FE Heroes discussion

Out of the four units for the 2nd Anniversary banner... I wanted Halloween Myrrh and end up getting her with +spd/-atk. Pretty sad that I didn't get the IVs I wanted for her, but at least I was finally able to get her after spending so many orbs for her when the Halloween banner made its appearance. I was also able to get a +hp/-atk Innes. Still hoping for a better Innes at some point... I spent like 48 orbs on War of the Tacticians A Banner trying to get Katarina, but ended up getting +atk/-def Olwen and +def/-hp Eldigan.

In any case... I found out this video was out on Reddit, so I decided to present here in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.

I am kind of tempted to spend my 400 orbs for this banner, but at the same time I want to save my orbs for Brave Alm and Brave Micaiah. :T I'll think it over while I still got the time and hope I don't regret it later once I have decided.
Wanted Myrrh from the free pull to fix my -Atk one, but got a +Def/-Spd Duma instead, which is pretty good. Then proceeded to pull for Myrrh. 320 Orbs later, no Myrrh :( Really wish they let us choose which unit we wanted.
Wanted Myrrh from the free pull to fix my -Atk one, but got a +Def/-Spd Duma instead, which is pretty good. Then proceeded to pull for Myrrh. 320 Orbs later, no Myrrh :( Really wish they let us choose which unit we wanted.

I really wish I could send you some of my luck! I also got a Duma, but then also continued to pull for Myrrh afterwards for a merge. No Myrrh after that many orbs is really unlucky. I hope you manage to get one at some point.
The voting gauntlet this time around was pretty fun. I ended up supporting Morgan the whole way through and I guess I chose correctly, because Morgan ended up winning. The next new banner looks interesting and there’s probably a unit or some units that I’m interested in summoning from it. :)
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I ended up caving and spent $20 for a last chance at another V!Soren since my pity rate was at 4.75%. Good news, I got 3 5 stars with those orbs! Bad news, none of them were Soren!

+Res F!Morgan. I could do some mage tanking thing with her but I'll prob just fodder her tome off instead.
+Spd Linde. Right after Delthea's refine comes out and I was considering giving it to her, I get better Delthea. And she has better IV's than my Delthea's +Res. Seriously rip Delthea.
+Def V!Ike. I got him with my last 4 orbs since I wasn't able to quit and do another summon anyways, and picked red in the off-chance I got Ike. Aaaaaand it actually happened wow. That's gonna be another merge for him because there's VERY few armor units that I care about, and none of them would want Special Fighter (really the 2 units that use the skill the best are the 2 units that already have it on their base kit).

Just found out that this video is out and decided to share the video in case anyone hasn't seen it yet. Pretty relieved that the upcoming Spring units of this banner aren't any units that I want since I am saving my orbs for the Brave units. Though... If I did want to pull on this banner then I would want to pull for Spring Marisa. My current orb count is kind of getting close to 500 orbs.
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Finally really happy with my Silas merge project. Once I have enough Dragon Flowers I’ll be sure to post my final result here!
Silas would like to wish everyone a happy Spring!

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Spring Festival is back, so if there's any seasonal units from Year 1 that you want, prepare to save for them at any point!

New Heroes, we also have a Forging Bonds starting the same day and Haar is being introduced to the game as a GHB the following day
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Did my free pull first thing in the morning while waking up for work. I saw who it was and I was like ?oh just a Nino?... a few seconds later once I was a bit more awake I realized it was actually Pegasi Nino. xD

I?m really happy cause while I already had her she had bad IVs and I use her on my main flying team. The new one is +atk -spd so I?ll be merging the old one into her to fix the bane.
I finally got Bunny Bruno. <3 He's totally going on my calvary team. Now I have a bunch of orbs from the promo because I wanted the 20 k feathers.

Sorry, but I hate flying Nino right now. I got her twice on the banner with Grima and Surtr. And I already had her.
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Finally reached the 600 mark on orbs. I got a +Atk/-Def Ranulf by using a summon ticket. He was the unit that I wanted if I could pull orbs on the Out of Gallia banner if I couldn't get him with summon tickets. Though... I'm not sure how I want to build him yet.
For the first time ever I finally made it to arena tier 20! (I normally hover between 17, 18 and 19). I know in the end it’s not really a big deal and I’m nearly certain I’ll drop back down next time but still nice to finally make it.


I only made it due to one of the bonus units being on my main team. Kinda annoyed bonus units make all the difference. Oh well.
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For the first time ever I finally made it to arena tier 20! (I normally hover between 17, 18 and 19). I know in the end it’s not really a big deal and I’m nearly certain I’ll drop back down next time but still nice to finally make it.

I only made it due to one of the bonus units being on my main team. Kinda annoyed bonus units make all the difference. Oh well.

Nicely done! I’m only tier 14 in the arena, but then again I don’t really battle in the arena anymore. I’m currently in tier 17/18 on aether raids and trying to tier up there, but it’s difficult. It’s really awesome that you were able to accomplish this though. :)