Do you consider yourself to be a healthy person?

Yeah I think so. I'm vegetarian, I don't drink milk, I substitute a lot and I'm sure to get daily of everything I need, I used to work out a lot but ever since the summer, I haven't very much.
No ;_; I eat way too many sweets and junk food and I don't really exercise...I've always been naturally thin so I've not had to limit myself. Now that I am getting older I should start taking better care of my health!
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Sort of. I could probably eat a little better, but I did cut sodas out of my diet last summer which was a really good thing.
I could also exercise a little more, but I play tennis so I guess that's enough.
I eat rice pretty much everyday. I always sleep late and take naps during the day. Fruit isn't something that I particularly like, and I only eat it when I'm in the mood, plus I'm really picky. Soda, however, is disgusting and I do take martial arts classes at my rec center. I somehow manage to stay thin, or at least puny is what my best friends would call me. xD
For the most part, I am quite healthy.

Healthy things I do:
-I do Yoga.
-I eat vegetables and fruits daily.
-I intake calories according to how active I'll be that day. Now, I don't count calories, I just pretty much eat more if I'll be busy, running. And I'll eat less if I'm just going to be in the house all day.
-I eat generally healthy. Throughout the week I'm on a mainly cooked-vegan/vegetarian diet. On the weekends I'll eat meat, mainly chicken or fish.
-I avoid sweets/sugar as I don't feel too good when I eat too much of it. I'll eat sweets every now and then, but not as often as some other people. I prefer salty things anyways. :)
-I don't eat out much. I grew up in Brazil. They cook about 3 times a day, sometimes 4 if they feel like making lunch. So I always ate home cooked meals. We would only go out to eat on a special occasion or something.
-I use organic/natural products only. Cosmetics, cleaning products, laundry detergent, etc.... I try to use as little chemical as possible in my everyday life. How I feel is quite dependent on my surrounding and how I'm living my life. If everything around me is toxic, then I'll feel toxic.
-I drink lots of tea. Not to be healthy, but because I love tea. ^.^
-Finally but not least. I try to keep my mind healthy as well by reading lots of books. Connecting with nature as much as possible. And I have this list on my wall full of reasons why I'm beautiful and why life is worth living. They're reminders so I don't feel lost again. It's the firs thing I see when I wake up, and the last thing I see when I go to sleep.

All of these things have helped greatly with my anxiety and depression.

Things I do that aren't too healthy:
-I sometimes eat too much and end up with an aching stomach xD
-I sometimes don't drink enough water in the day :/ I'm suppose to be drinking bout 64oz a day. Sometimes I'm feeling lazy and get too sucked into gaming to notice I've barely drank 20oz that day.
-I drink alcohol on occasion.
-Sometimes my depression will get the best of me, and I'll start to go into this "lazy" bubble. Though now I bounce right back, and snap out of it.

I don't do much that is super unhealthy. I've always been a healthy/active person. Climbing on trees, eating fruit all day. Things haven't changed much. ^.^
I eat pretty healthy unless I'm with someone or we get take out or something. I walk every day but since it's break I stay up late, sit around, etc.
No, not really.

- I eat alot of junk food and eat about one meal a day. It's not uncommon for me to just eat a bag of chips & nothing else.
- I drink alot of sodas but only when I'm given them. I prefer drinking juices which I guess are a bit healthier but they still have alot of sugar and stuff. With juice I can drink about 4l a day no problem but with soda because of the fizz I drink about 1,5l a day if im given any.
- I have a huge obsession for chocolate and ice cream, especially chocolate ice cream and if given any I eat the box in either 1 or 2 sittings :l
- I don't go outside unless I have to, so I'm on pc 24/7.
- I sleep about 3-4hours on avg for school days but I'm quite used to it so eh.
- I dont exercise

O well, but atleast i eat my veggies :p
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no lol i should really start exercising more...

the only healthy habit I have is the fact that I love water and never drink soda lol
I eat pretty well but I snack from time to time. I don't exercise as much as I should but I do walk 15 to and 15 from school so I at least get 30mins of exercise per day. I wish to get more though. I'm thin so I don't freak out as much, though I finally hit the 120lb mark and I hope to get back down to 115lb again. ._.

My posture is total crap so I hope to fix that too in the new year.
Yes i eat pretty healthy and when my swim season is going on, i swim up to 3 hours a day with an hour of either yoga/running. Practices are typically 5k+ yards in the pool and range from distance to IM to sprinting. I swim fly (butterfly) too which is the most tiring/calorie burning.

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i also have more muscular legs/shoulders/arms and i weigh like 140 on a good day and i'm about 5'7
I have selective eating disorder and literally all I eat is salty junk food. I'm overweight and my asthma is too severe to really do anything about it. I have Fibromyalgia really severe and have been considering doing water therapy to help with the pain.
I'm so unhealthy. I'm kind of a ticking time bomb.
Not really. I have a somewhat sweet tooth and I find it boring to exercise like everyone and their mother do. I do take walks and stuff somewhat regularly though.
I'm overweight and my asthma is too severe to really do anything about it.

Could you maybe try yoga? I have severe asthma and several of my family members have died from it so my parents are pretty panicky about me exercising, but yoga is usually alright with me.
I shouldn't be, but Doctors say I am. I have always been EXTREMELY picky with my foods. Even now at fourteen, I only eat a handful of things. I am ashamed of this and I have decided that my New Years Resolution this year will be to fix this. Limit myself on the things I like and try new things every night. This all started because I decided around 3 years old to become satan spawn and refuse everything from my parents. I was the worst child ever. If you didn't give me food I knew I liked, I would tell myself I didn't like it, take a hesitant bite, and then puke. I fixed this around fifth grade, behavioral issues other than this were fixed a long time ago. I am still picky, but no where near as picky as I was then. So I need to start eating healthier. I also think I eat too much, so I am also gonna limit my portions.

Exercising. No matter how hard I try, I can't keep a good exercise schedule going. I always forget. I would LOVE to get exercising more, but I can't motivate myself to do it. Again, New Years Resolution!

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Forgot to mention: despite all of my bad eating habits, Im moderately skinny. I have a little bit of a beerbelly, but nothing too bad. Good metabolism, I guess?
I always stay in shape/eat the best food I can.

However, weekends with best friends I WILL DRINK. i.e. this weekend lol
No I'm not the very least I could do a lot better!
mhmm yes and no

I don't smoke or drink excessively, I'm a healthy weight and don't have any serious health issues but that's just by luck. I'd really like to try out a gym some time tbh though, if I'm doing a physically demanding job then I am pretty in shape due to it, but if I'm not then I have no motivation to upkeep that lifestyle on my own.

Eating is hard because I have a hard time digesting most foods yet all I eat is junk/things I shouldn't have even though it makes me sick. I've been on a strict diet before and it has made me feel 100% better in every way, yet I still can't bring myself to keep it up. When I move out on my own I'm hoping it might come a little easier because I just won't keep those foods in the house.