Do you eat meat?

Do you eat meat?

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I abstain from red meat, but more as a health choice than a moral choice. (I also just eat enough poultry that I don't really care for any other meat)

I personally think the only reason to abstain from meat is for health, but I admire the hearts of people who do it for moral reasons. Cows are also really cute haha. I have family that owns a farm and it's fun playing with all the animals, they have quite a variety too ~
i basically never have red meat so picked that one, but once or twice a year i'll have a sneaky cheeseburger
I eat most meats, however I stay well away from fish, I detest it so much and I actually haven't eaten any fish for years.
I eat plenty of meat but def no veal (tastes good but is soooo wrong) or fish. Research has been done and there's some debate that even fish feel pain so it's not like fishing is harmless. It's also bad for the ocean. Overfishing of the ocean is a big deal and causes corrupt people to label dolphins as pests and justify killing them and taking part in the dolphin entertainment trade. Despite my heritage, I really do not like the taste of seafood anyway ick!

I think a lot of people (myself included) forget to think of all the different ramifications of eating seafood.

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once or twice a year i'll have a sneaky cheeseburger

Lmao a sneaky cheeseburger
I'm a vegetarian. Couldn't live without milk and cheese. It's more of just a squick thing; I would be too grossed out to come across veins/bones/etc when eating. I'm fine with other people eating meat around me though, as long as I don't have to handle it.
i'd die without crackling pork, fried chicken, beef steak, peking duck, too much of a sacrifice :)
I try to avoid red meat unless it's a special occasion (ribs, bacon etc). Other than that, mostly chicken!
Yes, but I don't eat fish or any type of seafood, and I don't eat red meat, pork, and other types of meat. (I eat chicken, beef, and some types of pig meat).
I want to be a vegan one day, but not now.
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I don't. I gradually stopped, first with beef & red meats, then went to chicken. I still eat dairy products though. It's too hard to give up.... And I don't have the money/resources to eat vegan alternatives at the moment. Hopefully one day though
I primarily eat chicken or seafood. It will be on a rare occasion when I eat read meat, mostly because it upsets my stomach
I eat most kinds of meat, even though I've seen a lot of vegetarian alternatives to stuff I just stick with eating everything because I don't really have the money for a full vegetarian or vegan diet (my dad is allergic to gluten and my brother is a extremely picky eater so that's a handful enough as it is) aand it would just be way too much commitment for me, along with the fact that I would probably snap a few days in
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I eat red meat and poultry, but not a lot of seafood. I know I should eat more because it's healthy, but I can't stand it. I feel bad because I love animals, but everyone in my family eats meat and I don't think I couldn't stop anyways.

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I just realized this is on a forum for ANIMAL Crossing.. watch out Patty
i've always eaten meat and fish with lots of vegetables. and don't know too much about vegan options other than the fact that I believe that they lack a lot of nutrition like zinc, iron, calcium, vitamin d, etc. in comparison to "regular" foods. which isn't good for someone like me who is slender with a fast metabolism. so i don't believe its for me.

and for those who are denigrating on the "murderous" meat eaters for not following the same regime, know that not everyone has the luxury to be able to be picky on what types of food they can and cannot eat. And it may not be as easy for them if they wanted to. reasons being either cultural, financial, health, background, location, and availability. (Or all of the above.)

Just like people have valid reasons for choosing to eat vegan, others have valid reasons for choosing to eat meat.
I do though I'd like to go full vegan someday. It's kind of hard to though when your folks are in charge of the shopping.