Different |:| An AC Fanfiction

Dec 6, 2011
I had to write an AC fanfiction for a contest on another forum I'm on, and I decided I'd post the final result on here, chapter-by-chapter. If enough people actually like the first chapter, I'll post the rest. Thanks~! ^.^

Chapter 1

?Here?s your coffee, ma?am.? Brewster said as he handed the cup of piping espresso to me.

?Oh, thank you.? I replied, stirring a packet of sugar into the drink. As I was about to take a sip, the door burst open and in walked a couple of dogs. Among them was Butch, Mac, Bones, and another dog I didn?t recognize.

?Aye, Brewster, let?s get some java up in here!? shouted Mac, yanking a seat from a table.

?You dogs know this cafe is reserved for cats only! Get your tails out of here before I call up the cops!? threatened Brewster, pointing to the sign that read: ?This establishment is reserved for felines only--any canine trespasser shall be punished.?

?Oh, we?re so scared.? Butch wailed sarcastically. He nudged his friends, who all laughed except for the stranger I didn?t know. He just shyly looked away, his eyes meeting mine. His gaze lingered there only for a second, before Bones wrapped his arm around his neck.

?Come on, little bro. Lighten up!? he said to him.

?I don?t think this is a good idea, Bones... I don?t want to get into trouble...? the dog mumbled.

?Walker, you?re always like this! I brought you with us so you could get a little normal like the rest of us. Guess it?s not sinkin? in, huh??

So his name is Walker... I thought. I studied him up and down. He didn?t seem like the typical dog, or at least compared to our society?s standards. He wasn?t rude, obscene or careless like dogs were thought out to be. He looked over to me and I quickly looked away, not wanting him to know that I was watching him. But I could feel his sky blue eyes staring at me, and it was hard to resist returning his stare.

?Let?s bounce, you guys. This place is dead anyways.? commanded Butch, and with that he and his crew left the cafe. Walker was the last to go through the door, and before he left for good he gave me one last glance.

As I went back to stirring my coffee, I thought I saw his face in the dark brown pool. But with the movement of my spoon the image disappeared. Strangely, in a way, I wish it hadn?t.
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That was awesome! I LOVE Walker as well! More, more!! :D :D :D
But a question. If it's reserved for felines only, is the girl/main character a cat?
That was awesome! I LOVE Walker as well! More, more!! :D :D :D
But a question. If it's reserved for felines only, is the girl/main character a cat?

Thank you! And I know right! Walker is just adooorable, haha. And yes, the main character is actually Felicity.

Here's the 2nd chapter:

Chapter 2:

On the walk from the cafe back to my house, I couldn’t help but think of the dog I saw. He was so intriguing from the moment my chestnut eyes met his ice cold gaze. Even though I knew nothing about him, he was far more interesting than any of the guys my parents tried to set me up with. They were always trying to introduce me to the other cats of Mapleton. If they knew I was caught up on some dog they would flip out. In our village, cats and dogs were not to be associated. It was considered wrong. I didn’t see anything wrong with it, but apparently society thought different.

“Ah, Felicity, there you are!” my mom chimed from the door of our house, interrupting my thoughts. I looked up, startled to see that I had already got to my house. “Come inside, we have a surprise for you!”

“Oh, great, is it another set-up?” I mumbled under my breath, following my mom into the house.

Sure enough, there sat Kid Cat at our breakfast table. When I entered the room, he stood up and took off his racing helmet for the first time I’ve seen. He set it down on the table and greeted me. “Oh, Felicity, you look great, as ever.”

“Thank you, Kid.” I replied politely, not taking the complement to heart. The thing about Kid Cat was that he was one to smooth talk the ladies to get whatever he wanted. He had a rep as a player, which was the type of cat I did not want to be friends with, much less be in a relationship with.

“Well, I see you two have already met,” started my mom, cheerfully clapping her hands together. “I’ll just leave you two together to... chat, hehe.” she giggled before leaving the room.

I looked at Kid, who was admiring his reflection his helmet, and excused myself before chasing after my mom. I grabbed her shoulder and asked, “What are you thinking?!”

“What are you talking about, Felicity?” she responded, holding her paw up in confusion.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, mom! Setting me up with Kid Cat--he’s notorious for being a ladies’ man and self-centered, you know.”

“Oh, just give him a chance! You always find a reason to not like the cats we set you up with.”

“That’s because they all have reasons for me not to like them!” I retorted. I spun around and marched back into the kitchen, angry that my mom couldn’t see what was happening. “I’m sorry, Kid Cat, but you should probably leave now...” I said in the most polite way I could think of.

“What? But it’s so soon,” he said, strutting over to me. “and we’ve barely talked.” he whispered in my ear as he leaned against the wall in front of me. Something told me it wasn't talking that he wanted to do.

“Uh... Maybe we can do this another time?” I tried to offer, knowing that there would be no other time.

“But right now is so perfect..” he said seductively, drawing in closer until we were nose to nose. I could feel his whiskers brush against my fur. This was just so uncomfortable, and I didn’t know what to do to stop the situation from getting any more uncomfortable. Suddenly, he closed his eyes and pursed his lips, obviously trying to kiss me. I had to act fast.

Pushing him away abruptly I said, “Okaay, I think it’s time you leave.” Before he could say anything more, I shoved him out the door and threw his dumb helmet out with him. Then I ran to my room and slammed the door, sitting down at my desk. I buried my head in my arms, wanting to just relax and get away. I looked at the window, noticing that it was already growing dark. The stars were just starting to show, and the wind lightly blew the curtains away from the open window. I glanced back to my door, making sure no one was there, and I silently crawled out the window, escaping the moment.
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I love, I love! I love how simple it is, I need more!! :D

Here's more to satisfy your need, haha. :3

Chapter 3:

I ran from the house, wanting to get away as fast as I could. I didn’t care where I ended up, I just wanted to be out of that house for a while. I ran and ran until I reached the edge of a forest. I continued to move through the forest until I made it to a clearing. The moonlight lit up the small opening, and the night sky was reflected on the large lake in the center. Surrounding the lake were wildflowers, blowing in the breeze. “Wow...” I gasped, taking in the natural beauty. I sat down at the edge of the pool, studying my reflection in the water when I noticed another reflection in the lake. I looked up to find a figure standing behind me. “I-” I began, when I was interrupted.

“What are you doing here?” they asked.

“I-I’m sorry, I was just e-exploring and...” I stopped as the figure stepped out of the shadows and into the silver moonlight. Immediately I recognized the dog to be the one from the cafe, Walker.

“Hey, you’re that cat from the cafe, aren’t you? he questioned.

“Uh.. yeah... or, at least I think so...” the words clumsily tumbled out of my mouth. For some reason I was getting nervous around this dog.

“Oh, sorry about my friends. They’re kind of reckless... I prefer not to get involved in their stuff.” he explained.

“Oh, I see. Well, my name’s Felicity, just to let you know.”

“Hi there, Felicity, haha. I’m Walker.”

“I know.” I said quickly. Immediately I wished I hadn’t, because he looked at me with a puzzled expression. “I mean, I heard your brother call you that at the cafe earlier.” I added.

“Oh, so you were listening in, huh?” he asked, placing his hands on his hips.

“I-I... Well...” I stuttered.

“Don’t worry, I’m just kidding, haha.” he laughed. He stuck his paw out for me to help me up, and I grabbed it. As soon as I did, I swear I felt a spark. “So, how’d you get here anyways?” he asked.

“Well, I kind of snuck out of my house,”

“Nice, haha. If you mind me asking, why?”

“I was just fed up with everything... my mom and dad trying to set me up with all these cats that I don’t want anything to do with, them not understanding how what they’re doing is wrong... everything.”

“Wow, sounds tough. I’m sorry.”

“Oh, no need to apologize. It’s my parents fault for being so oblivious. But anyways... why are you out here?” I returned the question.

“Well, this is my territory, so...”

“Wait, you mean I’m on the dogs’ side of the town?”

“Yup, you didn’t know?” Walker said.

“Oh, man. I didn’t even realize... I’m sorry! I guess I should leave before any trouble comes up...” I decided out loud.

“No, no! Stay, please. You’re fun to talk to. And, I’m not gonna tell anyone--it can be our little secret.” Walker insisted. On the outside, I agreed contently. But on the inside, I was practically exploding with excitement. I mean, he was breaking the rules just to stay and talk with me. He could get into so much trouble for this, and he knew that. Yet he stayed and risked it all so he could have a conversation with me. I felt so special!

We talked for what seemed like hours, and when I got back home the sun was just peeking above the horizon. When I crawled back through the window, I noticed that nothing in my room had changed. Of course, I thought, they didn’t even realize I was gone. I threw myself onto my bed and almost fell asleep as soon as my head touched my pillow. There was no need to dream tonight--tonight was practically a dream in itself.
That was so adorable! I wonder what;s going to happen next? Maybe a fight with Walker's older brother and the rest of the dogs?
I'm so excited for more!
Chaptaa Fooour~ :

The shouts woke me up from my peaceful slumber.

“Who are you accusing, you rotten mutt?!”

“That kid of yours, you pampered fat cat!”

What? Who is that? Are they talking about me? Why are they here? A million questions in my mind, zero answers. I quickly ran a comb through my cinnamon locks and threw something decent on before racing downstairs.

“Felicity! Get down here!” demanded my father in a not so pleased tone.

“I’m here! I’m here!” I said, skidding to a stop in our kitchen. Standing in the doorway was Bones, with Mac a distance behind him. Already I knew what was going on.

“What’s this about you sneaking out with that Walker boy?” my dad snapped.

“I-” Before I could get out 2 words my mom interrupted angrily.

“Don’t you know any better? He’s a filthy dog, for God’s sake! After all the things I do to try and help you find a nice boy, you decide you want a dog!?” words fired out of her mouth like cannonballs from a loose cannon. She was pissed, no doubt.

“Mom, Dad, it wasn’t on purpose!” I cried, desperately trying to figure out how I could get out of this mess.

To that, Bones snorted and said, “Typical kitties.” with a smirk drawn under his already snarling nose.

“Can you all just let me explain?” I pleaded with a demanding tone.

“Go ahead. There’s nothing more I’d like than a reasonable explanation.” My dad said, stressing the word reasonable. I wasn’t sure if he was being sarcastic or not.

Before speaking, I took a deep breath. “Alright. Last night, I snuck out of the house.” Despite a shocked gasp from my mom and a look of betrayal spread across on my father’s face, I continued. “I just wanted to get away from all the stress at home. The thing was, I didn’t have a certain place I was going. I was just walking to anywhere, you know? So, eventually, I came to a lake. I stopped there to gather my thought, and then Walker popped up behind me. I never knew he was there! This wasn’t some kind of well-thought out, arranged meeting. I’ve never even met him before this!” I cried. “But we started to talk, and soon he told me that I was on the dogs’ side of town.” I truthfully stated. My eyes darted to the side, and I realized that I couldn’t tell them about how Walker had urged me to stay. Not only would I get my tail beat by my parents, but I’d also be getting him into trouble. So instead I said, “I didn’t know that before, so after he told me I left immediately and came back home.” I finished my long story with a sigh.

“So you don’t deny you were in our territory?” barked Mac, interrupting the period of silence after my explanation.

“No, I don’t deny it.” I replied, staring directly into Mac’s eyes. They were dark, colorless, and glittered with some sort of fury.

“That breaks the laws all in itself!” he yelled, approaching the door. Bones had to hold him back to assure he wouldn’t take out his frustration on us. It must take a lot of strength to not rip my whiskers off, I thought, realizing how much I must’ve enraged the canines.

“Look, now, I know my daughter acted irresponsibly by being in your territory. We’ll deal with her later,” my dad assured, pausing to shoot me a look full of shame. “that being said, there’s no need to involve the police in this. It was a simple misunderstanding--she didn’t know where she was.” I gulped as my dad finished his words, not sure that they would be convincing enough for the two brutes standing in our doorway.

But sure enough, after a while of stressful waiting on our end, the dogs decided to leave it alone.

“But,” Bones started, coming closer to me. “if you ever, so much as take a step onto our territory one more time,” he growled, advancing to the point where we were nose to nose. “I’ll be sure to personally skin your fur.” he threatened, placing a claw underneath my chin and forcing me to jerk my head up in fear. “And stay away from my brother.” he snarled, before leaving our house with the slam of a door.

Now I was left in the ‘company’ of my furious parents, whose cold eyes were locked on mine. I gulped as I loosened the collar on my t-shirt. I forced myself to give them a stiff, fake grin. Oh great...
Wonderful! I really enjoyed reading it! When are you going to post the fifth chapter? :D
Thanks for the great feedback guys! Here's chapter five:

Chapter Five:

I guess being locked up in my room all day wasn't that bad. I mean, there was lots of stuff for me to do. Like... read, and wright, and draw, and... oh who am I kidding, I thought to myself.

After my little stunt of sneaking out, I was presented with a grounding that lasted for 2 weeks. Not to mention an extremely loud lecture from my parents about following the rules.

I sighed as I buried my head in my pillow. I let out one muffled scream, desperate for somebody to hear me. But, of course, no body noticed.


My head jerked up at the sound. I grabbed my pillow and pulled it closer to my body, trying to use it as a shield in case I needed one. Probably not the best body guard, but oh well. After a while of cautiously waiting crouching on my bed, another sound startled me.


This time I knew what had made the sound. It was a small rock that had been thrown at my window. "Who in the..." I started, walking carefully over to the window. I peeled the curtains away from the window, revealing, of all animals, Walker. "Great." I said sarcastically. The one thing I needed was another meet-up with him. But a part of me was excited. Pushing the window up, I stuck my head out and mouthed the word 'What?'.

Immediately he noticed that I wasn't supposed to be talking to him. But that didn't stop him. He cupped his paws around his mouth and replied, in a hushed shout, "I'm sorry about my brother! He found out when I came home late the other night."

I glanced back at my door, then motioned for Walker to come inside. Once he had crawled through the window, we tiptoed to my bed. I sat down quietly, hearing the springs squek slowly. "Why did you come?" I asked curiously in a whisper.

"I wanted to apologize," he said. "for my brother, Bones. I begged him not to go over to your house, but he's pretty stubborn." he added, with a sympathetic look on his face. "If it's any consolation, I also got grounded."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to see you. And no punishment can hold me back from that."

I blushed, my cheeks turning rosy red. Did this mean he had feelings for me? No duh, smart one, my thoughts replied. For a second, all I could do was sit there speechless, staring at his eyes. I didn't mind, though. I could just drown in the depths of his blue gaze. He extended a paw and brushed back a loose wisp of my dark ginger curls, grazing his touch across my cheek. This just made me blush even more, the pink rash spreading through my entire face. My whiskers tingled with glee.

"W-Well... is that all you came here for?" I said stupidly, breaking the silence.

"Yes, but..." Walker began, his eyes trailing off somewhere else.

I tilted my head to one side, trying to follow his gaze but it seemed as if his eyes were fixated on something not present. "But what?" I continued.

"I also wanted to tell you something." he said, snapping out of his reverie.

"And that would be?" I asked, still in a hushed tone. My paw gently moved over his.

"It's just... I feel a connection to you, Felicity." he started, staring directly into my dark brown eyes. "I know we haven't known each other for very long, but the second I saw you in that cafe I felt something." he added shyly.

"I feel the same exact way, Walker! I didn't even know you, yet after we saw each other at the cafe I couldn't stop thinking about you. I don't normally believe in love at first sight but I-" I would've said more, but the fact that Walker had kissed me right then and there didn't help me to speak. "I-I-" I stuttered after he pulled away. "Well, that was fun." I finally got out.

"Yeah," he laughed. "Wanna do it again?" he asked jokingly. I responded by grabbing his shoulders and leaning in to kiss him once more. Our lips met, and the sparks flew. He hugged my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. This was truly a dream. Pausing for air was the waking up after a good fantasy, and kissing once more was falling back asleep to resume the dream. Walkers paws crawled up my back until he had hold of my shoulders. He gently pushed me down onto the bed, his body moving foward with mine.

Soon, I had no control of my actions. My hormones overtook the realistic thoughts in my brain. Before I knew it, I found myself unbuttoning his shirt. Then I snapped back into reality. Shaking my head to regain consciousness, I blinked my eyes and pulled away from his embrace. "I-I'm sorry." I apologize, looking down at my feet.

"What for?" Walker questioned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"I can't do this."

"No, it's okay, it's my fault. I shouldn't have come in the first place, it will only result in trouble for the both of us." he said, standing up and buttoned his shirt once again.

"I don't mind getting in trouble if it's for you," I insisted, standing up with him so that we were eye to eye.

He only turned away, and paced towards the window. "I'm sorry, Felicity, but I should go now." he said, one leg already out the window.

"No! You can stay! Please!" I pleaded, my once quiet voice turning into a loud, desperate shout.

He looked back at me for a second with his ice cold stare, his eyes clouded with pain. What happened? What went wrong? I wondered, displaying my confusion through my expression. Then he hopped out of the window, into the shadows of the night, and fled the scene.

Footsteps raced up the stairs and down the hall, and soon my door was opened and the space was taken by my mom. "What happened? Who screamed?" she asked, looking around the room.

I turned to face her with a single tear dripping from my eyes. Stopping it's trail, I wiped it off and sniffled. "Nothing," I said weakly. "I just woke up from a bad dream."
Haha, sorry for the wait, here's the next chapter:

Chapter Six:

WARNING: In this chapter, there is language that may not be suitable for all ages included. Read at your own risk, please.

Those two weeks went by faster than I thought they would. Granted, they were wasted away by crying, and lots of tissue wiping, and even now that I was free to do whatever I wished again the tears still fell.

I'm not really sure what happened that night when Walker came. I still can't recall what went wrong. It was just like... something snapped. And after that, he was completely different. I hadn't seen him since the incident, and was glad. If we were to somehow encounter each other, it would just result in even more tears. My cheeks were already numb from the salty droppings of my eyes.

As I rose out of bed and stretched, the sunlight beamed through the curtains, as if to greet me. I blinked my eyes as they adjusted to the new brightness, and stood up from my bed. I drew the curtains to the sides, allowing all of the sunlight to pour in. I stood in front of the window, admiring my few. It's a beautiful day today, I thought to myself. I decided to stop sulking in my room and to go outside and enjoy the day.

Sauntering over to my closet, I picked out an outfit. A peach, floral print sundress with a zipper down the front. I might as well dress nice if I want to feel nice. I paired the dress with a pair a gladiators. Sitting down at my vanity table, I grabbed my comb and ran it through my cinnamon colored hair. Staring at the mirror, I could've sworn I saw someone else in the reflection.

"Felicity, you look great!" Rosie chimed as I walked towards her. We were in the town park, the only place dogs and cats were allowed to mix and mingle. No dogs really came there, though, as it was usually inhibited by cats.

"Thanks, Rosie," I said half-heartedly. We both sat down at a park bench and began to talk. We hadn't seen each other in what seemed like ages, so there was much catching up to do.

"Oh, Rosie..." said a cat walking up to us. It was Lolly. I had never talked to Lolly much, but word around was that she was quick the backstabber.

"Hey, Lolly! What's wrong?" asked Rosie, standing up and hugging her friend.

Lolly looked at Rosie, then sharply turned to me, and back to Rosie. She whispered something in her ear. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I had a strong feeling it was about me. I looked around me, feeling uncomfortable. Then I heard Lolly hiss the word 'homewrecker'. That's when Rosie spun around and looked at me with shock on her face.

"Felicity?! A dog?!" gasped Rosie, looking disgusted.

"What? I don't know..."

Lolly cut me off obnoxiously, and meowed in the most stuck-up voice, "Oh please, Felicity. We all know your secret. Words gone around."

"Word? Of what?" I demanded, now standing up, my paws clenched together.

"Word of you, Felicity, the homewrecker." she lingered on the last word, dramatizing it. "We know what you did with that dog, Walker." she snapped. "Even though he is a mutt, you shouldn't go around stealing people's boyfriends like that."

"What?!" I screamed, baffled out of my own mind.

"Walker is Portia's boyfriend, smart one. Don't act you don't know."

"Really, Felicity? A filthy mutt?!" Rosie yelled, making a huge scene.

That was when Portia, the dalmation Lolly was referring to, moping into the park and plopped herself on a bench. She looked up with her melancholic gaze, and her eyes locked on me. Suddenly, sadness turned to rage. "You!" she barked, jumping up.

"Well, I'd hate to interrupt a good fight," Lolly snickered, stepping off into the sidelines.

"YOU ROTTEN CAT! TRYING TO SEDUCE MY BOYFRIEND!" Portia screamed, her eyes glowing with hatred.

"I-I-I-... I didn't know you two were together!" I assured honestly. "And he made the move on me, I swear! He came to my house to tell me how much he loved me!" I told her, and immediately I wanted to retract my words.

"YOU LYING SKANK!" Portia growled, raising her paw to me. That was when she slapped my face. I wouldn't have hurt so bad if she hadn't had such sharp claws. The pain was searing, and mixed with salty tears, it stung ten times more than a bee sting.

There was nothing more for me to say. I just looked at her with the most confusion and pain, and then retreated to my home, my paw covering my bloody cheek.

I burst through the door and ran to my room, not saying a word to my puzzled parents. Locking the door behind me, I went straight to the mirror to examine my wound. I carefully removed my paw, and screeched. Her claws really sank in, because there were three small gashes in my face, and scarlet liquid oozed out of each. Parts of my fur were matted with blood. I turned to the door, where my parents were madly pounding their paws against the wood, and then back to the mirror. Instead of seeing my reflection, I saw the words 'homewrecker', 'skank', 'whore', and like-wise scribbed in big black letters.

That was when my world turned black.
I love this story. You should upload the whole thing to fanfiction.net and link us. XD
I also like to write, but have troubles writing fanfiction, even though I love to read it lol. Great job! :D
I love this story. You should upload the whole thing to fanfiction.net and link us. XD
I also like to write, but have troubles writing fanfiction, even though I love to read it lol. Great job! :D

Thanks! And yeah, haha, I plan to put it up once I'm finally done. ^.^
Fanfics are really easy once you get a good plot going, 'cause you don't need to make any characters. But it is pretty hard getting a good idea for a plot. for me, whenever I get a good plot and actually start writing the story (fanfic or not) I always want to make changes because I start hating my plot, haha. XD

Chapter 7:

I woke up to find animals in coats as a white as clouds and masks as blue as the sky poking and prodding my body. I wanted to scream, but before I could even get a whisper out one of them held a cup-like object up to my face and I fell back into my slumber immediately.

When I woke up again, there were no strangers touching me with shiny tools, no one to hold a mask to my face. It was just me, lying on a stiff bed in an all white room. I sat up and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. Then I noticed the bracelet on my wrist. It read 'Patient 092611'. I had another bracelet on, this one with a thin tube leading to an IV drip next to my bed. That's when I realized where I was.

I looked to my left to find a window that revealed the rest of the hospital. I didn't like it. I felt exposed. Like anyone could come and watch me sleep. I didn't like it one bit. There were chairs next to the window, which I assumed were meant to be occupied by family members or friends. No kin were waiting here for me, and especially no friends. Lolly would make sure of that, I knew. I wondered if she knew that I was in the hospital. I wondered if anybody knew. Would they feel sorry for me? Probably not, I thought to myself. You're the town hoe now, Felicity. No one has any pity for the likes of you.

For the next hour or so I spent my time looking out the window, watching the visitors of the hospital pace down the halls. I observed every soul that treaded the clean linoleum tiles of the hospital. Many animals calmy walked to their destination, carrying flowers, balloons, or any gift of the sort. Others stood outside crying, soaking in the bad news that was being given to them like a sponge absorbs water. More professional animals, that would be the doctors and nurses, hurriedly yet organizedly saw to their patients.

In the hospital, there were no rules separating dogs and cats. Everyone was equal here. And everyone had something in common. Whether it was that they were visiting a loved one, mourning a deceased one, or even being a patient themselves, everyone was alike. There was no time for judgement in the hospital.

My eyes opened, crusty from their rest, to see the white door creaking open. One glance to the clock revealed that it was late, much too late for a visitor. Let the door still opened, and a paw swiftly turned the lights off with the flick of a switch. I couldn't see anything, save the objects in front of the window, which let in light from the halls. But whoever was there thought of that, and made sure to stay out of the light as they let down the privacy blinds.

"Who are you?" I croaked, my voice hoarse and sleepy. The shadow paced over to the side of my bed and sat down at the foot of it.

"It's Walker." the shadow whispered. I nearly choked on my own spit when I heard this, and I almost ripped the tube out of the IV drip with the jerk of my arms. I was no longer sleepy and unaware. My eyes widened and I was suddenly alert.

"Why are you here?!" I asked in a somewhat loud tone.

"Shh... Don't be so loud." he urged, holding a paw up to my mouth and glancing at the door.

Pushing his paw away from me, I hissed bitterly, "Don't tell me what to do. I'm the one in pain, here."

He paused for a moment, then nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, alright. Anyways, I have a lot of explaining to do. And I realize that this may not be the best moment to do so," he stopped, looking at the clock "but it's now or never." he added, with a certain urgency in his voice.

"Yeah, you sure do. Like why you left that night, why I haven't seen you in weeks, why everyone's calling me a skank, and how you had a girlfriend!" I retorted, my voice cracking at the end. Even though I couldn't see anything, I felt his blue eyes bore into my soul. The eyes I once thought I could drown in. Now the invitation seemed more inviting but for all the wrong reasons.

Walker sighed, before saying in a disappoined voice, "Where to begin..." I saw his shadowy arm rise and scratch his head.

"How about you start at the beginning." I suggested, wanting to know everything.

"That's a good idea." he said. He took a deep breath, was silent for a moment, as if recalling everything that had happened in the past few weeks, and then began his story. "When I saw you for the first time in the cafe, I was stunned. I had never seen anyone that striking. I didn't know your name or anything about you, but I wanted that to change. I didn't think I could do anything about it, because, as you know, society prevents me from doing that. Or so I thought it did.

"I never thought in a million years that I'd see you again. So naturally, when I saw you at the lake, I was shocked. Pleasantly shocked. Might I add that before I saw you in the cafe I had a girlfriend, but that'll be more important later on. Anyways, when we talked, I hung on every word you said. Everything you told me was interesting. You could've been lecturing me about quantam physics or something and I could've been hooked." I wanted to laugh, but I knew that if I did I'd be letting my guards down. So instead I kept a straight face and giggled inside my head. "During that meeting, I realized that I felt a spark. I guess you could say, I had a crush on you." He paused, and I could feel him stare directly into my eyes. "And I hated myself for it." he continued. "I hated myself because I knew that if I told my girlfriend, not only would she be heartbroken, but she'd most likely tell everyone and get you and me in trouble.

"But she wasn't the one who found out. No, my brother realized how late I came home and hammered me about what I'd done. I finally cracked, and no sooner than that did he grab Mac to accompany him to your side of town. I was so afraid of what would happen to you. I didn't want you to get in trouble because of me wanting you to stay. I thought of it as my fault. So I went to go check on you to see how much you were in trouble. I didn't plan on anything else happening. Just me apologizing for asking you to stay, and then leaving. But I got so caught up in just being in your company that I had to tell you how I felt. So I did. Which was a huge mistake. Because I wanted to wait until I had broken up with Portia before I started things like that... Then I kissed you... And the rest happened.

"The reason I left after you... you know, was not because of you. In fact, if it wasn't for Portia I would've stayed for more," he laughed. "believe me. I left because I didn't want things to get too far too soon. When I came back home, Portia just so happened to be at the park. She saw me walk out of your side of town, and immediately questioned me. She couldn't get answers out of me, so she asked Bones about it. Luckily, she didn't tell him about it. She just wanted to find out your name and if anything had happened. She wasn't too upset, until I broke up with her. Then she got really mad. She started telling everyone bad things about you... It was horrible. I apologize for her, because I know she won't do it herself. Then I heard that she slapped you. I got mad, but it was nothing compared to the way I felt when I realized that she had ended you up in the hospital." He stopped and brushed his paw across my cheek, feeling the large bandage that covered up my wound. I winced, surprised at his touch, but found it soothing.

"I'm so sorry, Felicity." he continued. "My biggest mistake was kissing you. Not that I didn't want to, but I shouldn't have." I heard him sniffle, and realized that he was crying. For some reason, I started crying a little, too.

I sat up and accepted his apology. "I forgive you. It wasn't your fault at all." I reassured. I wanted to add that kissing me wasn't a mistake, but couldn't bring myself to make me that vulnerable.
I know, double post, but oh well. Y.O.L.O, *****.
Bahaha, just kidding. Hate that phrase. =.= Anyways... Chapter 8!

Chapter 8:

The doctor told me that I had to stay in the hospital for a month. A surprisingly long time considering my minor wound. I would've gotten angry that I'd have to stay glued to a bed for that long, but the fact that Walker came and visited me late every night I was there made it worth it.

Each night he came he had to do his routine of turning the lights off and shutting the curtains, just to make sure that nobody saw us. Not that it wasn't allowed, we just didn't want any more rumors to spread around. When he came, he always brought a tiny lamp. That way we could see everything we needed to see. He'd bring game boards for us to play with, books for him to read to me, and he even once brought a DVD player so we could watch a movie together. He was there with me every step of the recovery. And when we were done with all the various activities, he'd stay with me until I fell asleep. Every night he stayed on the foot of the bed waiting for me to give in to the amount of my sleepiness. Once, he accidentily fell asleep on the end of the bed while he was watching me. He had to wake up early so he could leave the hospital without being seen.

It was late. 11:30 pm to be exact. The time that Walker usually arrived at the hospital. Sure enough, the door opened within a few minutes, and in creeped Walker, shutting off the lights routinely. Then he hopped onto the end of the bed, which we nicknamed Walker's side, and turned on his little lamp. I blinked my eyes and looked at him, smiling. He returned my grin, his eyes glowing with warmth despite their cool tone.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked brightly, sitting up and stretching.

"Good question, haha." Walker replied, rubbing his head. "I had to leave quickly tonight, so I didn't have time to grab something." he admitted.

"Oh, it's fine. I guess we can just talk. The fun part is having you here!" I said.

"Sounds good. What should we talk about?" Walker asked.

"Uh... anything I guess. How are things in Mapleton? My butt has been stapled to this bed so I wouldn't know." I remarked jokingly.

"Haha, they've been good, I guess. No more drama's been stirring up, that's for sure."

"It's cause they don't have their neighborhood hoe to spice up their drama." I joked, yet there was a hint of truthfulness in my voice.

"Don't say that!" Walker gasped, knowing I was joking but still unsure.

"We all know it's true. As soon as I get out of this hospital thing will be back to normal." I sighed. I looked down at my lap, and rubbed my neck.

"The only drama that's gonna happen is me kicking whoever makes fun of you's ass." Walker said, with an edge to his voice.

I looked up into his reassuring eyes and felt safe. He's been with me every day since I've been in this dumb hospital, what's gonna stop him from protecting me outside of it? "Thanks, buddy." I laughed, crawled closer to him so I could hug him. He returned the embrace gladly.

When we pulled apart, he looked confused. Then shook his head.

"What is it?" I questioned, tilting my head in a puzzled way.

"Oh, it's nothing." he sighed.

"Walker. Greye." I said in a mock dramatic voice. "You are lying through your teeth!" I playfully put my paws on my hips.

He laughed, then looked at me more seriously. "It's not a big deal, but..."

"But nothing!" I retorted.

"Okay, okay. I just want to be sure we're on the same page here. Just what are we exactly?" he asked.

"Oh," I responded. "Well, we're friends, of course!"

"But is that it?"

I was silent. I knew the answer, but it just sounded so weird to say out loud.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have asked..." Walker sighed, looking away.

"No," I started, grabbing his shoulder. "it's just... I'm not the best at explaining how I feel." I admitted. "To be honest, we're definetly more than friends."

To this, Walker smiled and replied, "Felicity, you don't know how perfect the past week has been."

"Trust me, I know, I've been here! There's nothing more perfect than spending every night with the guy you l-"
I stopped. Was I about to use the 'L' word there? I was! Am I in love? I asked myself. I've never felt this way for anyone else, that's for sure.

"What was that?" Walker asked.

"Uh..." I mumbled, shaking my head. "Walker, how do you know when you're in love?" I questioned. "On a completely unrelated topic, of course." I added quickly, lying completely.

"Well, I'd say when you can't stop thinking about somone." Check. "When you cherish every second you get to spend with someone, and would do anything to be with them." Check. "When you feel different every time you're around them, in a good way." Check, check check. Crap, I'm in love! This feeling... I hate it. But I love it, at the same time!

"Walker," I began, words flowing out of my mouth suddenly. "I-I-I... I think I'm in l-" I didn't even have to say it. He knew. Because when I started my sentence, he quickly grabbed my shoulders, pulled me closer and kissed me passionately. It was as if he was answering, 'I know.'

As his lips were locked on mine, I noticed how similar this situation was to our previous one, in which he bailed and left through the window. This was a chance to re-do that moment, I realized, coming to an epiphany.

His paws wrapped around my body, as if he were a python and I were his prey. My hands coiled around his neck, my legs around his body. Lips against lips, fur against fur, it was perfect. I pulled away and opened my eyes, still in his embrace. I looked into his eyes, his deep, blue eyes that sparkled in the sun and that were full of life. I knew for sure now. I was in love. I whispered into his ear, "Would you break the rules with me?"

"I already have, and I always will." He responded brushing my hair away from my face. "Would you?"

"Already have, always will." I replied mockingly, yet truthfully. "Would you risk everything for me?"

"Yes, everyone and everything." he answered, lightly in my ear.

I pulled him closer, my hands still around his neck, until we were nose to nose. "Stay with me." I whispered.

"What?" he asked, confused.

I moved down until he was forced to move down as well, and rested against the bed with him above me. "Stay with me. For the night." I repeated.

"Of course, I always do." he said, gazing into my eyes.

"No, I mean for the whole night. Sleep here, with me. Please." I explained, holding him tighter.

His eyes lit up, as he realized my words' meaning. "Of course!" he answered.

I smiled and said, "Great." Then I kissed him again, our lips moving together in sync. I rolled over to my side, forcing him to do so as well until we were parallel on the bed. He pulled the covers over himself and I and turned to face me, placing his arms around my waist as if to protect me in his hold. He kissed me once more on the lips delicately, and didn't pull away.

He never pulled away.
(Sorry I poofed!)

6 and 7 were amazing. In fact, I felt my eyes flush with tears in the middle of 7. I felt so bad...I almost literally cried.

8...just wow. You have talent. I can't wait for more...I'm going to cry again! So beautiful! They're in love!!!! ;O;