Ghosting me??


Acnl addict
Aug 7, 2015
October Birthstone (Opal)
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
So I met this guy who followed me on Instagram. I didn't know who he was so when he added me on snapchat I realized he had friends that are my friends. So I started talking to him and I learned about him even though we live in different countries We even FaceTime sometimes. But the thing is he is known to be a ****boi because he sent pics to his ex and another girl so everyone I know talks to him doesn't like him and say he will hurt me and stuff and saying for me not to talk to him because he is the type of guy he is. Although he told me he wants to change. I know he lies sometimes to me but I don't really care that much since I don't live near him and stuff but lately he never wants to talk and stuff and usually leaves me on read. When I say I need to talk to him he just leaves me on read. And I really need his help right now because he is the closest guy friend I have right now and I don't know what to do? He is really nice and all and doesn't seem like ****boi and usually when I send streaks he snaphats me back and all but when I ask to talk about things he leaves me on read. What should I do because we are really close and all and I tell him a lot like what my friend thinks of him and right now I keep asking him to talk about this problem with my friends and what we should do and he said later this morning and just now I asked if we can talk and he left me on read. What should I do and just don't wanna leave it alone
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I kinda feel like you're trying to turn someone who is a follower of yours on Instagram into a boyfriend before he is even a friend.
Gorl why you always got boy problems!!!

I would stay away from him but yeah this is way inappropriate
You should stop talking to him. He sounds exactly like your friends described him, if he's only interested in your snaps and pictures and doesn't care to even really talk to you DROP HIM.
Honestly, it doesn't sound like he's a very close friend since he's never there for or even wants to talk to you half the time. He definitely sounds like what your friends described him. People like that only use their "friends" to their own advantage which is what sounds like is going on here.

Either way this will end in pain for you but trust me on this when I say the longer it takes to end a relationship like that the more it'll just end in pain. Hope only makes it worse.
I had a friend who was exactly like this honestly. All I can say that is you shouldn't have to beg for somebody's attention, especially not a close friend or friend. If they were anything of the sort, they'd make time. I say listen to your friends because chances are they're probably right about him. This probably doesn't help, but you'll make new friends. He isn't the only person on this earth you can be friends with or confide in.
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If he's leaving you on read he's not interested, plain and simple. Anybody who genuinely wants to talk to you will not make the conscious choice to ignore you. You mentioned he said he wanted to change, but if he's acting like a player and your friends know that, unless he's making the steps to change that I wouldn't listen to him. You even know that he's lied to you. You're trying to fix problems between him and you and him and your friends when he obviously doesn't care about either. Just leave him alone, find someone closer who actually cares.
Someone who purposefully ignores you isn't a friend. And there are plenty of other guys who would love to actually be your friend.

I suggest, as much as you want to stick to this guy, that you give him up. Heck, once you start ignoring him back I'm certain he'll come running to you instead. Even then I would say keep ignoring him since it would be obvious he's just playing an attention grab game.
Drop him. If he doesn't give you the time of day, why should you?
I had a crush on a guy similar to this one. He would only contact me when he wanted something from me and then when I wanted to chat with him, he would basically later me or barely send me good responses. It was pretty annoying but I was so into him that I ignored the voice screaming at me and continued trying to be important to him. Eventually, I met another guy who treated me much better and I stopped giving the other guy the time of day. Not exactly sure what changed his mind, but as soon as I moved on to another guy, he began to get all offended and would send passive aggressive messages to try to guilt me into coming back to him. Then when that didn't work, he got all mushy and said he missed me and all that. I eventually stopped replying to him and he stopped trying to contact me again. It's been like, a year since we've talked. It's pretty sweet tbh and I don't miss him at all. I feel loads better without having to beg for attention.

I definitely don't want you to go through a similar situation like I did. Stop it early before it gets worse.