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Favorite form of coffee?


Yoshi's Islanders
Jan 9, 2015
New Leaf Token
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Zodiac Dragon Figurine
Sleek Train Car
Green Crescent Moon
I've never been much of a coffee drinker, but my mentor at work the last year was Turkish and introduced me to Turkish coffee and tea. And now I'm with another coworker on a trip in Vietnam, where coffee is a big part of the culture. So, suffice to say, I've tried a lot of different kinds of coffee recently, but I'm ready to try more! Let me know what else I should try :)
i'm a baby and cant handle bitter so whatever it is, it has to have cream and syrup.
especially partial to lattes.
My inner Tweek comes out when Coffee is present, I have an addiction.

I specifically libe iced coffee, any kinds iced coffee i adore. Ecept this one time when tjey had a Slurpee flavored coffee

I thought it would taste like an iced coffee drink but it tasted more like black licorice and Cinimon together
I strongly dislike coffee. I am under the belief that drinks should be cold. I tried iced coffee (and regular coffee, for that matter), but it wasn't my thing at all. I'm just not a coffee drinker and that isn't changing anytime soon. I tried it, and my taste buds said "No."
I absolutely love coffee, but only when it's cold because I'm not a big fan of warm/hot beverages. My favorites are a standard iced coffee with milk, iced americanos, iced lattes and iced mochas! Typically I'll get the iced coffees from tim hortons because they're the cheapest thing around me, or I'll make my own. However, sometimes I will go to starbucks if I'm feeling fancy LMAO
Hand drip. Also drip over ice. I like light roasts and I think drip coffee really highlights any fruity notes! I do my morning coffee as a drip and I haven't had a bad cup yet!

I like mixed espresso drinks occasionally too. Sometimes it's time for Starbucks Ice Caramel Macchiato!
I love coffee but not if they are super bitter. For example I can't handle turkish coffee. I can drink just plain coffee with milk and sugar or latte and cappucino.
i’m not much of a coffee drinker either (the last coffee i had was pre-pandemic for reference lol), but the very occasional iced coffee with milk, caramel, and/or chocolate is delicious! i can’t stand bitter or strong coffee, so i pretty much like my iced coffees to taste more like a sugary drink haha. i’ve only tried tim hortons’ iced coffee, and while they’re hit or miss for some, the couple that i had were good! i also tried an iced… something from starbucks years ago, and it nearly took me out lmao. i was expecting a mild coffee, sugary and milky taste, and instead it was more like i took a straight shot of espresso 🫠

it’s what i get for ordering something without really knowing what it is lol
I don't really have a preference, since I haven't tried a variety of coffee yet (like latte or cappuccino). Any roast is fine, and I like both hot and iced coffee. To me, coffee is coffee, and I'm sure I'd like all or most kinds of it.

I almost never get coffee from Tim Hortons (or any restaurant really, but especially Tim Hortons) because there's just never enough milk and I end up burning my mouth. 😭 I need lots of milk or cream in my coffee. But I guess you're supposed to ask for more milk (or "plus de lait") and I just don't. :v
I just like whatever drip coffee I can get my hands on, with whatever creamer, preferably Vanilla International Delight, I can get my hands on.
I usually drink my coffees iced, but sometimes when it’s cold I’ll drink a hot coffee here and there (especially a hot white chocolate mocha)
i can't drink it plain or without sugar, the more syrup and milk the better! almost to the point where it's questionable if it can be considered coffee any more LOL i only drink it iced too. i won't really drink it if it's too bitter and will cut it with some milk, sugar or whatever flavour syrup i have on hand at the time.
I normally drink it black because I can't stand milk (non-dairy is ok) and I don't really do sugar in coffee. I can drink any brew method but prefer coffee press or iced coffee. I love Guatemalan or Colombian coffee.
I'm actually drinking a nice hot cup of coffee right now hehe, I don't use it to stay awake or anything, it just tastes nice with a donut and gives me cozy vibes 💕

what I have here is regular medium-roast coffee, two cups, two small spoons of sugar and a bit of cafe mocha creamer. I prefer my coffee to be only a little bit sweet, but I can't drink it black. I think the sweetness of a donut perfectly balances it! yes I may or may not be on a coffee & donut kick right now oops 🍩
I also really like to go to the local coffee shop and get an iced mocha with oat milk. they also make it just slightly sweet, which is nice. thinking I may try to buy some mocha beans sometimes, I just didn't feel like shelling out more than about $4 for a small bag of coffee this last time haha.

also hearing people talking abt putting syrup in coffee, I obv know about sugar and creamer but idk about syrup. I assume yall mean like caramel/chocolate syrup? I see that in iced coffees and frappuccinos a lot.
Coffee is important for my daily function. I preferably like a hot coffee with a little milk and no sugar. For hot coffees I tend to have them at home or in my town if I'm out and about. When its hot outside, I really enjoy a nice cup of iced coffee or a cold frappuchino at my local cafe. No Starbucks. They have inferior coffee. When it comes to food with my coffee, I like a small pastry or bread. It really does depend on the type of coffee drink for the food though. If its a very sweet coffee drink like a frap, I tend to get something more salty or less sweet.
No Starbucks. They have inferior coffee.
100% agree, I go to a locally owned coffee shop and I can never go to Starbucks again, bc it's so overpriced and not worth it at all for what you get. plus Starbucks doesn't really deserve my money anyways.
Lattes are my thing...especially Hazelnut!