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Do you get mistaken for the wrong age?


Sep 20, 2013
Do people often think you are older or younger than you actually are? I don’t mean like two years, but a bigger age gap. I’m 23, but people tell me I look 16. I’m often hit with “do you have ID?” I even got a stamp on my hand at a casino that said “over 21” I guess they give those stamps to people that look young so they’re not pestered by workers for ID. One time, I actually had someone tell me “you’re not of age.” Like, don’t tell me what I’m not. You can just ask for ID like a professional worker should. I don’t know why she had attitude. (And that was just for a lottery ticket... *eyeroll*)

If you are mistaken for the wrong age, does it annoy you? It actually gets to me more than it should, but I’m better about it now. If I’m buying adult drinks, I put the ID on the counter before they have a chance to ask.
Yes all the time, cause I have a pimple baby face so most randoms think I'm still in high school, lol. And yeah it annoys me a bit, I suppose they have to ID people but, yeah I also give it before they have to ask just cause I don't want em to lol.

There have been some random bars back when you could go out where they didn't check and stuff but when they do I just flip it out of my wallet and hand it over, lol.
They think I look younger than I am which is nice so I don’t mind it. It can be annoying sometimes but you get used to it. 😅
But sometimes I need ID when I buy certain things. lol
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All the time! I’m slightly short (5’08), so people often think I’m 14-16. If I’m wearing a backpack or sweatshirt the mistake happens ever more. I think the funniest time this happens is when High Schoolers think I’m younger than them!
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all the time, to the point where it's a running joke in my family. i'm almost 22, but i have a baby face and regularly get mistaken for 16 and even as young as 12 lmao.
Always. I'm going to be 29 on Tuesday and I'm constantly mistaken for a decade younger. It's amusing the way people suddenly change their tone when they realise.
I've always looked younger than my age. I'm short and I guess I have a baby face. It used to annoy me because it's frustrating when you hit those milestones like becoming a teenager, turning 16, 18, or 21 and everybody thinks you're younger. I just wanted to be recognized like my peers.

Now that I'm older, though, it's kind of nice. When you're 40 and people think you're 30, it feels really good.
Yes, I get mistaken for being younger than I actually am. People think I attend high school, but I graduated from uni and I'm working. 😅

I used to think it was annoying and embarrassing when I was in uni (under 21) because a few of my friends would gently tease me about it and I wanted to look more mature and be taken seriously. Also there's an underage drinking culture in uni, so I wanted to look like I could pass for 21 and older. I still get carded and stamped now, but I don't mind and in fact I want to feel and look like I'm in my late teen/early 20s forever. 😂

That being said though, I think I'm the baby of my friend groups. My friends are 1-3 years older and I'm often told that I'm naive, childlike, and quite bubbly at times. From the outside, it might seem like I'm someone's younger sibling tagging along haha.
All you folks with young face syndrome, lol. I have the opposite case- I'm not old and wrinkly, but I've had a very homey style and a mature face for a long time. I've been mistaken as the mom to my sister and even to my husband... 😕 😞

I'm finally at the 30- something age that matches my face so hopefully this is an inflection point and my face stays "young".
Someone thought I was 18, and I didn’t really care to be honest (I’m 24).

I don’t drink alcohol, so don’t even have to deal with being carded or anything.
I'm 22 and I often get mistaken for 12-13 because I'm short and have a baby face. I don't really care, I think it's funny.
I've always looked younger than my age, and it used to bother me a lot when I was in high school and college.

Now, it's a funny thing. I'm happy being in my 50s, but I'm constantly tagged for 7-10 years younger.

I used to correct people, rather indignantly, when I was younger. Now, I smile and thank them for the compliment. Sometimes I tell them, sometimes I just move on.
I get told I look 23-27 a lot. I'm 33. I used to get really annoyed when I was younger and correct people, but now I just laugh a little and say, "Oh, thank you, that's so nice of you!" (and usually still correct them) but now I get a shocked reaction back when I tell people I'm not 25.
All the time! I usually get mistaken for being 20-22 instead of 27. I still have that 'childlike wonder' aura in my movement/expressions and my face hasn't aged a day since my first year of college (not complaining, of course!) 😅
I’m 4’11 and have had the same face since I was 12. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone guess my actual age lol.
i do, i think i do look young for my age but more so i think it's because i'm very soft spoken and quiet which seems to make people think i'm younger (i'm in my late 20s)
I'm not sure if I still do, but when I was about 23/24 and going in to a casino, the guy stopped me for my ID and told me I looked like I was 16. He was very surprised I was older. I'm 27 now
When I was in my 20s and 30s, people tended to assume I was younger. That was fun. I liked being mistaken for being younger than I was. I mean, I don't see a down side to looking younger.

But, now, I get offered a seat on the train by people in their 20s and 30s! I always say thank you, but I'm fine, please keep your seat. (If there are standing-only carriages on the train, I go for those to avoid getting offered a seat. 😉 ) It doesn't annoy me. I'm mostly amused. It also gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling in my heart to know that kind people still exist! I believe the reason I get treated like a frail and elderly person is because of my white hair. I stopped coloring my hair a few years ago. There's a good amount of white hair on my head. But I'm only in my late 50s. I don't need to sit down all the time. Yet. 🤪