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Game of Thrones Episode 3 Predictions


Sleepy Bear
Aug 17, 2018
Ancient Candle
Voodoo Doll
Pumpkin Cupcake
I feel like everyone and their mom is gonna die in the Battle of Winterfell tomorrow. Here's my specific list of people who are not long for Westeros:

-Literally half the women and children in the Winterfell Crypts
-Dolorous Edd
-Theon and his like 3 Ironborn

I feel like Brienne is going to die because she got that nice knighting scene in the last episode. She's gonna die to make Jaime sad.

Tormund is going to die taking out like 20 wights with him and it's going to be badass.

Beric's going to die because he's totally boring and isn't doing much and someone has to.

Podrick's going to die because his mom Brienne is dying too (I know she's not really his mom... but she's his mom).

Winterfell Crypt group is gonna die because some idiot thought of putting the women and children in the room with a bunch of dead people while they fight a necromancer.

Edd is going to die because I love him too much and he's useless to the plot and there will eventually be no Night's Watch.

Theon will die because it is the only way for him to be fully redeemed for screwing over the Starks in season 3.

Davos is also going to die because I love him too much and we can't have nice things.

Greyworm's gonna die because he made plans to go to Naath with Missandei after the war and it was too sweet and pure, so he's definitely gonna bite it.

And Jorah's gonna die to cause Daenerys pain. And hopefully she'll realize she's being stupid with the whole JON'S GONNA TAKE MUH THRONE THING and she'll calm down and be likeable again.

I have two people that I'm not entirely sure of too.

I can totally see them making Gendry die since Arya played herself and caught feelings for him. However, since he's one of my favorites (he's my hot blacksmith boyfriend after all), I'm hoping they just make us think he's dead and it will fuel Arya's rage and then he'll pop out and be like "I'm not quite dead yet!" and then he and Arya will become Lord and Lady of the Stormlands. I just need this to happen for my own well being. I've seen people speculate that he's going to become a wight and Arya will kill him and I'm so upset.

Missandei... I can just see them killing her to be mean to us. I feel like it would be cruel to take both her and Greyworm, but then it would also be cruel to take Greyworm away from her. I'm flip flopping on whether or not she'll actually live. I can't decide what I want more or what would make more sense for the story.

Am I missing anyone? What are some other predictions you guys have. I'm getting so hype, I just wanna talk about it with everyone, lol.
I have a feeling so many people are going to die. The main one I feel pretty certain about is Greyworm, which is unfortunate because I really love his character and his relationship with Missandei. But when he made that promise to Missandei about what they would do after the war, my heart sunk. That alone is often a sure sign of death. Then, they had to go and show the scene where the two of them kiss before he leaves and, as they part, someone puts up a barrier between them. The symbolism of that shot couldn't have been more obvious, in my opinion. So, I think that Greyworm will die and Missandei will live, thus keeping them separated. I suppose it could happen the other way around, but I really think it's going to be Greyworm.

Also, now that Brienne has been knighted, it's very possible that she will die as well. She has completed her goals. Although, she does have two potential suitors, so I'm hoping that she lives to choose between them.

Am I the only one that thinks Bran could die? I don't think the plan with the Night King will work as well as they hope and I think he could end up being a casualty when things go awry. Of course, that's assuming the Night King even comes for him as expected. He may do something completely different. But in a weird way, Bran has already been dead to me as a character since he became the Three-Eyed Raven. He's something else now, not Bran.
I feel like Bran has too much plot armor to die. Honestly, I think he's pretty useless, but when they were saying that if he dies, the Night King wins... I think that ultimately the humans are going to win, so he won't die. Unless they both die at the same time, ending this weird cycle. I could see that happening, but not this episode. It's too early in the season, I think.
I just want Bran to die. For someone with such an important role in all this but also somehow so useless annoys the crap out of me. That’s why I feel like characters like him with seer-like powers is such a plot hole idk maybe I’m just hating. All his scenes annoy me tbh. But yeah, with all the heartwarming scenes from episode two, it’s not looking good for a lot of characters... esp greyworm and brienne. I gotta prepare myself for both avengers and the next episode of GOT ahhhh so much death (probably, idk lol)
I also don't really care for Bran. I wouldn't be sad if he died, but I do feel like they won't kill him off just yet, unfortunately. But I am steeling myself because I know a lot of the people I care about are going to die.
how's he gonna escape winterfell with no legs though?