Eggstraterrestrial Hunt

more eggie?
Now that this event is over, I'll mention that somehow I ended up with 6 eggs but never found one in a thread that wasn't already claimed, lmao. Hopefully we'll be given the list of all the eggs available + the final leaderboard soon.
was anyone else completely useless during this egg hunt or was it just me lol

ty @dino for being awesome and finding so many eggs, you're the real mvp 💙🦕
you are too sweet ! 🥰💌

but don't put yourself down though ! you aced the bottle count test. i guessed over 500 on the last bottle 😂😂😂 so we all have our niches
was anyone else completely useless during this egg hunt or was it just me lol

ty @dino for being awesome and finding so many eggs, you're the real mvp 💙🦕
I think I tried it once and got so upset the only ones I could find were already taken that I rage quit the event. The people who actually found stuff are ninjas!
honestly, the only one I "found" which I may or may not of been fast enough for was the one chris posted as the multi-spoiler in the homework thread, but since I've not a clue how to redeem those, uh

honestly, the only one I "found" which I may or may not of been fast enough for was the one chris posted as the multi-spoiler in the homework thread, but since I've not a clue how to redeem those, uh

I got that one, and also the one from the previous YouTube video he posted. You had to type the name of the dragon that came out of the egg in all caps into the Points redeem tab.
Worst egg hunt ever 😅 Thankfully Chris and Mistreil dropped some at obvious places because otherwise I'm not sure they'd all would've been found "naturally".