Do real life politics have a place in fictional worlds?


Flick Fanboy 🦎💞
Jan 22, 2017
So with the new season of American Horror Story coming September 5th, it brings about a question. Do real life politics have a place in fictional TV shows? From what I know, it's about Donald Trump winning the 2016 election and it brings about harrowing events. This season is ought to cause some controversy.

I personally believe real life politics should stay out of fictional worlds. What are your opinions? Let's keep this civil, everyone.

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Here's the trailer in case anyone is interested:
I personally don't care, it's the producers (writers, other people who work on it) choice. The likelyhood is they will be narrowing down their fan base by including politics, especially if biased or personal, but again, that's their choice. As long as it doesn't cross the line into propaganda, in my opinion.
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yeah sure but it's a bit weird, in just a few years the politicians might b History and not at all relevant anymore so the show/movie/whatever will seem old

fictional works can definitely b about real life politics but uhh obviously they can suck a lot lol
I honestly don't care, but I think by doing that you're alienating part of your fan base which isn't good in the long term.
Yeah, why not? It's interesting to see those takes on it, too.

If you're gonna lose viewers because they can't handle that... you have a too bit easily offended one, lol.
Yeah, why not? It's interesting to see those takes on it, too.

If you're gonna lose viewers because they can't handle that... you have a too bit easily offended one, lol.

this lol

the writers can do w/e they want with their stuff, i don't care. it's fiction. even if its obvious they're trying to make a statement or w/e, it's not real (tho lmao, the story's premise has some truth to it anyway :,) ) we should all consider the messages, whether we agree with it or not. that's what themes in fiction are.. to be analyzed and thought about . also we should stick to real politics instead of fictional politics, that's one of the last things people should be caring about aha
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