do MEOW coupons make playing harder?

specific tasks (fishing, bug catching, etc) are harder when it's a coupon challenge

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resplendent blueberry corndog
Mar 9, 2014
Rainbow Crescent Moon
Dino Plush
Dino Plush
Dino Plush
Shooting Star
Red Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment
so! i have been noticing lately that whenever i get a daily challenge to do a thing that i normally do quite easily and regularly, it's mysteriously hard?

for example: catching a shark. i spent like an hour the other day just looking for fin shadows (in summer, at prime time) and do you know what happened when i pulled the first five out of the water? that's right, ocean sun fish. :|

anyways, does this happen to y'all with stuff? bug catching or item buying or whatnot? do you think the coupons are cursed lmfao

edit: i was joking on the last line guys X) wasn't trying to say i don't enjoy the challenge! i do think the coupons make it more compelling a game and such !
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IT really didn't make it harder for me. I really just do the ones I see the easiest .
i feel like it's not the catching/obtaining that's difficult, but the tasks themselves can be. for example, when a task is to "donate a new fish to the museum" but ive already caught all of the winter fish in town, my options are to find a specific island tour where i can catch fish that i don't have yet (and be able to bring them back with me), or visit a town in a season that has fish spawning that i haven't yet caught. i'm not annoyed by it at all because it pushes me to fill my encyclopedia more and stuff, but that's the difficult aspect imo.
I like them but it's sf annoying how little coupons you get for each task. ugh. If I'm catching a stringfish I deserve way more than 2-3 tbh.
I suppose there are some annoying ones. Like changing things, catching things that may take hours to get, going out long where villagers might change their clothing when I don't notice. That kind of stuff. But other than that no.
It was hard back when I didn't have my Amiibo reader :s I'd skip the time consuming ones and it was hard for me to do some since my town is completely finished... I didn't want to ruin my flowers catching bugs, you know?
i feel like it's not the catching/obtaining that's difficult, but the tasks themselves can be. for example, when a task is to "donate a new fish to the museum" but ive already caught all of the winter fish in town, my options are to find a specific island tour where i can catch fish that i don't have yet (and be able to bring them back with me), or visit a town in a season that has fish spawning that i haven't yet caught. i'm not annoyed by it at all because it pushes me to fill my encyclopedia more and stuff, but that's the difficult aspect imo.

v apt point! always picks the difficult things. getting coupons with my lesser peon, non-mayors is so much easier lol.

yeah, it is proper motivation, though!

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They encourage people to play more.

deffo does ~

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I like them but it's sf annoying how little coupons you get for each task. ugh. If I'm catching a stringfish I deserve way more than 2-3 tbh.

lmfaooo, lord...i know. i keep getting the "catch a tarantula :)" one and i'm like, can ya pay me for my terror and trials??

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I suppose there are some annoying ones. Like changing things, catching things that may take hours to get, going out long where villagers might change their clothing when I don't notice. That kind of stuff. But other than that no.

fair, there !

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It was hard back when I didn't have my Amiibo reader :s I'd skip the time consuming ones and it was hard for me to do some since my town is completely finished... I didn't want to ruin my flowers catching bugs, you know?

yeah!!!! totally get that. and it is a bit frustrating how much easier it is to get coupons for people who have a reader lol, but like, i get the deal of buttering where you're bread's at. envious but not complaining
well I don't think so
I think it's a psychological thing more you want a thing more difficult seems to obtain it it's always that way ^^
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No because I never do incentives. I just get mine from Wisp
Not totally. I just do ones that I have patience for, and I get my daily 5 coupons from Wisp.
I find that most the coupon challenges are easier.
Player 2 in my 5th town got the tarantula challenge. Walked around for 75 minutes and it was sitting on the edge of the ocean cliff waterfall. It moved a little and than went back to the same spot. Sat there and Player 2 caught it. It was the first time Player 2 went tarantula hunting and the fastest I've caught one for a player. The tarantula challenge shouldn't be a one day 2 coupon thing. It should be a week long one and 10 coupons.

The mayor and Player 3 without the coupon challenge took longer. The tarantulas ran pass them and disappeared into trees. Spent 2 hours finding nothing. On the day that both of those player caught one it didn't put up much of a fight. It moved a little and than just sat there. Maybe Nintendo made it easier to catch those bugs with the update.

A lot of the fishing ones I've got really lucky and caught them before the hour was up.
The only one that can get somewhat annoying is when they ask for you to donate to the museum >.<; especially when its fossils. I have already donated all possible fossils (Fossil part of the museum is completed!). Or it will be a fish I have already donated as well. Other than that, I don't mind MEOW coupon dailies :)
I don't really bother with them unless there's some that are relatively easy. Like having Blathers assess fossils, or even planting a flower. But to be honest, I'm just not ever motivated enough to go out of my way to catch sharks or super rare fish, lool.

Personally, I never used MEOW coupons until I got the Sanrio Amiibo cards. I barely ever buy things from the campsite too.
they don't make it harder. Just more engaging. They add an extra layer of gameplay and encourage you to play more.
I honestly really like them. A lot of times they're stuff that's not too hard or things that I was already going to do anyway, so it just makes everything more fun.
Yeah, there are odd ones like when you need to look for trash but you have the beautiful ordinance on. I hate the ones when you have to go to HHA etc etc I feel lazy going there lol. In general, I only do the ones that doesn't take 5 minutes to finish or any that I feel like doing at the moment. I could just bring out any amiibo card and get those 5 from wisp.