Favorite Native Fruit?

Favorite native fruit

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I got oranges on my town and I think it's...I dunno, kind of bland for something all over the town. I'd rather have apples or peaches.
It?s hard to choose one for me because I actually like three equally?apples, peaches and cherries.
On one hand I find cherries and peaches cuter shape-wise, but on the other apples are more classic imo.

I picked apples purely because out of the three, their perfect form is the only one I like better than the regular form. I prefer the regular peach and cherry coloration, but can always sill have those around town with apples as my native fruit.
I voted for cherries and pears. I really couldn't choose between them. I love having cherries in my town Sakura because the name means cherry blossoms, but I love pears in general for their nice green color that goes with pretty much anything.

I don't really like most of the perfect fruits, though. The only perfect fruit I like is the apples, but their regular form is just okay to me.
It's definitely apples or peaches.
I love the golden look on Perfect Peaches and the way that Perfect Apples sparkle is so pretty. I sadly have cherries in my town, but they're definitely 3rd on my list in terms of looks.
I picked apples because I love the way they look, and they match with my town as they are my native fruit. :) I also should have picked peaches and cherries because I love their golden colour, it looks really nice imo. Even though perfect pears don?t look too different from the original, I like how they?re a little more golden than the original look, it would go nice with forest themed towns. Perfect oranges are last on my list lmao, they don?t look bad, they?re pretty okay, but the bump looks kind of odd and it doesn?t seem to match with the rest of the perfect fruits.
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Peaches! But perfect apples though, they look good!!!
I have oranges in my town, and I'll be honest - Theyre my least favorite. But I liked my town layout so I stuck with it. Apples and peaches are my favorite. :)
Most of my towns have been cherries, and they're probably my favorite out of them all. They're delicious in real life as well.
I like perfect apples, peaches, or cherries. I have pears which is boring, and I hate the perfect oranges. They are so... deformed? Lol
I think peaches, just because I like the way the perfect peaches look and I?d rather have them in my town. I have cherries but I don?t really like the way the perfect ones look!
Peaches and apples are my favorites. I went with peaches tho, because I like their non-perfect coloring better than the non-perfect apple coloring. But I love both fruits' perfect look too! :)
i have peaches in my town, but oranges are definitely my favorite! seems like i'm in the minority here.