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Dog people, which breeds have you owned? What are your fondest dog memories?


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2019
Orange (Fruit)
New Horizons Token
I absolutely love dogs! I’m definitely a dog person. In the 17 years I’ve been alive there has always been at least one dog in my house.

Fellow dog people, which breeds have you owned? What’s your fondest memory of your pet?

This post is a bit long, but here are the dogs I’ve owned in chronological order:

- Muffin (beagle, female):
I had Muffin from before my birth until a month before my 15th birthday. She was very expressive. My funniest memory of her was a day when I heard a loud crash in my garage and further inspection revealed that she had managed to climb into a small recycling bin (in her old age) and land back first into it just to lick some remnants of soup off an unwashed plastic container. She was very annoyed when I picked her up and took the container away. Please rinse out recyclables if you have dogs lol

- Lilly (beagle, female): Unfortunately I don’t remember much of Lilly or have any pictures of her on my phone because she died when I was in kindergarten or first grade (2008 or 2009). She was a rescue from the pound.

- Bentley (Saint Bernard, female): I love big dogs. I only wish that they lived longer and didn’t have so many health issues. Bentley lived to be ten years old and she died a few weeks before my 12th birthday. When she got annoyed, her dirty looks were almost human. She never bit, rarely barked, and never whined, but her death stare was unmatched. When it snowed, she would abandon her usual sedentary routine and happily saunter through the cold on her arthritic legs. Snow made her so happy. Her outdoor water bowl being frozen, however, did not, and she would let us know with a look as if she was saying, “Fix it.”

- Junie (basset hound, female): I got her in February 2009 and she’s still alive today. I named her after Junie B. Jones, the main protagonist of a children’s book series that I loved at the time (because I was in first grade). She’s a bit stubborn and very loud, but I love her. One time had to move her (very large and shared with another dog) bed to be up against a wall because I had to take out a massive load of laundry and it was in my way. When I was putting the load away in another room, I heard some shuffling noises followed by a thud and then more shuffling. I feared that the bed had fallen on top of her (since it was a super thick, mattress-like one) and I ran back to the laundry room. Was she being crushed? No. There she was, pushing the bed back into its original position with her nose so she could lie back down on it. I was dumbfounded.

Opal (black lab mix, female): I got Opal in February 2018 and she’s two currently two years old. She’s very intelligent and also expressive like Muffin was. Opal knows four tricks: sit, shake, high five, and down. Oh, and she LOVES cheese. Obviously cheese is only an occasional treat for her, though. Muenster is her favorite (and mine). I know this because she drools so much that it forms little puddles when I have it. Although she accepts cheddar, she makes a face when I give it to her as if she knows that I’m giving her a less expensive cheese. She knows the sound of the cheese drawer in my fridge opening and I swear she can detect it from a mile away. The second I open it, I hear her little feet tapping the tile in the hallway. I’ve never had a dog that loves cheese this much. She does the same thing for watermelon, strawberries, and red apples (again, just a treat). No green apples. She made that very clear. I offered her a piece of one once and she dramatically gagged and spat it on the floor near my feet. She’s also very sensitive and eager to please. Any yelling or loud sounds, even if the yelling is jubilant such as that of my parents watching a sporting event on TV, make her visibly sad. She hides under tables for at least thirty minutes when she is disciplined (which is rare because she doesn’t misbehave very much) or when people are yelling.

That’s all the dogs I have owned! Here are pictures of Junie and Opal. I will look for some of Muffin and Bentley too.

Third picture is a perfectly captured sneeze lol




In the second one she is using Bentley’s butt as a pillow
Again, I apologize for the long post. I love my dogs and I’d love to hear about yours!
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dogs are greattt. in the past, we've had a great dane, chihuahua, miniature pinscher, pitbull, and currently i have another chihuahua. they're great.
I have a Shiba Inu who lives with my parents. I basically haven't interacted with him much since he was 3 due to moving overseas!
I love dogs💜

I used to have 2 Shar-peis and I currently have a Daucshund, Yorkie and West Highland mix. So we've been told. But she looks exactly how you'd imagine a Chiwennie; long Daucshaund body, big eyes and ears, and an attitude to match. She's quite yappy and LOOOVES all the attention and snuggles 25/9. She's very needy and craves affection.

I can't say I have any 'fondest' memories, just memories or funny ones. I have bad memory. One time she stole a pizza crust off my sisters plate, another time she stole a french fry right off my mom's plate. One thing I do love is when she wags her tail in her sleep or squeaks when she yawns.
I've only ever (personally) had one dog in my life, he's my 5-month-old Golden Retriever. He's a really good boi, I'm taking him to the groomer tomorrow so he can get all nice and cleaned up. The place we're taking him to also does obedience training so I'm gonna talk w them about that. He actually does really well with basic commands such as sit, other/paw, stay, lay down, drop it, leave it, walk, slow down, quiet, down, etc. but when he sees other people he has an uncontrollable urge to jump at them which I really hate. I'm sure after some sessions of training he will be the best golden boi a golden boi can be ☺

Other than that, all the dogs we've had I've considered either a family dog or one of my parents' dogs. We've had at least 6-7 other dogs and tbh I never really liked any of them a whole lot (although I'm warming up to dogs more now than when I was younger; we used to have a chihuahua/pom mix and if we still had him I would probably love him to death lol). Many of them have been either a purebred chihuahua or a breed mixed w them, and it's made me really come to hate those dogs because I just don't vibe w their personality at all. The last dog we had that we had to get rid of was a white German Shepherd, beautiful dog but he had no training at all so he was absolutely out of control. One other dog we had years and years ago was a Jack Russel, he loved to play but he also had that hunter's instinct in him and he actually killed quite a few of our cats. That made me hate him.

I've also just generally had bad experiences with dogs because most of them like to bark a lot, and their owners let them eat people food, and they like to lick constantly, etc. Luckily the dog I have right now is hardly any of those things. He barks but when I say "quiet" he stops immediately. He's still a pup so he still wants my food but if I tell him "no" he leaves me alone. He also doesn't lick really at all which I appreciate. Plus he's really gentle and if he starts to get rough I just say "gentle" and he calms down. He really is the best boi 😄
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I love dogs too! I can't live without them!

- TJ ("Miniature" Schnauzer, male)
TJ was my family's first dog. We adopted him when I was 8 years old after our Siamese cat passed away. He was a registered miniature schnauzer, but I put miniature in quotation marks because he grew to be about the size of a standard schnauzer. That's why his first owner returned him and we ended up getting him when he was a year old. He had already been trained for a show dog life so he was very well behaved. The only bad thing he ever did was to dig out from under our fenced in back yard whenever he was left out there alone. He'd go socialize with the other dogs in the neighborhood and then come back home. But he was very gentle with myself and my brother and all of our friends. He always listened when we called for him or asked him to do something. He was such a wonderful dog. He passed away at the age of 13.

- Pedro (Chihuahua, male)
We got Pedro as a puppy about 4-5 years after we got TJ, so he grew up having an older dog around the house to show him the ropes. He was a pretty good dog in his own right, but he did have the yappy chihuahua tendency and he did not like strangers at all. He would bark at anyone he saw who wasn't family, so we usually kept him downstairs when we had company over. It was a finished basement with a den and my parents' bedroom so he was quite comfortable. After TJ passed away, my mom started spoiling Pedro so he got quite fat. He was so large that people regular mistook him for a corgi. He also lived to the age of 13 but had heart trouble in his final years. My favorite memory of Pedro is bringing him home for the first time. I guess I was about 12 or so and I got to hold him in the car on the ride home. It was winter and he snuggled right up against my neck inside my coat to keep warm.

- Buddy and Blackie (Shephound mixes, male)
I'm going to combine my description of these two because they were inseparable pals. My ex-boyfriend and I adopted them both about the same time and they were about the same age. A family that we dog-sat for gave us Buddy when their hound had puppies. He was super fluffy and tri-colored. We adopted Blackie from the shelter to be his friend because Buddy got bored very easily and we were working a lot. Blackie was all black except for a small white patch on his chest, had tall ears, and trotted in a way that looked almost like a horse. We used to give them mixed veggies for treats and Blackie would only eat the corn and green beans while Buddy would only eat the carrots and peas. So they'd finish what they wanted from their own bowls and then switch to finish what the other left behind. I loved them both dearly, but circumstances changed for my ex and I. We had to move back in with our parents and that meant sadly we had to give Buddy and Blackie up for adoption. It's one of my biggest regrets in life and I still think about them to this day and hope they had a good life with their new family.

- Capone (Pug, male)
After my life had settled down some and I got my own apartment, one of the first things I sought was another dog to call my own. I decided on a pug because their traits would match my lifestyle the best. My dad had a friend who was getting two pugs from a breeder out of state, so he was able to pick up a third for me. Capone was literally my soulmate, not in the romantic sense of course, but he and I were so in tune with each other. I felt like I always knew exactly what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking. I barely had to train him because he just knew what I wanted and did it. He was an amazing dog. He had a stroke at the age of 13 (that was a really bad age for dogs in my family) and even the vet thought that he wouldn't pull through, but I could tell that he wasn't ready to give up. I worked with him, carried him where he needed to go, and hand fed him for weeks. But then he gradually started to improve. He never got quite back to his old self, but he improved to the point where he could walk on his own again without getting stuck in corners, eat from his food bowl again, and he just needed my help with stairs or putting him on the couch to lay with me. Things continued that way for a few more years, but right after his 16th birthday his health plummeted and I knew it was time. I rocked him to sleep in my arms for the final time and buried him in my yard where I still talk to him every time I pass that spot.

- Tanuki (Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix, male)
After losing Capone, I decided to adopt another dog in need of help. I found Tanuki on a local rescue site. He had been dropped off at a shelter with his mom and dad. He was only 6 months old. When I first met him, he was so terrified. He hovered around his foster mom's feet and would barely interact with me. This only made me want to help him more. Within a week, we had filled out all of the adoption paperwork and made it official. He came home with us on July 1, 2016. Since we didn't know his birthday we decided to make it January 1, so we celebrate his birthday with the New Year. After a few weeks, I started to realize that Tanuki had a lot more issues than just being afraid. He had separation anxiety, dog and cat aggression (he especially hates cats), and even now 4 years later, he still finds new things to be afraid of all the time. It feels like every time we take a step forward with him, he regresses two steps back on something else. But he loves me and my husband and when I come home and he jumps up on his hind legs, dancing, with his tail wagging like mad, I can't help but smile. I love him so much, difficulties and all.

Those are just the dogs that I've personally had, but I've been close to lots of dogs that were owned by extended family and friends. Dogs are the greatest in my opinion. ❤
The only two dog breeds that I have ever owned/been raised with are Brittney Spaniels.
The first dog in my life was Dana, she was an amazing dog but became both blind and deaf. She was a orange and white Brittney, and she loved to go canoeing with my mom and dad, hunting birds (hey are hunting dogs, and they are super cool to watch when they try and track something down), and running around our yard getting muddy. Eventually, she got very old and we had to put her down, but she had a good life with us.
We got our second dog when I was around 8! Her name is Ruby and she is 9 years old. She still acts very much like a puppy, but she has grown lazier over the years! She is liver (brown) and white Brittney with the fluffiest coat! She likes roaming around our yard, eating the wild blackberries off of the bushed (don't ask me how she does it, it is hilarious to watch and she even knows when they are ripe??), and going for walks. She gets really bad anxiety when we leave the house or go on vacation though, its really hard to leave her behind for a week when we go on vacation because all I can think about the first few days is how Ruby is doing. But we bought her a few things to calm her down, such as a thunder shirt and some relaxing treats that seem to do the trick! Both of the dogs were expensive and came from a breeder. We were friends with the owners before, but adopting a dog is a great choice as well if you want to help dogs get a new home!
awww your dogs are super cute!! i’ve had a variety of dogs since my family are such big dog lovers - we’ve had pitbulls, a shih-tzu, and a chihuahua / mini pinscher mix!
i’ve recently adopted an english bull terrier and he’s my first dog i’ve personally owned and not the “family’s”! he’s a super goofy fella and just has so much love to give, i think this is the first time i’ve felt especially attached to a dog even though we’ve always had one in the family! anyway, here’s some pics of him!
I've only owned one dog myself

Shadow (Mutt, not sure what breed she is but we think she's a Jack Russell Terrier Chihuahua mix)
We got her june of 2011, making her 9 years old. We bought her from a lady in the park who was selling puppies. Shortly after we adopted her she ended up getting really sick and lost fur on her face. It was like this for a few months, but thankfully she got much better and is fine now. She also has this breathing problem causing her to snort like a pig when she sleeps. She's just a big goofball who does nothing but eat and sleep. She never lets me pick her up or hold her unfortunately because when we got her I never got to hold her, so she's not too used to me. Shadow hates other dogs, and anybody new who comes over (just like me lol). Also, she's a fan of roast beef.

I have 2 fond memories of her.
1. Once, we took he out when we went on a hike about the same time we got her. She ended up throwing up on my sister once we got to the trail.
2. The only vacation we took her on was when we went to our grandma's house. Me and 2 of my sisters taught her how to climb upstairs, and it was pretty fun for some reason. One day of the week we spent there, my grandma took us shopping and we locked her in the loft with one of her dogs Max, and both their food bowls, while my grandma's other dog Cooper (rip Cooper, you will be missed D: ) was downstairs.
What ended up happening was that Max and Shadow practically fought the whole time and Max ate my dog's food. Also, once we got back, despite how fat she is my dog squeezed through the banister and ran downstairs to us. Best vacation ever lol

another time is she almost got hit by a car and that scarred me for life-
Screenshot 2020-07-02 at 11.51.22 PM.png
Growing up, my mom owned a chihuahua/dachshund mix named Weezer. She was born in a puppy mill, so she could get aggressive if you made her uncomfortable. In spite of that, I was still very fond of her. The way she snorted like a pig all the time was adorable.

After Weezer passed away we adopted a deer head chihuahua called Mia. Unlike standard chihuahuas, deer heads have larger bodies and longer snouts. In my opinion they’re also smarter. I can’t tell you how many times Mia has stolen my food without me noticing. She also has this cute habit of licking my arm when she’s nervous. Even though her muzzle is graying from age, she is still super energetic.

The first and only dog I own is Tucker. He’s a ten year old pure havanese I got from a breeder. Of the many dogs I’ve met, Tucker is easily the most eccentric. He obsessively rolls in grass, taught himself how to beg by praying, and is more attached to my mom than me. I still love him regardless!
I have had 2 dogs
Flor, a golden retriever. he was the big and quiet kind. although we later found out that he was probably mostly deaf for most of his life. we had him since he was really small until he died.
And now Wolf, a white swiss shepard (although probably not 100% pure, but that's fine). He's big, and really likes to play all day! because we're his third boss he has a history and it shows. he's afraid of loud places and other dogs.
I've only ever owned Shiba Inus. (For those who don't know, it's the doge meme dog lol). I think they're so cute. Everyone used to ask me why I was taking a fox for a walk, haha! They do look like them, especially the red one I had! My last dog died in 2011 and I haven't owned any pets since. I'd love to own another dog someday!
I've always had golden retrievers! I love them, they're such big, goofy, babies who think they're lap dogs!