Does It Scare You?

Not really. The only time I'm really "frightened" by it is when I'm driving but otherwise I love it. :)

Driving under/over bridges?
A bit
Driving next to a big truck, thinking it's going to change lanes while you're on it. (So specific lmao)
Yes, I'm terrified of being left alone and not having any of the people that I care about love me back.

The dark?
Used to be when I spent a lot of time watching horror movies and horror game walkthroughs online. I guess I don't have enough mental fortitude for that, 'cause I'd always get paranoid thoughts and think **** was hiding in my closet lmao. You'd think I'd be old enough to not fall for that type of thinking, right? Anyway since I quit watching that, the dark doesn't faze me anymore.

Actually, yes, holy ****. Once I hear a bad story about someone choking it doesn't leave me, I just cannot forget it for the life of me. I hate reading stories about kids choking on small things or food, I just can't.

A little bit, but I've never had to be around one, so... This comes despite the fact that they're common in my area.

Talking to your crush?
Sometimes. Especially when I don't think they're listening.
