Forgiving people.

Oh god, I find it difficult to forgive people unless I recieve an apology and in some cases, something to make up for it.

Yeah, I know, I am so self centered.
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I do know who you talking but I am talking about my own perception on forgiveness. I never forget and never forgive harm people did on me and if they leave scar, then it will be permanent. But I see no point of bugging the person because they do something bad to you. Even you hate a person and don't want to forgive them,then just ignore them because you too, have no right of spamming/bugging them for the mistake they do because this don't make things better but worst and at the end you look like the person who harm whoever you hate than being harm.
I am 99.9999999% sure I know who this is about...

Anyways... I am one person who doesn't believe in much forgiveness and is actually a very bitter, hateful, loathing person.
That being said, there is a difference between being a responsibly civilized human being and being a ****ing self centered ******* who wants nothing but to just ruin peoples days and even lives...
Those who are harassing the individual are the ones who fall into the second part.

edit... sorry for the curse words. but they were nice "sentence enhancers"

You're pretty similar to me. I do forgive people but not that easily though. Even if people did behave pretty stupidly, and changed later in the life, it still doesn't change the fact that what they did in the past was wrong.

I am also a type of person that doesn't let other people off the hook so easily. I want to make sure that they actually realize what they did was wrong and never do it again.
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well like idk if someone hurts me or does something to make me distrust them I'm not going to trust that they changed. I'd really rather have nothing to do with them. I'm usually a very submissive person and I'll just give people forgiveness bc why not, but I'll never trust them again, or at least the same way again

I don't really know the exact situation but if someone scammed me I personally wouldnt trust them or like them very much
I don't accept their forgivness unless they really mean it. I don't hold grudge on someone or anything, it's hard to see if s/he forgive you and I do not know if they really mean it or not. They forgive me then the next day or whatever they will do it again then say sorry that really pisses me off. Just ignore or forget everything..
I am 99.9999999% sure I know who this is about...

Anyways... I am one person who doesn't believe in much forgiveness and is actually a very bitter, hateful, loathing person.
That being said, there is a difference between being a responsibly civilized human being and being a ****ing self centered ******* who wants nothing but to just ruin peoples days and even lives...
Those who are harassing the individual are the ones who fall into the second part.

edit... sorry for the curse words. but they were nice "sentence enhancers"
Err something like that
Once I being immature and did something wrong and cause everyone trouble but later I truly regret and change. But my ex-friend (no longer contact) never let that go and non stop bullying and reminding me over the past mistake I did even I am no longer the same person. So I totally understand that feeling, and if you can't forgive someone than just ignore them don't go around reminding their past guilt and haunted them again and again over the same thing. This not only hurt and make the person feel extremely guilty and it can cause mentally harm seriously. Everyone deserve a second chance but if they don't appreciate it, simply ignore contacting them you have no right too to go against them.
I can forgive, but I never forget. If you do me wrong, I will remember. Nothing personal, that's just how it happens with me.

However, if someone KNOWS they are wrong, then they should put forth some effort to correct it. From what I've seen, the user you are speaking of has done nothing but buy a Username change. Their behavior/attitude/posting habits/etc are still the same.

If you want people to move past his/her behavior/activities in the past and stop spamming him/her hateful things, GET THEM TO CHANGE. Until that happens, there's no point in "forgiving".
I find it very hard to forgive people, especially because when I do,they do the same thing and think they can hurt me more just because I forgave them. That's in real life though

I read that tbtconfessions blog and what the heck I never realized there was so much drama on these forums about these users I don't even know 0_O
In general: I will forgive, but I don't forget. I'll act a bit more cautious around the person or try to help them and guide them to become better, but if they continue their bad ways then I'll give up and just be wary. I won't bully them because of their past mistakes, but I won't be the nicest person as I'll be putting up a guard and being firm so it won't happen to me again. If they apologize and ask for forgiveness, and actually try to change then I'll be a lot nicer ^^

To be honest I feel like people have tried to forgive them, but it's not working as when we try to give advice to help this person they are very rude back to us. I don't believe I have ever been mean to this user or you, but have only tried to give you guys advice, and this user has been rude to me despite my good intentions and polite language.
In general: I will forgive, but I don't forget. I'll act a bit more cautious around the person or try to help them and guide them to become better, but if they continue their bad ways then I'll give up and just be wary. I won't bully them because of their past mistakes, but I won't be the nicest person as I'll be putting up a guard and being firm so it won't happen to me again. If they apologize and ask for forgiveness, and actually try to change then I'll be a lot nicer ^^

To be honest I feel like people have tried to forgive them, but it's not working as when we try to give advice to help this person they are very rude back to us. I don't believe I have ever been mean to this user or you, but have only tried to give you guys advice, and this user has been rude to me despite my good intentions and polite language.
I agree.
I find it very hard to forgive people, especially because when I do,they do the same thing and think they can hurt me more just because I forgave them. That's in real life though

I read that tbtconfessions blog and what the heck I never realized there was so much drama on these forums about these users I don't even know 0_O
Just go to the IRC/play mafia more often. You'll know them.
I think that you should forgive people because deserve forgiving them is the right thing to do.
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I know who you're talking about. And no, I'm not forgiving them. Y'know why? They've spammed, trolled, made a fool of themselves, and most of all, they've lied about who they really are.
Luckypinch, your argument is valid, but not valid enough for me to forgive her/him. All they've done to me is SPAM and LIES. I don't care how hard you or them try, there's no way you can make me forgive someone who is pretending to be someone else. Sorry, but you won't get any apology from me.