Critique-give me advice on my art!


attention gamers,
May 22, 2015
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Flower Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Heart Glow Wand
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
I know my art isn't that good compared to most people, but I use a free drawing app and I use my finger to draw, so you can't expect the best. Despite that I'd still like some advice on my art! I'd like to start maybe drawing for people (for free)!







I can take criticism... probably.
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First thing I think you should work on are joints. Legs and arms aren't like noodles. Anatomy is key! Study the way people are built before anything else.

I like that your artwork is flowy, where as I see some novice artists make their art pretty stiff. All in all, your artwork is very amateurish and I hope you won't take too much criticism to heart.
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Yeah, I don't really focus on joints haha. I guess my art is a bit more cartoony? I dunno
But thanks for the advice!
Definitely go ahead and start practicing with other people's mayors! :) Also remember to work on shading - even cartoons have shadows and highlights!

One major note though is your first drawing looks awfully similar to the first drawing posted by Buggy, in the thread you commented in about an hour ago. I'm not accusing you of anything, but because you used the same brushes (after commenting and saying you recognized the program) and the girl is holding a balloon too, there could be some misunderstandings! :c So be careful about that, as an artist!
Definitely go ahead and start practicing with other people's mayors! :) Also remember to work on shading - even cartoons have shadows and highlights!

One major note though is your first drawing looks awfully similar to the first drawing posted by Buggy, in the thread you commented in about an hour ago. I'm not accusing you of anything, but because you used the same brushes (after commenting and saying you recognized the program) and the girl is holding a balloon too, there could be some misunderstandings! :c So be careful about that, as an artist!

Hehe, I don't mind that. Tayasui Sketches has a very limited amount of brushes, even if you get the full version. ^^;
Anywho, these are really neat-looking! I like the details on the skirt in the last one. However, a bit of hair in the back of the head in the first one could make it look a bit more natural. The legs perhaps should be a bit farther apart, but these are still ultimitely cute!
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Hehe, I don't mind that. Tayasui Sketches has a very limited amount of brushes, even if you get the full version. ^^;
Anywho, these are really neat-looking! I like the details on the skirt in the last one. However, a bit of hair in the back of the head in the first one could make it look a bit more natural. The legs perhaps should be a bit farther apart, but these are still ultimitely cute!

I'm glad you don't mind :) and thanks for the advice, everyone!
I'm about to add some more!

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I added more, these are more like just sketches though.
:eek: I think I have Tayasui Sketches on my iCloud :p I couldn't figure out how to work it so I deleted it XD

Looks like I have it


Yeah don't mind the wallpaper either hehe.
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If you want to improve, you really need to do some anatomy studies. Even with cartoony styles, you got to have that knowledge base to work off of. Look at some of your favorite cartoons. They're simplified, but the knowledge is still there. Having the knowledge will come through in your art and it will be a lot stronger. "Learn the rules, then learn how to break them." That sort of thing, ya know?

As for the watermelon, make sure you look up reference. The dark stripes on a watermelon run from end to end along the length of the melon. Always look up reference for what you are drawing until you start to develop that mental library of images.

Most importantly, keep practicing! Repetition is the key to getting better at anything! Good luck to you! Keep up the good work!
as others are saying, please practice anatomy. and maybe start with pencil and paper so you have some more control.
Practice anatomy and shading as other people had said. I'd recommend you practice on paper though as it's not as difficult and it gives you more control. Other than that, I do like your art a lot. I think it's pretty cute and I'd like it if you could draw my mayor sometime. :)
Thanks everyone for the advice and compliments, looks like I really have to work on anatomy lol.
Your anatomy needs work,other then that, not too shabby

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Also I recommend paper