends, which I felt was REALLY good, but it made some classes without my pals a bit... awkward. They were all big geeks. All my classmates were big geeks (because of my program). Everyone was nice. There was minimal drama. I was focussed a lot on academics.

Anyway, I think you should try to focus on what you want to get out of it while trying to form some lasting new friendships. Ultimately you'll probably have some mortifying days, but you'll get the hang of it ;)
It's not as terrifying as it looks, it's honestly easier in mu opinion than middle school cause you get to pick out what classes you actually want, and that's the best part about high school. Nothing to be worried about, it goes by really fast, join a club and make some new friends and you'll be alright!
Yeah.. any grade that is not a F(or your equivalent) is good. Don't stress yourself into getting all straight A+ or stuff. If you're worse at one subject.. leave it at D unless you really really really matters for whatever you want. You don't need to be the pro asian kid never allowed to go outside man.
Prepare for it as if you were preparing for hell.

HOWEVER, middle school is worse.
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Just do your schoolwork as good as you can, study hard, get good grades, and don't give a damn about what other kids do. I know it probably isn't healthy to be mostly antisocial in HS but you're not going there to make friends. You're going there to get a good education. You have to learn how to balance schoolwork and social life. Don't be like other kids who think their friends come before school. It's gonna be hard as hell but when you get to the end of your senior year oh you'll realize all that hard work really paid off. I just finished my senior year of HS and I couldn't be happier 1. that I worked super hard and got a good education and 2. that I'm finally done. Just enjoy it as much as possible but don't forget education comes first.

Oh, and remember the amount of effort you put into your schoolwork can pretty much determine the rest of your life. Be careful of the choices you make in HS.
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Honestly if I could give any advice to my past high-school self it would be to try hard and get good grades. high school is probably the easiest thing you'll ever do from this point on so you might as well start trying now. Also, it's likely you'll never see a majority of those people again so don't care what anyone thinks of you. I know of a lot of people that peaked in high school cause they tried so hard to be cool/popular and seeing what they are like now is genuinely sad
I'm going into senior year of highschool, I honestly can't believe I've almost graduated. As the years went by, I feel like I did slowly become uninvolved with my school community. My best advice would be to join a club that interests you and meet as many people as you can, build connections. You never know who will end up being a good friend. At the same time, make sure not to get too hung up on anybody or anything there. It's only 4 years, and if you become too dependent on being in that environment, you'll feel even more confused after you've graduated. Try to make friends outside of school as well, I've found that my longest lasting friendships have come from bonds I made outside of a school environment. Good luck!
You will be a completely different person from the time you start freshman year and the time you finish senior year
Just live life and learn, you will grow up at your own pace
I had severe social anxiety in 9th and now I have none
Too many of my friends did drugs, don't do anything you're not comfortable with
You will honestly be graduated before you know it. I was really nervous going into my freshman year of high school, felt like it would never end, and I'm about to enter my second year of college/university. Just enjoy your time, you'll never really have as much free time as you do during high school. Keep your grades up and take care of yourself.

Also, appreciate where you live. Schools around here start on August 1, you get more time to relax before starting.
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I feel that high school is the worst part of school. The pressure teachers put on you, the fact you have to be there all day with a low tolerance towards absences, and the immaturity in most students is what makes high school so bad.

Here's an interesting fact about me. Everyone in Kindergarten from when I was a senior in high school are now in the 7th grade. It's been this long since I graduated.
Buckle up, you're in for most likely the longest 4 years of your educational career lol. I personally think its the longest ride, if you compare K-8, 9-12, and college/post-grad (4+ years). I'm now in my junior year of university and it's honestly gone by so fast, it feels like being a college freshman was last year.

I think everyone is always nervous transitioning from middle school to high school and high school to college. I promise you you'll find yourself in a "routine" soon enough, maybe even after the first week of classes. I agree with a lot of people saying that you should try to get involved if you can, and make conversation/get to know your teachers. These are the people that are going to write you a letter of recommendation when you need it for a job/position when you're in college, and trust me, boy do I regret not getting to know my teachers more. Because here I am, third year of uni, and never had a job because I don't have any references that know me well enough to recommend me. Now it all depends on if I can become involved in college, which is leagues harder than it is for high school because professors have over 300+ students per class and could care less about you lol!
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All advice I have to offer is to do good in your classes and if you want to take AP classes only take about 1-2 in a year because it is a lot more work than you think it is and if you're wanting to have a life and take extracurricular activities or go into sports then having more than that is going to limit your free time. Also, join clubs! You might not want to but if you join a club, like how I joined keyclub and another club that aims to make the school cleaner, you can put it in your resume if you want to work during the school year or during summer breaks. Also, really just be a part of the school events,a lot of people say they don't care for high school, i mean I didn't but school events are a good way to spend time with friends and such. Don't take it too seriously though, I know too many people who took high school way too serious, as if not getting into their dream college is the end of the world, but going to community college then transferring to university is also an option and people seem to forget that. So don't get too serious about having straight A's but this doesn't mean slack off either!
Freshmen are idiots there's just nothing else I can say about 'em
Sophomores are the most vile demons to ever be set loose from Satan's basement
Juniors are anxiety in the shape of a human. The only thing that matters to them is testing
Seniors only care about graduating and become some sort of human-sloth hybrid that just loiters around till the last day

Don't have a giant overstuffed backpack, run to your classes like the world is gonna end, or constantly look at your paper schedule between classes- just write it on your hand or in your phone
Freshmen are idiots there's just nothing else I can say about 'em
Sophomores are the most vile demons to ever be set loose from Satan's basement
Juniors are anxiety in the shape of a human. The only thing that matters to them is testing
Seniors only care about graduating and become some sort of human-sloth hybrid that just loiters around till the last day

Don't have a giant overstuffed backpack, run to your classes like the world is gonna end, or constantly look at your paper schedule between classes- just write it on your hand or in your phone

accurate +1
senioritis hit me like a truck
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If you want to hang out with other smart, geeky, hard working people, then take as many advanced classes (honors/ap/academy) as you can. They do a good job of weeding out the underachievers and trouble makers! The teachers will also be in a better mood because they mostly don't have to deal with those kind of students.
probably a bit early to make a thread on going back to school

Actually, where I live, all public schools starts next week so this is probably useful for whoever lives in the same state as me.

Um, I'd say join clubs or other school related stuff. They're great for meeting new people and making friends. Do not be afraid to ask the teacher for help with anything, they're not there to judge you, they're just trying to help.

I can't think of much to be honest, high school goes by pretty quick so enjoy it I guess.