Shop Evvie in Chibiland


Mar 20, 2015
Tasty Cake
Candy Easter Egg
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
100% (15) +

Welcome to
��Evvie in Chibiland��

Here I will be selling two kinds of chibi-bobble head and chibu!
��Won't Draw��
��Stubble/Stubble Hair
��Big Muscles
��Anything NSFW or highly sexualised
��SOME males!
��Boring Mayors​


Chibis shown are my personal favourite examples
These are my common designs-Bobble Heads! These are inspired by cute little bobble head toys! They cost 100 TBT each, but you may haggle~

[SIZE=1]��I would like a Bobble Head Chibi!��
[INDENT]��Name of Character
[spoiler=  ][/spoiler]
��Total Cost

Chibis shown are my personal favourite examples
This is my second type: Chibus! These are the average chibi you would find from most artists! They cost 150 TBT+, it varies on character! Feel free to haggle~

[SIZE=1]��I would like a Chibu!��
[INDENT]��Name of Character:
[spoiler=  ][/spoiler]
��Total Cost
These could be anything! They will always be somewhat a chibi, but they may have random special edits, as these are my experiments! Please bear in mind that I cannot guarantee a certain style! These cost offers, but offers must be higher than 100 TBT!
[SIZE=1]��I would like a Grab Bag!��
[INDENT]��Name of Character:
[spoiler=  ][/spoiler]
��Offer (100 TBT minimum)
��Thank you for looking, have a wonderful day��

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��I would like a Bobble Head Chibi!��
��Name of Character Tamsyn

��Personality Happy, Excited, Cute, Hyper
��Total Cost Not sure.
It's 100 TBT as said in the spoiler~
Send the bells and I will add you to the slots!
Are you doing animals too?
And can I order 2 art pieces?

��I would like a Chibu!��
��Name of Character: nio & nele
��References: x
*nio: totally black with a little white mark on his chest and he has brown eyes
*me: dark blond,blond-brown hair, blue eyes with a little brown around the black spot
*we're both a little chubby
��Personality: in ref
��Total Cost: how much extra for the dog?
��I would like a Chibu!��
��Name of Character: Euphoria
��References: x
*could you draw her with the butterfly?
��Personality: she is an elf, she loves animals and nature, helpful,kind, emotional,..
��Total Cost: 150+

Thank you for considering c:
Oh gosh..I dunno! I can give a shot at the dog, and then you can pay whatever extra for him you want? Also, would you mind posting the references? For some reason they wont show up ^^;
Oh gosh..I dunno! I can give a shot at the dog, and then you can pay whatever extra for him you want? Also, would you mind posting the references? For some reason they wont show up ^^;

Ty for trying c: I know you can do it c:
Aaaaaah, they're so cute! I can definitely give these a shot~
1/2 of Nele's order is done, awaiting payment! You can pick it up by clicking on your slot~
Thank you! Working on your other one at the moment n.n
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Here is the blinking one! Thank you for allowing me to test~


So, the price for this will be 150 TBT, due to the fact your (adorable) dog didn't take much effort to add in :)
Here is the blinking one! Thank you for allowing me to test~


So, the price for this will be 150 TBT, due to the fact your (adorable) dog didn't take much effort to add in :)

Aah it looks adorable! Ty so much c:
- btb sended c:
Thank you very much for the tip! I'm glad you liked it :)

Also! Opened up a new section called GRAB BAGS! Go check it out!
Yes I am! I'm actually just starting it up! Will be done today/tomorrow...sorry for the delays ;w;
Ok thanks, I need to make money as I now have two orders, one for 300tbt and one for 100tbt and 200tbt XD