First jobs


Good grief.
Mar 16, 2014
Green Candy
Red Candy
Tasty Cake
Winter Mittens
Ancient Candle
Pumpkin Cupcake
Voodoo Doll
Today, I applied for my very first job. Of course, I don't know if I'll get hired or not, but I can hope, but obviously I'm going to fill out more.
Even though being hired isn't guaranteed, can anyone here give me some advice about having my first job? What things should I expect and keep in mind? This is a new experience for me, as I just got out for the summer and my mom didn't let me work during the school year.
A lot of it is mostly common sense. Be on time, be respectful, follow instructions, work hard and don't laze around, follow rules...
That kind of stuff is obvious but some people just don't get it.
Make friends with your coworkers! If everyone there hates you, it's very hard to enjoy spending time there.

On that note, don't slip into the mindset of hating your job because once you start you'll dread going to work every day.
Everything the above people have said. In addition, don't be afraid to ask questions. Also don't get too hard on yourself if you make a mistake. Everyone does and the person who will most clearly remember is you - unless it's something major most people will forget about it in a day or two.

Also - though it's premature - congrats! I hope you get it and love it. If not, plenty of fish in the sea as they say and even a little experience with resumes, applications, interviewing and talking to people is always helpful.

I also wanted to add that it helps to research the company you're applying for just a little. If you can go to the interview already knowing information about where you're going to work you'll be a step ahead of a lot of others. Do this if you get called for an interview and review a few minutes before the interview.

And also keep in mind that interviews are only conversations with the hiring manager wanting to get to know you. Be relaxed and study up on typical interview questions so you're prepared. If you find a question challenging to answer you can anyways shoot me a PM and I'd be happy to talk it out with you.
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Be responsible and respect your employer's time. Hiring new people is always costly for the company, so it will be really great on your part to make sure you are always on time (even early!!), don't slack, and try to learn quickly. If that means taking your work home with you to study or get to know your role, do it. Take initiative. This is a big one. Don't just be a follower and always wait to be told what to do. Ask questions, show that you are willing to learn! Also - accountability. You will make mistakes, it's normal. ALWAYS take responsibility for them and NEVER talk back. Never make excuses. Just accept the criticism and thank them for letting you know, and make sure you do not repeat the mistake again. Anyway, there's more specific stuff you should do, but since I don't know what your job is exactly, these are just the basics. :)
Depending on where you work, be strong... Of course everyone else covered the most basic and important parts of working. I started my first job at a convenient store only 3 months ago. It's my first job, and it is honestly one of the closest things to hell that I have experienced in my short life. We are very popular for various reasons. We sell many popular goods, like tobacco products, we have famous fried chicken, and all kinds of things. Even Nudie Mags. Our location is kinda close to several different towns, and on a main road. We've been short handed since I was hired and we still are. Working retail for only 3 months, and I already hate people more now then i have before. But despite how hellish it is, I love my coworkers, and they make everything better. And honestly, at the end of the day, I'm happy. I'm glad to know that I finally have some sort of role in the world now, and I'm making money doing it. Just be positive. Keep your chin up. Just by using a positive attitude with others, even if it's forced, can really make a difference in other people's days. I learned that first hand as a sales associate. I'm probably gonna leave my job for another store that's offering much more money for the same position, if they'll have me. I'm gonna miss my coworkers, they're already my friends. But I'm making minimum wage. It's a very good idea to always look for a new job on the side. Even if you love your current job, if you can get a better one, pay wise, do it. Because unfortunately for us, money is hella important. And where i work now, getting a pay raise is near impossible. I need to move on :(
Heres one tip that my father told me: Try to mold your weaknesses into a strengths, and sound brilliant while not sounding too rehearsed.
Well, never disrespect your bosses, for one. If you're told to do something, do it ASAP. Take initiative and always be diligent. Always be nice to your employees, and remember, the customer is always right! In the interview, show confidence. Look them in the eye, shake their hand firmly. Make sure they know you respect them.

Good luck on getting the job!