Do your mayor/other characters have stories or personalities?

The mayor in my main town is just me; I love the villagers too much to not get to befriend them myself. My side characters usually have characters to help drive the creative direction of their houses; one is a mermaid because I like a lot of the aquatic pieces but never can find a place for them in my house, and she's going the have a little science lab in the basement that she's using to keep herself human. My other character is a clown because I'm going for a fun sort of boardwalk carnival vibe in the town (and so I don't have to just sell all the balloon furniture). I'm also planning out a second town with a sort of spooky theme, with a witch and an alien and then a vampire as the mayor.

I was always a little intimidated by themed towns because a lot of people pull them off well, but I've been trying not to get so hung up about comparing myself to other towns (even the really really REALLY good ones lmao)
my Mayor is Q or like, well his actual name is Quinn but he worked in espionage before randomly showing up in the aminal villages so no one in town knows his name but Credence, he doesn't really actively serve as mayor and mostly just mails in his paperwork. His house is a cafe which is actually a front for a monitoring and numbers station. There are cameras installed everywhere and he generally keeps to himself in the locked basement.

my other player characters are Credence, Faustian, and Rodney.

Credence is a good boy who is an abuse survivor and does a lot of jobs for the animals because he's trying to make friends. He mostly likes to design clothing, arrange furniture, and help the animals find fruit that is two feet away. He lives in the town because at one point he was Q's roommate and Q told him he could start over in a new life in Dunwitch and fronted Credence some cash to do so.

Faustian is an angry boy who is prim and runs a posh hotel. His boyfriend lives in a tent.

Rodney... rodney is um... rodney is a special boy.

I have to admit I have never thought of adding a second human villager to my town. In my Wii CIty Folk copy of the game I added a second to base on a friends character (she didn’t have the system or game so I thought it would be fun to create one based on a character she made). For this game though, because I see it being me. That’s the big thing about my mayor, I plan on having my mayor’s hair in a tone and style I would have. I chose the simple black eyes so they give the idea of looking forward, where most eyes are side looking.