Do you squish or kill bugs?


May 28, 2021
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Sky Clouds Scenery
Spring Sakura
White Hyacinth
Pink Heart Balloon
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Yellow Balloon
Sweet Balloon
I remember having a teacher who would protect any bugs that crawled in. It left an impression on me. I don't like killing living creatures unless it's a dire situation. Like, I had this ant infestation in my room which I sourced to some melted candy at the bottom of my shelf. Sadly, they had to go.

Also, spiders hanging out in the shower make me paranoid. These things are supposed to ignore you. But I had one land on my head. They scare me now.

I'd still rather not kill them. (or I just end up feeling guilty :c)
Only if they invade my space and are harmful/poisonous/annoying.

I think it's highly irrational and nonsensical not to do so if the bugs are all those things.
Only if they're harmful/dangerous/carry disease/etc. I don't enjoy doing it but they gotta go.

If it's just some harmless little thing that wandered in like a moth or a beetle or a bumblebee or something, then they get released back outside.
If theyโ€™re easy to get to or small I kill them but if theyโ€™re big and difficult to get to I get mum to deal with them
I do not kill bugs and will protect them. My family and coworkers know that if they're scared of a bug or spider, I'll move it outside.

In my own home, I leave them alone if they're not in the way and don't need to be outside to thrive. If they're causing issues or will likely die if left indoors, I try to catch them and release them outside. Ticks will be removed alive if possible and dropped outdoors away from the house. However, if my dog gets fleas, they have to go. I protect my animals over bugs.
If they're inside my house, it's my dojo and I do what I wish. I try to save whichever bugs don't bite me or gross me out but spiders ALWAYS have to die.

If they're outside, I leave all bugs alone, unless they're mosquitos or something trying to bite me.
It depends on the species.

Mosquitoes and cockroaches deserve quick deaths. If there are walking spiders, it depends if its poisonous or not. If not, I let it outside. Moths and other harmless insects get put outside.
Sorry, but Iโ€™m not a pacifist. If thereโ€™s a bug in my house Iโ€™m not letting it go back outside. It depends, though. Sometimes, if theyโ€™re pretty small, I might let them live, but I usually want them dead because I have entomphobia, which sucks so hard.
Everyone is talking about inside, but I don't know if this is also about outside? If possible I'll kick most bugs outside. But some bugs are extremely invasive and need to go. Japanese beetles, lantern flies, ect are invasive bugs that aren't from United States. I have a massive garden where I grow almost everything I eat. I can't just be let them destroy everything. They're literally like a frat party in the summer. Eat you out of your house, party all the time, tear everything up, and do the hankypanky all day long.

So many of my fruit trees are eaten up to nothing. My vegetable and fruit crops to. So I do everything in my power to deter or outright kill them if I have to. I try for natural first, but if I have to use repellents I will. I grow marigolds and plant them around my gardens because deer's don't like the smell. I don't know how true it is, but I heard it and ever since I started doing this I haven't seen them in my gardens so it must be somewhat true. There's also some plants that are poisonous to invasive insects which will deter or sometimes decrease the population over years. I get that not everyone wants to do that, but people who have gardens or farmers have to do what some us don't want to otherwise we'd have a food shortage/crisis.
I will without hesitation kill pests like ants or flies.

If it's some lone straggler bug that found its way inside and it's relatively harmless I'll capture it and release it outside.

I allow spiders to live because they'll eat whatever bugs might either reside in a home or find their way inside.
My green house is currently infested with Asian lady beetles, at first I was looking for a solution to get rid of them because I thought they were invasive or something. I attempted to look them up and found a bunch of conflicting statements and misinformation. I think they were introduced to the environment by California agriculture to control pest insects and now possibly out compete "native" ladybugs.
At this point I'm not sure I even mind them, they don't eat my plants and as long as they stay confined to that room they don't bother me.
I make a point to let spiders and insects outside rather than killing them, as a general rule of thumb I think it's best not to kill things just because you don't understand them.
I usually just leave them alone, but if they're aggressive or prone to diseases then I'll put out traps to remove them. The only real exception is ladybugs- They always get put back outside.
It depends on how big they are. Once theyโ€™re big enough that you can feel their bodies squish, nahhhh
I mostly just pick them up and throw them outside. Even wasps I allow to leave via the window for the most part, as long as they don't try no funny business. I'm pretty good to bugs as a whole.

Apart from large spiders that I smack with hard objects, and hornets that I blast with fire.
Cockroaches aren't very common in London, or the uk as a whole I think. I've never even seen a live one in London.
If I did, I would probably set it on fire.
no, as long as they're not going to actively harm or kill me. and i live in michigan where that's not likely. wasps, tho, no mercy.