Dirty Secrets. Come confess here.

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I've knowingly lead people on back in comprehensive school because I felt to guilty to turn them down right from the start. But it's all good now we are friends and it doesn't happen anymore.

I've kicked a boy in the balls in primary school because he was bullying the younger years.

I've thrown sand in a boys eyes in nursery school when he crushed my sandcastle and he had to go home because he was in pain.

I've done 'things' *wink wink* in public before ;)

I can't stand certain users (I won't say who)

Some art in the museum that gets called 'good' really isn't. Constructive criticism will create better art, not lying.
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I went to the movies with a guy once and he started touching me on my bottom and I guess I secretly liked it?
I've had just a few serious relationships. It always ends up in, like, they see me the only female in this world. And if I recall...I surely get into a new "accident" years later, hurt them like hell after all, and...I know all of them aside from one, who got divorced to his wife and went abroad, are still waiting for me though they do know I won't. I seem to have something that makes them obsessed with me. I know I'm honestly not a nice person...when it comes to love...
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IRL: My anti-depressants killed my sex-drive but somehow if I imagine Jessica Jones I can get in the mood. And I'm not even bi lol.

TBT: The members on here terrify me. I always feel like someone's gonna laugh at me or talk down at me for posting things because a LOT of the members come across as condescending. And after reading all the comments on people lying about bad art being good, I will probably never post my art again lol. I don't wanna find out if mine is the good kind or the "good" kind.
TBT: 90% of the paid art shops on this site shouldn't exist
IRL: im bad at swimming :(
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TBT: The members on here terrify me. I always feel like someone's gonna laugh at me or talk down at me for posting things because a LOT of the members come across as condescending. And after reading all the comments on people lying about bad art being good, I will probably never post my art again lol. I don't wanna find out if mine is the good kind or the "good" kind.

About the art thing, personally I wouldn't worry about it. I'm pretty honest about my opinions and I guess I will only commission artists or say that someones art is good if I do genuinely think it is, but I guess I can't speak for everyone else. We all have our own opinions on what constitutes as good art and bad art, so really it's silly for people to say "I hate it when people on TBT say that someones bad art is good", because how do you KNOW that they are lying? Maybe they do genuinely really like their art? Admittedly, constructive criticism should be more openly accepted, but I think a better message to promote should be to still encourage people to carry on producing art rather than discourage them by flat out saying "your art is bad" or lying, you know?
irl: i have sent pics to ppl online which werent rly child friendly because they asked for it and im not good at being a Thinking Person and i kinda regret it lmao anyways
About the art thing, personally I wouldn't worry about it. I'm pretty honest about my opinions and I guess I will only commission artists or say that someones art is good if I do genuinely think it is, but I guess I can't speak for everyone else. We all have our own opinions on what constitutes as good art and bad art, so really it's silly for people to say "I hate it when people on TBT say that someones bad art is good", because how do you KNOW that they are lying? Maybe they do genuinely really like their art? Admittedly, constructive criticism should be more openly accepted, but I think a better message to promote should be to still encourage people to carry on producing art rather than discourage them by flat out saying "your art is bad" or lying, you know?

Yeah, this is how I feel at least regarding other people's thoughts. I mean, different people find different art pleasing. And I'm totally accepting of constructive criticism. I've been an artist for 5-ish years haha. I know I sucked when I started out and now I'm reaching that point where I'm like... well *maybe* I'm not really that bad. But it worries me to think people are saying my art is good just to spare my feelings.
IRL confessions:

Im into BDSM, even though I'm asexual.(Not going to explain it, it takes too long to)

I'm flirting with 3 people at the same time, so technically I'm cheating?

I'm a very passive aggressive person in my head but if I even punch someone I cry.

I hate a majority of my friends since they only come talk to me when I'm depressed.

I was suggested to do....(lewd)...to myself by one of the people i'm talking to to prove to me I'm not ace.

TBT: I hate alot of people here lmao.

I hate alot of new members

I hate alot of threads

Some people cant take a joke or let something go like???????

People ask too much sometimes.

I dislike the collectibles since they really don't have much of a purpose.

some more I forgot lol.
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I actually think Izzy Reincarnated is funny even tho she annoying af

I agree with one of those two statements

also, i cant tell if memes were always unfunny, or the wee baby members here made them unfunny
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To whomever posted about BDSM, you don't need to be sexual per se; it can be other kinds of roleplay or just enjoy eg. being tied up or whatever fetish one has...

Anyways, I kicked a close friend of mine between his legs once in like idek 8th grade maybe cause I was pissed asf at him lol
I fantasize about renewal. To begin life living unrestrained.

Elsewhere... adopting a new structure. Leaving left what is known and venturing right into unknown regions.
IRL: I'm super pessimistic when you get to know me, but I try to be as positive as I can on the outside.

TBT: I've held a grudge on a couple people for a long time, and I've finally made myself forgive them. They probably still hate or dislike me though, but I honestly don't care. I'm trying to move on, and I hope they can too.
the title says dirty secrets. can i really reveal my dirty secrets? i have some i can share but i dont wanna get banned or something

i cannot easily feel sympathy or empathy for people. i don't express a lot of emotions and tend to fake them, mainly because i'm not sure how to really express myself.

UHHH i remember one time in 5th grade where i was so desperate for somebody to talk to me where i talked about hurting myself and the like. i regretted it because i didn't know how desperate and selfish it was.... i was always the loner of the school and i only had like 1 - 2 friends. even then, i rarely if ever hanged out with anybody because i didn't like hanging out with the other kids.

i'm really scared of authority, or at least very untrustworthy of teachers. even then, i exempt kind and loving teachers and i deeply respect them for actually wanting to do their jobs and doing it well.

i feel like i'm bi, but i feel like i heavily prefer women. humorously enough, all of my fictional crushes were dudes!
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TBT:I hate that place with loads of dramas and salt, why did i entered anyways ._.

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