Fire Emblem:Three houses. Is the story DLC worth it?

Did you buy the expansion pass or are you looking into purchasing it for the dlc? The dlc is short and roughly abouy 9-10 hours, 7 chapters in total from what I have read. I've only done 3 chapters since it can take a long time to finish just 1 chapter and the last thing I wanna do after 12 hour shifts is to double think my strategy. Many say the dlc is hard, its just that even in normal/casual you really have to think about what you're doing. Each unit already comes with a specific class and weapons. Weapons and money is limited so you have to choose what is worth purchasing. Anyway main point is you're agreeing to helping out this 4th unofficial class. After completing the dlc you can recruit them into the main game, see their time skip designs, have tea, read support, etc.
I would say yes, just for the sake of having a few new interesting characters to get to know.

Then again, I enjoy the social aspect of the games almost more than I do the combat honestly.
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I'd say it depends on how you engage with the series and what you want to get out of the content.

Do you prefer to play the game just to experience the story and don't really enjoy challenge, or are you willing to take on something that can prove difficult and will force you to plan out your strategy more carefully? If you're more casual and don't really fare well with tactical decisions, you might be better off just watching gameplay and Support conversations on YouTube or something, because while I wouldn't say I found it hard, the Cindered Shadows DLC is definitely a difficulty spike compared to the rest of the standard Three Houses gameplay and I can see it giving some people trouble.

I would say that if you're up for a challenge then it can be worth it, because not only do you get the four new characters from the Cindered Shadows DLC that can be recruited into the main stories after you beat the DLC, you also gain access to the classes they come with (Dark Flier, Trickster, Valkyrie, and War Monk) to choose for your other units. Granted, I don't know for certain if the classes are locked behind the purchase, but I'd figure so?